A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 54: Behind the calculator

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Qin Min thought Yang Bin would struggle for at least two days for his poor pride, but she did not expect her to overestimate each other.

The next day, Yang Bin was brought again by two police officers.

"I agree with the first condition you put forward." He stood in front of Qin Yue with his face full of sorrows, like a humiliated good-natured woman in ancient times, and Qin Yue was the wicked man who forced the good.

Qin Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and said slowly: "I have a second condition, you can listen to it first. If you can accept it, then it is not too late to do the first condition I put forward."

Yang Bin clenched his fist, relaxed again, and said mournfully, "You say."

He has no retreat at all now. If he doesn't know anything, there will be no good fruit to eat!

Qin Yan said with a smile: "The second condition, starting tomorrow, must be ten meters away from me."

"What? You ..." Yang Bin flushed, her eyes stared round.

This is too insulting!

If he agreed to this condition, he would have to avoid going to a distance of ten meters whenever he met Qin Yue.

What the **** does this vicious woman think of him!

Yang Bin gasped out of breath. The more he looked at Qin Wei's face, the more he was so vicious, he was just a bully!

Qin Yue didn't care what he thought, anyway, she didn't want to see such a fool anymore, she was annoyed once she saw it, and she just let the other party get out of this way.

She said slowly: "Yang Bin, if you agree to both of these conditions, I will sign a letter of understanding. If you don't agree, then the two police officers will take him home and get a national education."

The so-called national education is to detain for three months and leave the case for life.

Not to mention three months, even Yang Bin can't stand it for three days!

He's had enough!

Thinking of the days when life is worse than death, where does Yang Bin still care about his self-esteem, and gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I promise you!"

Come out from the inside and talk, and then explain to An Ru.

An Ru is so understanding and will definitely understand him.

After Yang Bin agreed, he took his cell phone from the police officer.

He never missed his cellphone so much, immediately wanted to call his family, even secretly recorded, tried to keep it as evidence, and then exposed Qin Kun and the police to persecute him and the like.

However, the police officer was not a fool and warned immediately after discovering his intentions: "It is better to put away your careful thoughts, otherwise it will not be as simple as detention for three months."

Yang Bin had to be honest and orderly and send it to the circle of friends according to the long text originally written by Qin Yuan.

After sending, the police officer quickly put away his cell phone.

"What about the consent form?" Yang Bin couldn't wait to ask Qin Yun, full of eager eyes.

Qin Yue seemed to torture him intentionally, saying slowly: "Don't worry, I'll first look at the reaction of your circle of friends."

The long text of apology was written in advance by Qin Yue, and explained the process of insulting her in detail in Yang Bin's tone.

The motive was to have personal grudges with Qin Yun, and finally after police education, he realized the mistake deeply and sent a long text to apologize to Qin Yun.

Many people asked Yang Bin less than a minute after the apology was issued, and most of them were school classmates. They said that they did not expect him to do such a thing, should this be a joke?

"I have heard this from my internship classmates at the Military Industry Group. It seems that Qin Yue was chased by those women, leading to a car accident."

"Yang Bin, no matter how hard you can stigmatize Qin Yun as a junior, this is terrible for a woman."

"As a big man, you actually use this kind of tactic to deal with Qin Yun, I dare not say that you are my classmate!"

"If it weren't for you, Qin Yun wouldn't have a car accident? I think you have to take the main responsibility."


Many students commented under Changwen, but never saw Yang Bin reply.

Everyone knew that Yang Bin and Tang Anru were very good. When they saw that he didn't respond, they went to ask Tang Anru.

During this time, Tang Anru was busy reviewing the appraisal of the intern of the military industry group. Since the last time she couldn't get Yang Bin on the phone, she hasn't taken it to heart. At this moment, so many people suddenly asked him about her.

Tang Anru didn't answer in a hurry, brushed the chat records in the school group, and soon knew the whole story.

She quickly called Yang Bin, and after three rings, she was connected.

"Yang Bin, finally got through to your call. I haven't seen you these days and I can't get you through. I'm worried about you ..."

"Hello, I'm a police officer. Yang Bin is being investigated by the police and it is inconvenient to answer your call."

Tang Anru didn't expect the police on the side of the cell phone, and was shocked. He was about to ask Yang Bin about the situation and the call was hung up.

When she's on the phone, she'll hear a shutdown tone.

Tang Anru frowned slightly, and finally realized that it was serious.

At this moment, when it was close to work in the evening, other interns in the office also found Yang Bin's long apology, which quickly caused a small commotion, even other colleagues knew.

At that time, everyone came out of the Military Industrial Group Building at work, and happened to encounter the scene where Qin Kun was abused and beaten. I did not expect that someone was instigating it!

"Qin Hui is so pitiful that she wouldn't be involved in a car accident unless Yang Bin instructed her to do so."

"Well, I saw her hit so far, leaving a huge pool of blood, and I don't know how she is now."

"Yo, you said Qin Hui deserves it the other day, and that she was shameless as a junior, and today she sympathized with her again. How quickly you change your face!"

"Yeah, some people are beating now, right?"

"Instead of being jealous of Qin Yun's working ability behind him, it is better to improve himself and strive for a positive internship."

Some colleagues in the office couldn't get used to those interns who had a good sense of self-proclaimed national defense university. This time they seized the opportunity and took a hard shot, not polite at all.

Several interns were ridiculed and blushed, some of them glanced at Tang Anru sitting outside, and there was a flash of strangeness in his eyes.

She hummed: "It's not that we said Qin Hui was a junior. An Ru, you and Qin Hui are good girlfriends. You know her best. Don't you say that she and the school are better in the last two days?"

Who is the president of the school's calligraphy club, and has a girlfriend himself, Qin Hui and he can talk better, so rumors of her involvement in other people's romance.

"Yeah." Another intern answered, "An Ru, these words are clearly yours."

"An Ru, if you don't confirm it in the future, don't tell us, lest everyone think we are talking nonsense."

The seniors in the office seemed to smile, watching a group of self-righteous interns fighting.

Look at Tang Anru again. She slightly lowered her eyes, and her soft face apologized. She said softly, "I'm sorry, but you have misunderstood me. I never said such a thing about Qin Yun when he was a junior, but she just said that she had a good temper. It ’s more fun than boys, but I did n’t expect it to be misunderstood. ”

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Chewing your tongue around, you blame An Ru on your head, and you don't feel embarrassed." Xiao Su stepped out and took the initiative to hold Tang An Ru, staring at the two women who accused Tang An Ru.

Look at Tang Anru again, lowering her eyebrows and biting her pink lips, she did not justify, but just smiled bitterly.

Everyone felt that she was aggrieved and bullied, and this forbearable look was really distressing.

Sure enough, everyone pointed their fingers at the two people, and there was a torrent of undercurrents in the office until the minister came out of the office.

"Noisy, it's better to work overtime than me!" The minister's face was not very good, and he glanced harshly at those interns. "All interns, come to the small conference room immediately!"

What happened

A dozen interns faced each other, wondering why the minister suddenly called them to the meeting room. Was it a surprise assessment?

Everyone was uneasy. Only Tang Anru was calm and said gently: "Maybe the minister has some big documents that we and the two of us need to complete together."

"It would be so good." Everyone was happy again.

After entering the meeting room, the minister sat on the large swivel chair in front of him, leaning back against the chair, and asked coldly, "Do you know what to call you?"

The crowd shook their heads, revealing a blank look.

The minister sneered, "slap!" Throwing his pen on the table, said: "Some time ago, someone put some vulgar things in the documents you handed in, and one of them was sent to the leader!"

Xiao Su's eyes turned and she suddenly said, "Secretary, I know that I was framed by someone! And An Ru, she is counted!"

The minister looked at Tang Anru: "What's the matter with you?"

"No, I haven't been counted, it's my own carelessness." Tang Anru said softly.

Xiao Su's face was dissatisfied: "An Ru, when do you still have to maintain Qin Yun? She is jealous of you, counting you, and secretly hiding those little yellow texts in your files, but now you say you are not careful , Who believes! "

Tang Anru was like being pierced by someone's heart, a hint of embarrassment and confusion appeared on his face, and quickly said: "No, Xiao Su, you remember me wrong. Minister, Qin Yun is not such a person, she did not count me, everything is misunderstood, You have to believe in Qin Hui. "

In any case, she looks like she is hiding something for Qin Yue, making everyone not only believe in Qin Yue, but even more suspicious that Qin Yue did it.

"Not Qin Hui," said the Minister with certainty.

Xiao Su said unwillingly: "Minister, why isn't she? You can't believe a person just by instinct, some people will pretend."

The minister said, "I've figured out who is behind these tricks."

The crowd looked at each other with different looks.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and no one dared to speak.

Xiao Su secretly skimmed over to Tang Anru, a hint of cold sweat came from the palm of his hand, and the minister's words came from his head: "I hope that person will come forward and admit his mistake."

No one spoke and did not stand up.

Everyone was staring down at the table, thinking the same thought in their hearts: Qin Wei was lying in the hospital, how could he stand up?

They have identified that person as Qin Yue.

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