A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 7 A Chance Encounter

"Uh" After waking up the next day, Tianya found that he didn't seem to have anything to do recently, because he was not like the Four Heavenly Kings, he needed to do food tasks. After all, President Yilong knew his strength, not to mention him. Now that he has broken through to level 50, Tianya is not worried about his strength at all, with the addition of Yuanwu and the food skills he has learned before. According to his intermediate Yuanwu, he can achieve 200% of his ability, which is at least the capture level. Can go to about eighty.

The capture level of the human world is almost doubled, and Tianya plus other means can reach a level of 100 combat power. Like the Keira giant crocodile that he ate that day, Tianya gained primary strength, which can increase Tianya's strength by 50%. For every 100 kinds of ingredients containing primary strength, Tianya can advance to intermediate strength. At that time, it can increase by 100%, and the advanced strength can be increased by 300%. The ability obtained by eating the snake frog is a primary water super ability, which can simply use the water force to fight.



Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Tianya, slammed into the place in front of Tianya, and then a soft feeling appeared on Tianya. Tianya, who had been thinking about things, immediately reacted and hugged the figure that suddenly appeared in front of her with her backhand. Tianya smelled it. A refreshing aroma.


Tianya looked at her and saw that she was a woman wearing a white medical staff uniform. She had a good figure but was a little thin. She wore a medical mask on her face, a white hat on her head, and long black hair reaching her waist.

"Are you OK!"

"I'm fine!" The woman quickly stood up, looked at Tianya as if she suddenly recognized something, stared at Tianya's face, and asked, "Thank you, I'm Atasino, may I ask you the famous cook Tianya Sir?"

"Atasino? That surgeon?" Tianya was a little surprised when he heard Atasino's words, and looked at her: "I am Tianya, as for the famous cook."

"Is it really you?" Atasino looked surprised when he heard Tianya's words, Tianya didn't know what she had to be happy about.

"You are injured!" Tianya asked, seeing that the breath of Atasino's body was not right.

"Hmm!" Atasino blushed, then replied.

"I'll take you to the treatment first!" Tianya thought of his own home, and then took Atasino back home. His home was actually very simple and had nothing. After all, Tianya was not as high as Atasino. , This is a fact, after all, Atasino is already a staff member of the Zeroth Ecological Environment at this time, and the capture level is very high, which has exceeded the 100th level that the human world can withstand.

The same Atacino also understands this. She knows about Tianya, the adopted son and apprentice of President Yilong, an excellent food hunter under IGO, and a world-famous cook. Tianya is famous for poisonous ingredients. Everyone knows cooking. As for Tianya's strength, President Yilong also told them that President Yilong had become a talent even stronger than the Four Heavenly Kings, but so far, he has not shown too much strength.

"Okay, that's it." Tianya showed Atasino's injury. Atasino's injury was an internal damage to the cells of the gourmet food. General treatment methods are not advisable. Even Atasino himself can't completely cure it. , can only suppress the injury and wait for the gourmet cells to recover on their own, this is because she can't freely deploy the power of her gourmet cells.

Tianya's mid-level ape martial arts can drive his own body and even others' food cells, which is why Tianya is confident in treating Atacino.

"Thank you, Tianya-Jun!" Although Atasino was only wearing a simple towel at this time, as a doctor, she didn't mind these things. This kind of thing was commonplace to her, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. It was Tianya who gave her the treatment, and she had no idea what the reason was.

"Okay, take a good night's rest, and you can recover tomorrow." Tianya arranged for her directly, even though it was noon now.

"Okay" Atasino understands the importance of Tianya's words. As a doctor, doesn't she know if Tianya's words are true or not? So she was willing to listen to Tianya.

"I'm going to leave for a few days, you can rest here by yourself! You can leave tomorrow when you're done, just lock the door for me." Tianya didn't want to stay at all. When he woke up in the morning, he was thinking about where to play. When I met Atasino, and because she was the old man's person, I didn't seem to make sense if I didn't save her, so I sacrificed half a day for her.

"Okay, Tianya-Jun!" Atasino didn't have the arrogance of the genius gourmet surgeon at this time, but looked like a weak woman.

"The other one, I almost forgot." Tianya, who had just walked to the door, suddenly remembered something, then looked back at Atasino and said, "Your injury is mainly due to the side effects of excessive use of food in your body. A doctor will definitely understand, but as a doctor, you won't see death without help, so you won't listen to me and stop treating others. Then there are two other methods, one of which is to go to Yunyin Temple to learn Shiyi and Shiyi No, their two cultivation results are very suitable for your situation."

"Another way is to eat the ingredients that suit you. Only by awakening the gourmet cells in your body, your condition can be relieved."

"Really? Thank you very much, Tianya-kun." Atasino was a little shocked to hear Tianya's words. She had been looking for a way to suppress this side effect, but she couldn't find a way for several years. Unexpectedly, the person in front of her discovered her condition and treatment plan in less than half a day.

"Well, in the case of Yunyin Temple, the host there is a national treasure, Zhenzhen Zhenzhen Teacher. I think you should know him, and you can go to him to practice." Tianya nodded and said, then closed the door and left. In fact, Tianya has another method, but this method is very difficult to learn, at least I think Atasino basically can't learn it, that is Tianya's own, Yuanwu!

"Yeah, what an interesting man." Atasino thought of Tianya's calmness when he saw her body. He didn't expect a food hunter to have such a strong psychological quality, which made people feel curious.

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