A foreigner's journey

Chapter 100 Trading Chips

Black Pearl, captain's cabin.

Maria put a bottle of whiskey and a few glasses that were as clean as possible on the table in the captain's cabin, then exited the room and closed the door.

Heather, who had released the undead skeleton mode, picked up the wine bottle, poured two glasses, and handed one of the glasses to Davy Jones: "Please, this is the best product from Port Royal."

Davy Jones grabbed the cup and raised his neck to suffocate, regardless of the wine flowing down the octopus's tentacles and neck.

After drinking, he wiped his mouth randomly and stared at Heather fiercely: "Tell me what you want."

He has been traversing the sea for hundreds of years, but this is the first time he has suffered such a big loss and suffered such humiliation.

Heather took a sip from the glass and shook her finger: "NONONO, it should be [what you can give]. This is the 'negotiation' you proposed. You are the bidder, and I have the right to choose whether to accept it. "

"Are they the bullshit rules of the so-called "Pirate Code" again? I was also present at the first pirate conference, and those poor guys could only use a bunch of rags to collect the Pirate King tokens..."

"Mr. Davy Jones, if you want to show off your seniority to show your identity, I'm afraid you have chosen the wrong person." Heather interrupted Davy Jones's pressure and said calmly: "Let's get straight to the point, okay? "

Davy Jones's eyes twitched, he picked up the wine bottle from the table and poured himself another glass. After drinking it again, he slowly said: "...I can no longer pursue Jack Sparrow's debt. From now on, you Will get a clean navigator.”

"...Hmm, what next?" Heather gestured to Davy Jones to continue.

Davy Jones punched the table, causing the wine bottle to fall on the table with a clang: "I erased a hundred years of Sparrow's service. Isn't that enough!? Don't go too far, boy, I'm Dai Wy Jones, captain of the Flying Dutchman!”

"Yes, Davy Jones, the King of Hell in the Deep Sea, is indeed a great man."

Heather picked up the wine glass and raised it politely: "So? Should I let you go respectfully and give you a drink by the way? Don't be stupid, sir. You know very well that it's because you took it from me." You can't escape, that's why you initiate a 'negotiation', isn't it? You are the weaker party now, so you should act like a weaker party. If hundreds of years of bullying the weak and showing off your power have made you overly inflated, then you might as well take this opportunity to learn anew. Learn... what is [awe]."

The teeth in Davy Jones's mouth were chattering loudly, and the octopus tentacles on his lower jaw were twitching from excessive anger. But he didn't dare to turn his back, because he knew in his heart that it was because he couldn't fight and couldn't escape, so he launched the 'negotiation' in humiliation.

A strong man with strange witchcraft, able to leap between ships with his own power, and also immortal. Davy Jones, who lost the Kraken, could not figure out how to defeat him.

He tried to calm down and said in a barely pleasant tone: "...The Flying Dutchman is willing to serve you, Captain Heather, for three years."

Heather sat on the new comfortable captain's chair and put her feet up on the edge of the table: "That's not enough, continue."

"...Within ten years, I will hand over 40%, no, 50% of the treasure obtained from plundering ships!"

"No - enough -!" Heather frowned: "That's it? Is this the best bargaining chip you can come up with after spending hundreds of years on the sea? To be honest, I feel very sorry for you. Disappointed, Mr. Davy Jones."

Seeing the black-haired evil star's murderous aura rising steadily, Davy Jones felt panic and urgency for the first time in a long time, and shouted angrily: "Then tell me what you want me to do!"

"Oh...let me make the bid. This is of your own free will."

Heather raised the corners of her mouth and gently shook the wine glass in her hand: "Mr. Davy Jones, do you know the pirate 'Blackbeard'?"

"Blackbeard...Edward Teach?"

Davy Jones touched the octopus tentacles on his lower jaw and had some impression of the name: "I have an impression of him. He is a ruthless man. What, are you going to let the Flying Dutchman kill Blackbeard on your behalf?"


"It's not a question of difficulty, but no one can find Blackbeard and his Queen Anne's Revenge now."

Davy Jones also found a chair and sat down, his crab legs banging on the floor:

"Four years ago, Blackbeard was still a powerful pirate with four pirate ships as his fleet, and the flagship of the fleet was his beloved ship 'Queen Anne's Revenge'. But because of his bold act of plundering the port of Charleston, North Carolina, Encircled and suppressed by the British Royal Navy..."

There are nine pirate kings in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, namely the Pacific, the Caribbean, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea, the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea, and the Caspian Sea. According to legend, the pirate king who has never been elected is superior to the nine. The Pirate King has the power to command all pirates.

Although Blackbeard is not one of the nine pirate kings, the strength of his fleet far exceeds theirs, and he is famous even in the world.

It is rumored that Blackbeard can use all kinds of black magic. No one can beat him in a boarding battle. His specialty is to make zombies with infinite strength and not afraid of swords and guns. He will also select worthy collections from defeated opponents. The famous ship put it in a glass bottle and kept it.

The arrogant Blackbeard fleet roamed the seven seas until it was besieged by the British Royal Navy in Ocracook Bay four years ago. All four of his warships were destroyed. It is said that Blackbeard himself was beheaded by Captain Maynard of the Royal Navy. head.

But legend has it that after Blackbeard's head was chopped off, his headless body swam around the Queen Anne's Revenge three times before climbing back on board, and his injuries healed without treatment.

The Queen Anne's Revenge broke through the blockade of the British Royal Navy and rushed into the dense fog that suddenly covered the sea. No one has seen Blackbeard and his ship since then.

"Of course I know everything you said."

Heather poured herself another half glass of whiskey, took a sip and said with a smile:

"I need you to take advantage of the Flying Dutchman's ability to dive into ocean currents and move around the world's waters to find out information about Blackbeard for me."

"You don't need me to sink him?" Davy Jones was a little doubtful. Is it that simple?

Heather couldn't help laughing: "It's not that I underestimate you, Mr. Davy Jones, as long as Blackbeard is still on the Queen Anne's Revenge, you can't defeat him. Find him and leave the rest to me. Of course, Jack All debts must also be written off."

Davy Jones pondered for a while: "Is this the condition for you to let us go?"

"Yes, it's very simple, isn't it? Then, it's my turn to make a trading proposal to you. Of course, it's up to you whether you accept it or not."

Heather leaned forward and said slowly:

"Want to know the news about [Calypso]? Do you want to lift this curse of being neither human nor ghost, and return to the high-spirited Captain Davy Jones with a human body?"

PS: The Blackbeard in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie is slightly different from the Blackbeard in real history, but the difference is not very big, so I followed the experience setting of Blackbeard in history.

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