058. feelings for contradiction

Yuril didn’t close the store until 10 p.m.

This was because I had to take care of all the people I couldn’t take care of in the morning due to preparations for the Academy Festival.

“Ha… If things continue like this, I might actually collapse from overwork.”

However, we have now completed all the preparations that need to be made until the day after tomorrow.

So, I felt a little relieved and stretched out,

A liaison bird flew to her and chirped in the voice of Instructor Elroy.

“Notice will be sent to all external festival collaborators.”

In short, I was told to urgently come to the academy tomorrow morning.

They say we have to do a prior safety inspection and survey or something.

In the end, Yuril’s body twisted for no reason due to the overwhelming stress.

“Oh really!”

… It was a complicated situation in many ways for the demon who possessed her.

This is a good thing, because the more mentally the host is, the easier the possession becomes.

The problem is that we cannot know the current external situation at all.

I could already tell by the presence of the other two fellow demons that they had suffered.

However, it is not clear who was hit and how.

Moreover, the sudden call from the Academy may have been aimed at hunting him down.

That’s why I had to do something before Yuril went to the academy tomorrow.

As Yuril was struggling for a while, Cat soon came into the store.

“Miss, what should I do?”

The devil thought it was time to intervene.

‘Let’s refuse. Even if I don’t go myself, I can just send Cat, right?’

However, Yuril was unnecessarily sincere in this regard.

Therefore, he answered Cat, ignoring the voice in his heart.

“If I have to come, I should go. What should I do?”

“Can I just go and return instead?”

“I’m a medical doctor by name, but I can’t miss safety checks.”

“Heh, I understand. Then let’s go together tomorrow morning.”

After Cat left the store, Yuril completely laid down on the chair.

The devil used this opportunity to shake his head hard.

The Academy is not yet publicly investigating the case against demons.

So, only a few key people are involved in demon hunting.

And given the circumstances, it is highly likely that the student council president, Trine, and Maria are included.

… Let’s make sure to kill at least one of them.

Then, even if you fail, it will be easier for other demons to move.

That’s why the devil whispered to Yuril.

‘It’s so busy, why doesn’t Trine show its face at least once?’

“I know.”

‘The reason I’m having such a hard time is because of Trine.’

“Maybe so.”

‘Wouldn’t it be easier if I killed Trine?’

“…Trine? Kill him?”

Yuril showed a severe rejection reaction.

Normally, I would have ignored or doubted those words a long time ago.

However, Yuril is currently in a state of great psychological distress.

Now was a golden opportunity to take control of her thoughts.

‘Trine doesn’t even like me anymore anyway.’

“That can’t be possible.”

‘Are you sure? You’ve been seducing a new girl recently, right?’

“That’s because he has such a nosy personality…”

‘Besides, you say you’ll lift my curse but you don’t actually do anything, right?’

“She’s been busy with various things lately…”

‘Either way, you know that she will never be able to save me if things continue like this.’

Yuril couldn’t bear to respond to those words.

Then the devil whispered with a smile of conversion.

‘If I’m going to end up killing him with my own hands one day, wouldn’t it be better to kill him now?’

“…I see.”

Yuril stood up from his seat.

Then he strapped his sword to his waist and started heading towards the academy.


The plush trio was trudging towards the inn.

Pyrrhol constantly talked to Sia to ease her mood.

“No matter what, isn’t it too much to threaten us with a sword?”


“Well, it looks like your senior has something going on, but that’s not true.”


“He says he’s so good, he’s only one year older than us.”

“Everything else is fine!”

Sia stopped and screamed.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m in your way! I’ve worked hard for you all this time!”

… Then, he soon regained his smile and spoke to the two.

“I’m sorry. I guess I got a little excited.”

“…You’re really smart normally, but when it comes to things related to Senior Trine, you become an idiot?”

“Hehe, I guess so.”

At that time, when she saw a familiar person from afar, Sia waved her hand and said hello.

“Yuril! Where are you going at this hour?”

“…To kill Trine.”

Yuril just answered like that and passed by, ignoring the three people.

The three people each looked at Yuril’s back and whispered.

“What did you do to Yuril again?”

“Anyway, that senior.”

“But doesn’t the atmosphere seem a bit dangerous?”

The three looked at each other for a moment, then

Soon they nodded together and started walking behind Yuril.

Yuril headed straight to the back of the academy dormitory building.

As expected, Trine was swinging a wooden sword alone today again.

The plush trio hid behind a tree in the distance.

“I heard that senior Trine is sincere.”

“Seeing your face again made me feel better.”

“Should I do that every night too?”

When Yuril suddenly approached Trine, Trine was startled and put down his wooden sword.

“Yuril? What’s going on at this hour?”

“Would you like to spar with me for a moment?”

“What’s going on? You’re saying all that.”

Trine’s voice was somewhat excited.

… But soon, for some reason, his expression hardened and he summoned a magic sword.

“Yuril, what really happened?”

“It’s just. I don’t know why I have to suffer so much because of you.”


I thought Yuril’s appearance suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly, it appeared right in front of Trine and tried to stab his chest with a sword.


Trine barely managed to block the sword and took a large step back.

However, Yuril followed closely behind and swung his sword wildly.

“Now, wait! Calm down!”

“I keep getting caught up in strange things because of you!”

“Well, I’m sorry about that-”

“You didn’t even give me any help on that topic!”

“I have no choice but to keep my distance from you-”

“You just say you like me, but then you flirt with other girls!”

Even if Trine concentrated all his attention, he could barely block Yuril’s sword attack.

It was so urgent that I felt my life was truly in danger, but

From a distance, it just looked like a couple fighting in the middle of the night.

Pyrrhol and Locke muttered as they watched their fight.

“That person is your future first wife, right? That’s amazing.”

“Aren’t you stronger than your brother?”

Yuril said after thinking for a moment.

“Let’s go and stop her. Yuril doesn’t seem to be in a good condition, perhaps because she’s tired these days.”

After saying that, he walked towards the two.

“Yuril-chan! Calm down!”

However, Yuril did not pretend to listen and swung his sword.

Trine found Sia belatedly and urgently shouted.

“Don’t come! Stay out!”

“The problem you two have is also my problem!”

Sia eventually pulled out her sword as well.

No matter how angry Yuril is, he won’t treat Sia carelessly.

With that in mind, I intervened in front of Yuril, but-

“Are you planning to disturb me too?”


Yuril swung his sword at Sia without hesitation.

A fast sword strike that even Trine finds difficult to react to.

There was no way Sia could react to that surprise attack.

“I told you to stay out!”

Trine launched his body and pushed Sia away.

Then, instead of her, Yuril’s sword pierced her shoulder.


Only then did Yuril come to his senses after hearing Sia’s cries.

“Trine?! Me, what on earth have I done…”

Trine made a painful expression.

But he soon smiled and instead held on to the blade with all his might to prevent her from pulling it out.

“You’re really, really ugly.”


“How long are you planning on obsessing over me?”


The devil snorted at Trine’s provocative words and actions.

Trine must have realized long ago that Yuril was possessed.

However, it was not enough to bring out dramatic emotions by telling Yuril that I loved her,

For some reason, he started showing a completely opposite attitude.

“Honestly, you’re so annoying, aren’t you? I ran away after abandoning you, but it was so creepy when he chased after me and even set up a drug store.”

That’s why the devil pushed Yuril even more.

‘As expected, you don’t like me at all. ‘Let’s just kill him.’

Then Yuril muttered one word.

“Shut up.”

I couldn’t tell whether those words were spoken to the devil or Trine.

Well, I guess that was good.

The more Yuril hates Trine, the stronger the effect of possession becomes.

… But the feelings I felt from Yuril were not that simple.

“In the past, I chased you around to try to raise my status by marrying a nobleman, but there’s no need for that anymore, right?”

“I told you to shut up.”

“Honestly, when I came to the academy, there were a lot of kids who were much prettier and had better personalities than you.”

“Shut up!”

The devil felt somewhat ominous and examined Yuril’s emotions.

Yuril feels guilty for stabbing Trine with his own hand.

Anger towards the lies Trine tells.

The sadness that made him look so distressed.

Funny enough,

Among all the complex emotions, only one, hatred, disappeared without a trace.

“Please do me a favor. Don’t bother me anymore and go back to your hometown and live alone and lonely for the rest of your life.”

“I told you to shut up!”

After Yuril forcibly removed the sword from Trine’s shoulder,

He thrust the sword forcefully into his shoulder.

As if that wasn’t enough, he even twisted his sword.


Yuril screamed in extreme pain.

Thanks to this, the devil was thrown out of Yuril’s body.

The devil rolled on the floor and muttered.

“Damn it! What the hell are these crazy people-”

Yuril chased after the demon and thrust his sword at its neck.

“…Trine, explain.”

“You have been possessed by the devil.”

At that time, instructor Eloy came running over and hit Trine on the back of the head with all his might.

“What on earth are you two doing!”

Then he rushed at the devil, broke his arm, subdued him, and spoke to Yuril.

“Leave this b*stard to me, Yuril, and heal yourself and Trine quickly.”

Yuril nodded, put away his sword, and immediately ran to Trine.

As Eloy was handcuffing the devil, three kids suddenly caught his eye next to him.

From their expressions, I could roughly guess what was going on.

“This is what happened in the end.”

Instructor Eloi scratched his head once and carried the demon on his shoulder.

Just before leaving, she glanced at Princess Xia and said.

“I hope you reflect a little on what happened today.”

At those words, Princess Xia lowered her head and muttered.

“I… I really was in the way.”


Yuril hurriedly headed to the medical room, forcefully carrying Trine on his back.

Yuril’s own wounds healed on their own during this time,

Fortunately, Trine’s wounds were not fatal.

Trine struggled while Yuril bandaged Trine’s shoulder.

“It hurts, it hurts, it hurts”

“Stay still. You’ll get more hurt.”

Trine took a deep breath and spoke calmly to Yuril.

“Hey, I’m sorry. What I said earlier was-”


Yuril smiled slightly and responded.

“There’s no need to apologize because I know everything.”

Then Trine also laughed without realizing it.

“Surprisingly, it was easy to make you angry. All I had to do was say the opposite of what I thought.”

“If you had said exactly what you thought, I would have been twice as angry.”

“Hahaha, maybe.”

After finishing treating Trine, Yuril placed her head on Trine’s chest for a moment.

“I am truly sorry.”

“I know. I know everything.”

“You don’t know anything.”

“Even if I don’t know, I’ll try to find out.”


Yuril lifted his head and placed his fist on his cheek.

“Stop talking nonsense and make up properly with Princess Xia later.”

“What is reconciliation? In the first place-”



Yuril stood up and swallowed a handful of pills and said.

“Do you remember Elford’s will?”

“There’s no way I’ll forget.”

“If you make me even the slightest bit unhappy, I will leave you immediately.”

At those words, Trine laughed loudly for the first time in a long time.

“Something is very contradictory.”

Yuril also smiled once and said.

“What in detail? We were contradictory from the beginning.”


A huge round table in a dark room.

Nine black flames talked to each other.

“It looks like all three members of the starting group were hit.”

“Hmph, those guys were the weakest among us.”

“You’re so cheesy, stop it.”

The biggest flame among them all shouted.

“Shut up!”

Then all the other flames fell silent.

“It’s my mistake to only send the weak where there are angels, but I can’t believe it’s this pathetic!”

… After a moment of silence, a small flame asked cautiously:

“What do you want to do now?”

“Now that it’s like this, I will personally go to the academy with the three of you on the day of the festival.”

The huge flame burned even louder and spoke.

“We will never back down until we get our revenge.”

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