A foreigner's journey

Chapter 976 The Strongest Steel

At this time, not only the ceiling of the main hall was corroded by darkness, but the entire Hokkaido Shrine was shrouded in a huge whirlpool of darkness.

The candle mountains next to the magic circle in the main hall were all blown out, and hundreds of monks trembled and prostrated on the ground, forced to interrupt the chanting of scriptures to provide mantra power.

Because the terrifying pressure coming from above their heads made even breathing become a luxury.

The Yuan witches standing in the nodes of the magic circle screamed and fell to the ground, with blood dripping from the corners of their eyes without exception. But compared to the tragic situation in Austria where most of the witches died or went crazy, the condition of these six Yuan witches is obviously much better.

Saya Gongxin was right. The requirements for witches and shrine maidens in this kind of ceremony should be "quality" rather than "quantity". The six powerful Yuan shrine maidens were able to accomplish feats that sixty-six ordinary witches could not accomplish.

Saya Gongxin, the strongest among the six, struggled to stand up. He did not raise his head to look at the dark whirlpool but looked at Banli Gu Yuri with blurred vision.

If we only talk about 'spiritual vision', no one among the witches present can surpass Yuri Banriya. Her talent in spiritual vision is as rare as the god-slayer in the witch world. She even has the ability to gain enlightenment from the underworld and try to see through it. The nature and origin of the God of Disobedience, a rare spiritual vision ability.

Seeing that Banriya Yuri was in a trance and almost collapsed at this time, Saya Gongxin was sure that Banriya Yuri must have seen some scenes of this disobedient god through spiritual vision.

He must obtain information from Yuri Banriya and send it out in time when the [King] and [God] are at a disadvantage in the battle. In this way, the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee will have "credit" and "potential".

Vauban looked up at the huge dark whirlpool, the excitement on his face uncontrollable.

It was really summoned! And this smell, this sense of oppression...yes, it's the same as Achilles's at that time, it's the [God of Steel]!

"Heather, no matter what kind of disobedient god is summoned now, I will never give it up to anyone, including you!"

Marquis Vauban pulled off his black trench coat, revealing the exquisite handmade suit underneath. The light from his pair of green wolf eyes illuminated the hall shrouded in darkness:

"He is mine!"

Facing the wolf king's almost substantive violence and fighting spirit, Heather raised his hands as if he were harmless to humans and animals: "I told you to hand over this disobedient god to you, and I will definitely not steal it. What's wrong with you old man? Always likes to think the worst of me."

As he said that, he looked around and ran to the corner to get a futon used by monks to pray and sat on it. He spread his hands to indicate to the Wolf King that he could start the performance:

"Fight with all your heart, Mr. Woban, this is the [God of Steel] I summoned specially for you. Let's make it clear first, if you can't beat and run away or are killed by the God of Steel, I will take over the fight. .”

Watch the life-and-death fight between the oldest god-killer and the God of Steel at close range. This is a special VIP seat that is hard to exchange for.

The Wolf King, who has dominated the world for more than three hundred years as a god-killer, pursed his lips to reveal his white teeth, and his deep laughter without any warmth or grace resounded through the hall:

"Hehehe...it makes sense!"

Above, in the center of the dark vortex, something was constantly trying to break through the thin film of mist, and the struggle was getting bigger and bigger.

finally! The dark vortex exploded completely, and a bolt of lightning struck the ground from the center of the vortex!

The huge impact created a storm, and the Yuan witches in the summoning circle were immediately thrown away. The monks around the circle also screamed and were knocked to the wall and candle mountain, and then turned into rolling gourds and fell on the ground. on the ground.

Only Heather and Vauban stood firm in the storm.

The smoke dissipated, revealing the figure in the center of the summoning array.

This is a white man about 2 meters tall. His blond hair is dancing in the wind like flames. He has a thick golden beard on his face. Behind the beard is a handsome face that cannot be concealed.

He was tall and muscular, wearing simple linen clothes, and his figure was extremely majestic.

In terms of appearance, he is a very ordinary white male, but for such an ordinary 'person', Woban, as the oldest god-slayer, feels unprecedented oppression.

I saw this white man stretching and making a dull creaking sound all over his body, and then he looked around: "Oh, this is incredible, he was really summoned to the human world?"

The voice was rich and powerful, and everyone present could even hear the sounds of metal clashing and flames rising from this voice.

Undoubtedly, the absolute [God of Steel]! Woban was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and the power of the curse rose up all over his body: "O God of Disobedience! I am the king of Rakshasa, your lifelong enemy of the God of Disobedience! Come on, fight me until death!"

Originally, the God of Disobedience was admiring those beautiful witches. When he heard Vauban's invitation to fight, he reluctantly looked at the old wolf:

"I've been tired of fighting and killing all day long... Can I stop fighting?"

You spent so much effort to summon the God of Disobedience, but you won’t fight if you don’t want to? Without hesitation, Vauban recited his most powerful words——

"[I was born from the light in the darkness, Lyceus, who is as beautiful as the radiance, give me majestic power!]"

Marquis Vauban's human body began to change under the dazzling light, and immediately grew into a ferocious werewolf with gray fur that was ten meters tall!

The gray fur back broke the remaining ceiling of the main hall, and the man-wolf stood like a majestic mountaintop in the center of the snow-covered Hokkaido Shrine.

Immediately afterwards, countless wolf howls suddenly sounded, and thousands of demon wolves had completely surrounded and sealed off the Hokkaido Shrine.

The wolves guarded the huge werewolf in the center like a sea wave, and countless pairs of green wolf eyes stared mercilessly at the unknown god of disobedience.

Usurping the sun god 'Apollon Lykeios' from the wolf in Greek mythology, Vauban was originally the strongest core power - [Greedy Wolves]!

Vauban can summon the "Beast of Darkness and Earth", the sacred beast of the god Apollo, and the demon wolf with dark rat body hair as a familiar, and control it at will.

Although an individual wolf does not possess the abilities of a mythical beast, it does possess a sharp nose, a huge body comparable to a horse, and the agility to chase a car. Anyone who is not a powerful knight will be in a difficult battle. The wolves have legion combat capabilities comparable to those commanded by cavalry.

At the same time, the Godslayer himself can also manifest into a gray wolf, gaining the physical abilities of a beast. The lycanthrope has a body that is far stronger than the familiar. When fighting giant enemies, you can transform into a [giant wolf] with a body length of up to 50 meters.

Relying on this extremely powerful core power, Vauban has successively defeated the God of the Underworld [Osiris] in Egyptian mythology, the North Korean trinity of wind gods [Wind Master, Rain Master, and Thunder God], and the one-eyed military god of ancient Rome [ Horatius Cocles], the Earth Mother Goddess of ancient Mesopotamia [Inanna], the fire god of Chinese mythology [Zhurong], the battle goddess of Indian mythology [Kali], the Knights Templar The powerful gods such as the dark evil god [Baphomet] whom he worships.

After three hundred years of training, Vauban has already trained and developed the core power of [Greedy Wolves] to the extreme. He believes that with this power, he has an absolute chance of winning when facing any enemy.

But now, facing the oppression of the wolves, the unknown god of disobedience did not show any surprise or nervousness, as if the opposite was just a group of newborn puppies barking.

While no one was paying attention, Saya Gongxin in the corner of the hall helped Banri Gu Yuri up and asked in a very fast tone in a low voice: "Yuri, what on earth did you see?"

Blood flowed uncontrollably from the corners of Banriya Yuri's eyes, and it was obvious that he had been severely injured due to his spiritual vision. Her lips pursed and trembled as she said:

"That, that is... a powerful enemy that Wang Yi cannot defeat... He is the natural enemy of the dragon... He is the immortal warrior... He is the hero of steel... He is -

[The Strongest Steel]! "

PS: The opportunity to test your rich knowledge of mythology has come. Guess who this God of Steel is?

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