A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 78: Polish her temper

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"Fart!" Ling Mohan's eyes burst into tears, and even swear words burst out.

He glared angrily at Qin Yue, and tore at the neckline awkwardly, then he got up to find a middle-aged female medic to get an ointment.

"You lie down for me." Ling Mohan applied the ointment to the bruise on Qin Wei's thigh, rubbing his thumb gently, his face was not good-looking, "You are my woman, every inch of your body is Mine, do I allow you to masturbate? "

In the face of a brutal and overbearing man, Qin Wei had some headaches, some grievances, and his smile slowly converged: "Here is the military area, I'm your secretary, not your woman, so what's wrong with trying to do my job. "

In other words, she pinched her thigh in order to stay awake and strictly follow Ling Mohan's orders.

Couldn't it make her say "husband, I'm so tired and don't want to do it" in front of so many soldiers?

After seeing the hard-working training of those special forces soldiers, Qin Huan would not be a monster in the military area anymore, and would shake the army's heart, so Ling Mohan's reprimanding her for her own identity was still correct.

However, Qin Yun was a little wronged in the end.

Ling Mohan was very embarrassed, and felt that Qin Hui had deliberately responded to him, and every sentence was punctured, and hurt when he spoke.

What a hard bone!

He is a big man, usually in a high position, and is used to giving orders. There is no way to bow to Qin Hui. Just two soft words just now are the limit!

He hasn't talked about love, he doesn't know how to coax a woman, he just wants to let the other woman domineeringly and possess her severely!

"Colonel, you're right, I really should pay attention to my identity." Qin Yue added, thinking he was sincere.

In fact, when Ling Mohan heard it, it was clear that he was raising the bar with him!

Looking at Qin Yun's soft and hard not to eat, Ling Mohan grew more and more fierce, his fists clenched tightly, and he said coldly, "You stay here for me, I will not go out without my order!"

After that, he turned around and strode toward the door.

He was afraid he would stay with Qin Yun again, sooner or later he would be mad at her!

Qin Yue looked at the back of the man's resolute departure, and twitched the corner of his mouth, but it was not just a smile, it was just a habit.

She never makes people feel sad.

After Ling Mohan walked out of the small room, he explained to the nurse in the military medical room to take good care of Qin Yun, for fear that the torturous little woman would abuse herself or run away without permission. If so, he might as well let Qin Yun stay at home.

He pondered that he and Qin Hui are not just husband and wife. In the future, they will become closer and closer to their work. Qin Qiang's stubborn nature is easy to lose, so now she must polish her up!

But if you put Qin Hui beside him for personal training, he can't bear the heavy hands, and will shake his military heart, this is the most deadly!

Every time I saw Qin Yue, Ling Mohan couldn't help but want to kiss her, hug her, kiss her, with an eyebrow and a smile, it was an unbearable temptation for him. If I wanted to come, let other people polish Qin Yue He has the best temperament.

The next day, Qin Wei was assigned to work under Yangte's assistant, that is, to work in the military industrial group as usual, to help deal with some of the group's affairs.

"To become a qualified commander-in-chief secretary, you need to know all these military common sense. This is the basic skill."

Early in the morning, Yang Special Assistant asked the assistant to move Gao Gao's documents to Qin Mao's desk. He also provided two G electronic materials and asked her to complete them by tomorrow morning.

Qin Hui was sitting at her desk, with piles of folders on the left and right, and a large stack in front, blocking her all.

She picked up the folder above and opened it. It was full of dense military materials, and there were many high-level professional terms that she didn't understand. Compared with the translated materials, it was just a little witch!

No way, even if you do n’t understand, you have to be brave, in her dictionary there is no such word!

Don't understand technical terms? Then check them one by one!

When she was at school, Qin Yue always succumbed to Tang Anru. That's because the Qin family owed Tang Anru. She wanted to make Tang Anru happy, so she didn't make every effort to evaluate it.

Her presence is like a green leaf, which sets off Tang Anru's beauty and beauty.

But it's not necessary now!

From Tang Anru secretly intervening in the relationship between her and Qi Mingran, to instructing Xiao Su to frame her, and the last car accident, Tang Anru clearly hated her and wanted to put her to death!

All their previous feelings were exhausted in the car accident when they were young.

Tang Anru always hated her and hated the Qin family.

This is understandable, because Qin Mushan's brake failure caused two people to have a car accident. Tang Anru also lost his parents because of his young age, remembering to hate her.

The mistake was wrong, Tang An was right and wrong, and he had to pretend to be generous and hurt her secretly, time and time again, which Qin Yue could not bear!

Now that the two have torn their faces, Qin Yan no longer has to cover up her strength. What it is is what she will do step by step to do her best, and let those high-level people who say she walks through the back door and leans on her back All fanned out!

On the other hand, Qin Hui is not a fool.

Yang Tezhu is Ling Mohan's person, and once she gave her such a huge workload, if there was no secret order from Ling Mohan, she would eat all the documents in front of her!

So she can't let Ling Mohan look down.

With a sigh of anxiety in his heart, Qin Min started staring at the screen to process electronic files from morning until he was busy till noon. He didn't have time to drink even half-drinking, and his eyes were spent.

When Yang Teshou came in, he saw that Qin Yue was still working hard and sighed.

She did receive Ling Mohan's order to sharpen Qin Yun's temperament, and then arranged for Qin Yun's dull military common sense.

Of course, this is indeed what the secretary needs to keep in mind, but so far no secretary has been able to memorize these things in a short time. After all, it is boring military common sense, and it is also mixed with so many technical terms. Hard enough.

She walked over and smiled and asked, "Don't go to dinner yet?"

Qin Min was startled, looked up to see Yang Tezhu, stretched a lazy waist, and said, "Go and eat after finishing this document."

"It's all a little bit, and you won't have a share if you don't go to the cafeteria." Yang Te helped quipped.

The cafeteria of the First Military Industry Group is very good. The chefs are no less than those high-end restaurants outside, and there are many types, all tastes, and the employees are free, so every time you go to work, you will go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Although Qin Wei missed the sweet and sour pork ribs in the cafeteria, but there were so many documents in front of him that he could not eat.

After Yang Te helped out, Qin Yun suddenly remembered that there were still a few pieces of chocolate in the bag, so he didn't go out to eat anymore. She didn't know that Ling Mohan, who was far away in the military area, was staring at her every move through the office surveillance camera.

Seeing that Qin Hui planned to use chocolate for lunch, Ling Mohan wanted to pull her through the screen!

Yesterday, she warned her not to abuse herself and cherish her body. Today, she dared not eat lunch and did not listen to him at all!


Ling Mohan's face was iron and blue, he slammed his punch on the desk, grabbed his cell phone and tried to call Qin Yue, but he paused when he opened the screen.

No, you can't get used to her anymore!

In the future, Qin Yue will not only be the secretary of the military industry group, but more importantly, he will train her into her left and right arms.

This is not only because he wants Qin Yun, on the other hand, Qin Yun's working ability is very good, but now someone needs to guide the development and develop her potential!

Just like a jadeite, it will always be an ordinary stone without being polished.

Ling Mohan was eager to train Qin Yun, and Black Eyes stared at the hard-working little woman on the screen, feeling agitated.

Soon, he turned to Yang Tezhu.

Office of the Military Industry Group Secretariat.

Qin Wei solved the chocolate three or two times, and made another refreshing cup of coffee. He did not plan to take a lunch break, and continued to process the remaining information.

Half an hour later, Yang Teshou came in again, holding a lunch box in his hand and putting it in front of Qin Yue's eyes.

"I don't like my employees to take their lives to work." She pretended to be serious, opened the lunch box, and it was full of Qin Jun's favorite dishes. "Hurry up for lunch or I'm angry."

Yang Tezhu's character is hearty and generous, but he is also a boss. Qin Yun refused to say anything, and had to laugh: "Thank Yang Tezhu, but also trouble you to help me cook. It's really bad."

"Don't go too far and eat well, don't waste it on me," she said.

Qin Yan blinked and smiled: "Yes!"

She looked at the dishes and said in surprise, "How do you know I love sweet and sour pork and shredded potatoes?"

Yang Tezhu smiled slightly: "Just casually, I didn't expect to have an appetite for you."

How could she tell Qin Yun that the colonel had specifically called and told her to buy lunch. It seems that the colonel really went to Qin Yun.

Yang Tezhu does not love these gossips, and is not interested in studying the relationship between Qin Yun and Ling Mohan. He reached out and patted the documents on both sides, and said ruthlessly: "Remember to endorse these materials. I will check them randomly. And I will send them to you. The papers must be handed in tomorrow morning, and I will make an important report. "

"Okay." Qin Yue nodded without hesitation.

After Yang Te helped out, she also went out to eat on the balcony outside, and by the way, she was still thinking about the best way to deal with those documents.

There was a whisper whispered in my ear: "Did you see? I saw Yang Tezhu's packed lunch box in the cafeteria just now, and now Qin Wei is eating. What can she do that actually makes Yang Tezhu help her cook?"

"It's just a hand." The other could lower his voice, but still passed into Qin Yue's ear.

"You don't understand this. Who is Yang Tezhu? When have you seen her raising hands for others? I think they are right, maybe Qin Yunhe ..."

The man didn't seem to dare to say his name, and his voice suddenly disappeared. Qin Yue heard only the word "has one leg".

She sneered, and suddenly turned her head to look at each other.

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