Destroying the wings of the Moyuan Substance and the knife covered with the “power of God” in just an instant, Itane Teiichi’s face was full of stunned at the moment of falling.

Then he finally stabilized his figure when he landed on the ground so as not to be ugly on the spot.

It’s just that when he looked at the sky again, he found that there was no one at all, and if it weren’t for the fact that the head of Emperor Gakigen had indeed disappeared, he would have wondered if the sound that accompanied the light just now was an illusion.

“Evas!? , or something else? Even Di Yi himself didn’t know what exactly appeared just now, because it was faster than light, and he couldn’t even react. However, if you want to say that the school city has this kind of strength, I am afraid that only Aresta and the Holy Guardian Angel Evas.

“Sure enough, are you still far behind?” Di Yi’s mood was inevitably a little lost, and even the joy of getting the last material capital disappeared in an instant.

“Flanda, you go back first, I still have something to do and leave first.” Holding his temple and saying something to Flanda in the distance, the boy’s body emitted a distorted light and disappeared in place.

Although the 18th District Research Institute was completely destroyed by the school, fortunately, Bane Teiichi had already transferred most of its equipment and scientific research projects to the biochemical world, so the loss was actually not as big as imagined.

In the alleys of the night, there were roars, screams, wails, and the sound of things being smashed.

It was a slender straight alley, obstructed by concrete walls on both sides, and the buildings on both sides were supposed to be student dormitories, and seven or eight teenagers in the alley were panting, and further down, there were three people lying on the ground, bleeding profusely.

The seven teenagers each hold a large folding knife, batons, tear gas, etc., although the destructive power is not small, but in the hands of the teenagers is a little uncomfortable, giving people the touch of just taken out of the plastic packaging, but although it is not convenient, but the murder weapon is a murder weapon after all, and it is precisely because it is some layman teenagers who do not know the weight, it is more dangerous.

Seven teenagers surrounded one teenager.

Everyone’s eyes are bloodshot, although they are holding weapons, but they give the impression that it is the weak party that has more people.

On the contrary, the surrounded teenager did not react at all, it was as if he chose to ignore it.

The boy gave the impression that Shiro had just emerged from a convenience store with a plastic bag containing more than a dozen cans of items.

Finally, with a roar.

The seven armed teenagers who surrounded the teenager could no longer stand it, some with knives to stab the back, some with batons to the head, and so on.

However, the white-haired boy did not move, and with the sound of bone cracking, the seven teenagers were already lying on the ground, almost all of them covering their limbs, with an expression of pain.

It was not until the end that the expressionless white-haired boy found that there was no one in front of him, and he shifted his gaze around, the vicious teenagers who surrounded him willfully had all killed themselves, lying on the filthy ground, howling constantly, but because the body surface was always on reflection, he could not hear the sound at all.

However, it is already a miracle that a duel with one side can still leave a breath.

Then, one of the parties walked towards the outside of the alley, and found a familiar figure that seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.

“It’s you.!” One side was surprised

“Long time no see!” The teenager said with a smile.

However, one party can only see the other party moving, and he can’t hear the sound at all, so in desperation, he can only adjust the reflex calculation formula slightly, and then the noisy city sound comes over.

Then, he stared viciously at the boy who suddenly appeared and asked:

“What the hell did you and that woman do to me?”

A rare blush appeared on Fang Tong’s face, obviously his recent life had choked him enough.

“Should I call you a pass, or should I call you Koling Yuriko!”

Hearing this, Fang Tong’s face changed drastically, and he shouted with a touch of shame:

“Lower Sanxuan, you are looking for death!!”

As she spoke, she suddenly stepped on the ground, and after a loud noise, her body burst out, and her right hand directly touched the teenager on the opposite side.

However, just listening to the “snap”, her hand was casually slapped away by the other hand.

“I’m different now than I used to be, Yuriko, even if it’s vector control, I can use it just by looking at it once.” The young man said coldly, and then he pointed to the coffee house opposite with his thumb and proposed:

“Are you interested, go and sit inside!!”

However, what he waited for was a white palm that covered his face.


“I said it’s useless, your positive reflection, I will use negative reflection to cancel, two vector controls of the same level collide, and in the end it can only evolve into a punk fight, obviously in terms of fighting skills, you are not my opponent!”

“Next three abuses, to die, to die!!”

Watching the passage of the party like a crazy woman, suddenly appeared here, Bangen Diyi could only wave her hand helplessly to interrupt her attack. After about a few hundred swings, one side stood panting outside the devastated alley, the ground full of deep, shallow potholes.

But whether using gravel attacks or direct physical attacks, one party found that she really couldn’t hurt the other party, and it was only then that she herself felt the despair of encountering vector manipulation.

“Enough venting, or go and sit, by the way, I can tell you the reason why it has become like that recently, how?”

Hearing this, one party stared at the other party with its crimson pupils and said viciously:

“Xia Sanxuan, what do you want to do?”

“Can’t you find Miss Evil Party to change your mood? ”

However, in the disbelieving gaze of one side, Emperor Bangen smiled bitterly, spread his hands and said helplessly:

“What I said is the truth, I have just been hit by a certain existence, so I want to find someone to talk to, although we used to be a hostile relationship (Wang Hao), but how to say that we also spent a “good” time…. Well, it’s really ambiguous, but even if it’s a fight, the two of us have fought dozens and hundreds of battles, just as the so-called don’t fight and don’t know each other, it’s a pity for each other. ”

“Qi… Get lost! One walked directly towards his dormitory with a plastic bag, seemingly ignoring the guy who knew his ultimate secret.

However, as soon as she turned around, she was dragged towards the coffee shop by the collar.

“Lower Sanxuan, let me go….!!!” One side passed a burst of punches and kicks, but then she realized that in addition to the ability of vector control, she did not even have a trace of the strength of a helpless teenager.

In the end, he could only be dragged into the coffee house by force.

(New book, ask for all flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, your support, is the author’s eternal motivation, thank you)_

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