When Itane woke up again and found himself lying in a snow-white hospital room surrounded by snow, Mikoto Misaka seemed to be very tired and fell asleep by the bedside.

“What’s going on?” Teiichi muttered alone.

Then the memories in his mind flooded out, and he was fighting the fantasy beast, using a power similar to Kamisato Shoryu’s “ideal banishment”.

The original intention was to banish the fantasy beast to the brain world and then destroy it.

However, something seemed to have gone wrong halfway, and the collection of AIM diffusion theory positions did not appear in the brain world, but directly appeared in his brain, making his head explode in an instant and faint.

“What the hell is going on?”

As soon as Bangen Diyi left his consciousness from the body and came to the depths of the brain, and then when he entered “180”, he suddenly found that the whole brain had become extremely different, and one by one the living worlds appeared in front of his eyes, and twelve worlds automatically became real worlds without the premise of activating the “fantasy factor”.

“Incredible, what’s going on?” Consciousness like cyan smoke murmured

Then he laughed as information poured in deep in his brain

“So what’s going on!”

It turned out that when he sent the consciousness body of the fantasy beast into the “brain world” that day, the fantasy beast composed of AIM diffusion stance flowed into the brain from the world wall of the brain cell, and the fantasy factor stored here produced a conflict similar to the “Big Bang” at the moment of contact.

AIM and the fantasy factor, like neutrons and uranium-235, AIM blasted through the fantasy factor, making the fantasy factor burst out of strong energy like nuclear fission, and in just a moment, the mysterious energy that spilled out was like a billiard ball that was hit, crashing into one brain world after another.

It can be said that Bangen Diyi was completely a blessing in disguise in this incident, if there is no fantasy beast, if he wants to develop the brain world, he does not know the year of the monkey.

You must know that there is not much time left for him, at least before the “Demon God” Odinus can collect the “Lord God’s Gun”, he needs to have the power to fight the Demon God.

In the past, he also had doubts about whether this goal could be achieved, and he had been discouraged and thought that if it really didn’t work, he would escape to the brain world with all his friends in the school city before Odinus came to Tokyo Bay, even if Odinus could destroy the forbidden world countless times, as long as she was in the brain world, she had no choice.

Because Itani’s brain underwent terrible changes when it absorbed gamma-ray bursts, reaching a truly 11-dimensional “great” structure.

For example, if you open his braincase surgically, you will find that his brain is actually in a special unknown space.

If there is no scalpel that is also 11 dimensions, then no one or anything is qualified to touch “it”.

To put it simply, Itane Teiichi is something that is only associated with “it”.

However, with the twelve worlds that were drawn in this fantasy beast incident, it gave Itane Teiichi the most solid possibility of resisting the power of the demon god.

However, the only pity is that the miracle of the fantasy factor “Big Bang” by devouring the aggregate of AIM’s diffusion positions is no longer possible.

Because it is like a nuclear fission reaction, it is enough to put neutrons and uranium-235 together, and neutrons into the nucleus of uranium-235 require various harsh conditions.

Reflected in the AIM diffusion position, concentration, scale, etc., are required, and various conditions are indispensable.

Otherwise, with the fact that AIM diffusion stance is exuding everywhere in Gakuen City, didn’t his head explode long ago, activating all the brain world?

That is to say, even if he now devours the larger AIM position aggregate wind chopping ice hua into the brain, it is estimated that it will not be able to produce the slightest change.

Therefore, this incident can only be attributed to a special case of special cases.

Just when Itane Teiichi wanted to understand what kind of world was activated, he suddenly felt as if his body outside had been moved.

When he returns his consciousness to the flesh, he feels as if he is being held by someone on his shoulder, forehead and huge “hill” close at hand.

On the other side, Mikoto Misaka’s angry voice came.

“Hurry up and drop him for me!!!”

“Sorry, what he promised me has not yet been done, although there may be a reason, but until the agreement is completed, I will never release him!”

The girl, who was full of Yamato’s Fuko-like aura, sharply clarified her intentions………….

At this time, although the unique aroma of the girl kept pouring into the nostrils, Bangen Diyi could only helplessly give up:

“Hey, can you put me down first? , God split beauty! ”

“Di Yi…. You’re awake! Mikoto said excitedly.

And with waist-length hair tied in a ponytail, after hearing the voice, he subconsciously glanced over his head.

Suddenly, the distance between the two was almost to the point of nose to nose, smelling the unique masculine breath, the god cracked his face turned red, and then excitedly threw Bangen Diyi out like garbage.

Di Yi drew a graceful arc in mid-air, and sat firmly on the hospital bed.

“Okay, now we can talk about the agreed things!”

“I thought you forgot, Itane Teiichi!” God said hatefully.

“Sorry, sorry, there were a lot of delays in the middle, but Intix should be a little short of the one-year deadline.”

Obviously, Teiichi’s explanation did not satisfy Shinri, and she removed the two-meter-long Japanese sword, pointed at the tip of Teiichi’s nose and said, 1.8

“I can’t let you complete the agreement at the last time, otherwise, if I fail, I will lose my best friend, and now I doubt your sincerity, how can a person who even breaks the agreement gain the trust of others.”

“It does make sense!” Di Yi dragged his chin, pondered for a moment, and then said, “Otherwise, I will help you solve your troubles today.” ”

Divine Split looked at him deeply, and then said in a tone that gave the last trust:

“I hope you keep your promise!”


So, without looking back, God Split jumped out of the open third-floor window and disappeared from sight.

(New book, ask for all flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, your support, is the author’s eternal motivation, thank you)_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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