Along the way, all kinds of casually dressed girls could be seen everywhere, elves, Amazons, Terrans and even orcs, and before they had gone far, Fapiru and Bell’s faces were already covered with various lip prints.

“Oops, hurry over!” Not far ahead, several men had already surrounded Life and Chikusa.

Welf hurriedly ran over, followed by Lililuka.

Just as Fapiru and Bell were about to leave, a bell rang.

“Everyone has been waiting for a long time, our store will be open from now on!” With the voice of the female clerk, a large number of crowds surged, and Fapiru and Bell were directly swept into the store by the crowd.

On the other hand, with the arrival of Welf and Lililuka, Life and Chikusa finally got rid of the entanglement.

“Drag your blessing, saved, really thank you!” At the railing on the side, Mei and Chikusa bowed to thank them.

“But why are Welf and Lily here?” Life said with some curiosity.

“It’s not that I recently felt that something was wrong with Lord Life, so I followed.” Lililuka’s expression was slightly helpless at this time.

“So why are you here?” Welf asked directly with his hands on his chest.

“Actually, I recently heard the news that there are friends from our hometown working here…”

“She was an important partner we played with when we were children, but suddenly her whereabouts were unknown a few years ago…”

“She is a person of high status, I can’t believe that she is here, Flower Street…” Fate and Chikusa bowed their heads to tell the reason for coming here.

“Is the status noble?” Welf was lost in thought.

“The situation is already known, but it’s better not to rush here.”

“Anyway, let’s get out of here first.” Just when Lililuka proposed to go back.

“Wait, what about Lord Faberus and Lord Bell?” Only then did Welf realize that two key figures were missing from the team.

“Are Lord Fapiru and Lord Bell here too?” Life asked with a curious look.

“Wow!? Lililuka exclaimed directly.

As soon as the picture turned, Fapiru and Bell, who were surrounded by the crowd, came directly to the courtyard.

“What to do! Master! We were just swept away by the crowd! At this time, Bell hurriedly wiped the lip prints on his face, and at the same time did not forget to ask Fabilu questions.

As for Fabilu, he also used the power of space to remove lip prints and even smells on his body. After all, he didn’t want to go back and be taken special care of by his own goddess.

“What to do? Cold! “Whether in a past life or in this life, Fapiru has encountered this situation for the first time. Watching animation and experiencing it are completely different things.

As for why he didn’t directly activate the ability to open the door and leave just now, Fapiru said that he completely forgot.

Choosing a random direction, Fapiru walked over with Bell.

The surrounding houses are hung with red lanterns, and unknown purple flower trees grow in the corners, creating an ambiguous atmosphere.

“Yo hoo, isn’t this Brother Faberu of the Artemis clan and Brother Bell of the Hestia clan?”

“It seems that you are also at this age! Are there any fancy girls? “It was the god Hermes who came in front of him.

“So, what is Lord Hermes doing here?” Faced with Hermes’ question, Bell quickly awkwardly changed the topic.

“Do you need to say that? By the way, good luck to both of you for good stuff! Throwing out two bottles of potions, Hermes’ figure gradually disappeared in front of the two of them.

“What is this thing? Master, do you know? ”

“Stamina potion”

“Poof…” Bell, who heard this, spewed out directly. He hurriedly chased towards the place where Hermes disappeared just now.

Fapiru followed closely behind.

As soon as he ran around the corner, Bell collided with an Amazon woman.

“I’m sorry!” Before Bell could bend over, he was pulled directly into the woman’s arms.

“This young lady, can you please release my disciple?” Fapiru came to the two and said.

“Oh? So what if I say no? As soon as the words fell, Bell in his arms had disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Bell appeared at Fabiru’s side.

“It is worthy of being the ‘demon knife’ Fapiru who single-handedly killed the members of the Dark Clan and won the war game.”

“You know me?”

“My name is Aisha, I am a member of the Ishtar clan, I need your help with something!”

Just as Aisha was about to continue saying something, four or five ‘ragged’ Amazons came over.

“Yo, Aisha, I didn’t expect you to have such a big gain today!”

“These two are the winners of the war of the dependents, ‘Demon Dao’ and ‘Little Rookie’!”

“Hugh wants to eat alone!” For a while, this group of women talked a lot.

“Then the ‘demon knife’ belongs to me, as for the little rookie, whoever catches him, who is he tonight!”

“Master!” , giving Bell a helpless look, Faberu followed Aisha away.

And Bell also began his big adventure of being caught.

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