A foreigner's journey

Chapter 979 Machinery City

Just as the Black Prince was making random guesses, there was a sudden sound of air explosions in the clouds above the night sky.

what? The Black Prince looked up.

I saw a huge black shadow breaking through the night clouds and swooping towards the Black Prince.

The Black Prince did not dodge, he just put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked up at the increasingly huge black shadow with a calm expression.

Just when the black shadow was about to hit the black prince, the black shadow suddenly did a beautiful backflip, avoiding the black prince and landed steadily on the roof of the building with a "cool click" sound of transformation, and slowly stood up. .

What appeared in front of the Black Prince was a silicon-based life form whose body was entirely composed of metal. Not only did it have insect-like mouthparts, but its body proportions were not consistent with humans.

The most important thing is that the Black Prince saw with his own eyes that its previous form was an F22 fighter jet. The entire process from airplane to human form took less than 1 second.

How fancy, Pluto, what kind of disobedient god would give you such weird powers? Damn, I'm a little curious.

"Send your name, if you have enough intelligence and language skills."

The Black Prince took his left hand out of his pocket, and crackling lightning condensed between his fingers. If the mechanical lifeform in front of him cannot communicate, the Black Prince will immediately kill it and then study its body step by step.

The mouthparts of the huge mechanical life in front of me collided, making a slimy and cunning sound:

"Bah, bah, bah... please calm down, great Black Prince. My name is Starscream, and I am Lord Pluto's loyal subordinate. I believe that you did not come all the way to Los Angeles just to start a war with Lord Pluto, right?"

The Black Prince smoothed his middle-parted black hair: "Interesting, a silicon-based life form with self-awareness and sufficient intelligence, and also has the disguised form of a human vehicle."

"Bah, bah, bah, you've done me a favor, great Black Prince." Starscream put his left paw on the armor plate on his chest and made an exaggerated bow.

"Forget it, since I'm in Pluto's territory, I'll just follow the master's rules. Where is Pluto?"

The Black Prince straightened his suit and tie.

"Lord Pluto is in the command tower over there. Please condescend to ride on me, and I, Starscream, will act as your temporary vehicle."

As he said that, Starscream transformed into an F22 plane with the sound of "cool kaka" and parked quietly in front of the Black Prince.

The Black Prince raised his eyebrows and jumped directly onto the wing of the plane. He didn't want to enter the cockpit. On the one hand, it was because the cockpit of a fighter jet was far from comfortable. On the other hand, since he had seen the other person's human form before, entering the cockpit always had a strange feeling of entering the other person's body.

As for being trapped in enemy territory and having difficulty escaping? The Black Prince has the two powers of [Electric Lightning] and [Goddess of Vengeance], and is not afraid of being ambushed by a trap.

The fighter jet carried the Black Prince and flew towards the City of Steel, which was shining orange-red in the distance.

The closer he got, the more the Black Prince discovered that the technological development of this steel city was far beyond the reach of human beings in this world. In other words, this should not be a technology tree developed in the same world.

That’s amazing. Could this also be a change brought about by Pluto’s power?

As soon as the plane entered the airspace of the Steel City, a lighthouse immediately rose from the center of the base, and the top of the tower flashed red light regularly.

Immediately afterwards, a red laser was shot from the top of the tower, forming a red virtual traction track in the dark night sky.

Starscream flew straight along the track to the end of the track, where in the center of the City of Steel, a huge dark tunnel was slowly unfolding.

As soon as it flew into the tunnel, the surrounding lights immediately lit up as the plane moved forward, but the Black Prince on the wing of the plane disappeared.

The moment he entered the City of Steel, he activated his power [Lightning Stone Fire] to enter the realm of thunder and lightning, transforming into lightning and invading the interior of the castle.

Starscream did not stop, but flew directly into the hangar. There, a dozen Transformers were waiting for him.

"What are you doing, let him escape? I just said that Starscream shouldn't be sent!" Sideswipe, a member of the Autobots' unit, immediately accused loudly.

As soon as Starscream returned to human form, he couldn't help but taunted: "Why, the great Sideswipe can turn into a plane and climb to the top of a twenty-four-story building to greet the 'guests'? Then we are really rude. Come on, Decepticons Soldiers, salute the flying cannon."

Several Decepticon Transformers nearby clapped in unison.

Sideswipe immediately raised his energy cannon, and Starscream showed off his missile launcher not to be outdone.

"Shut up, everyone."

Plague, the Decepticon sweeper captain who looked like an old man, put a stop to the daily farce between the Autobots and Decepticons with a calm and low voice:

"Starscream, are you sure he used the lightning speed field?"

"Bah! Of course, the God Killer stood on my wing and turned into a bolt of lightning."

Starscream pointed to the somewhat charred parts of his wings:

"Hell, I have to get it polished and waxed!"

Plague nodded and contacted his fellow Autobots through the internal communication channel: "Perceptor, you can start collecting intelligence."


Now that we know that the master's main opponent this time is both a foreigner and a god-slayer, and also has the most difficult and difficult to deal with the "Thunder and Lightning Speed ​​Field" in the speed field, then collecting intelligence in advance and analyzing it is the task that these subordinates should perform .

Inside the City of Steel, countless monitors and sensing instruments began to operate at full capacity, capturing the Black Prince's movement trajectory, the frequency of energy bursts, the maximum speed and shortcomings of the speed field, and so on.

On the other side, the Black Prince shuttled through the City of Steel in the form of thunder and lightning.

The more you turn, the more confused you become. This place is simply a maze of steel!

The power [Lightning and Stone Fire] is the original core power that the Black Prince usurped from the fallen angel [Remuel] who was in charge of thunder and illusion.

This is a super-high-speed movement technique entwined with thunder and lightning, accompanied by signs of walking on sparks. It enters the realm of unparalleled speed and acquires motor nerves as light as a cat.

This is a four-dimensional movement method with a wide range of applications. The ability to control priorities, create clones and fly, put others in a state of divine speed, make the body lighter than paper, cover up the breath, and have neither sound nor shadow.

However, after about 5 minutes of entering the physical body, the brain will scream, and 20 minutes later, there will be an uncomfortable feeling of intense jet lag. If you continue to use it beyond the limit, it will have the side effect of not being able to return to the original speed. As a common weakness of Godspeed, precise movement is also difficult.

Of course, as the core power of the Black Prince, he has developed this power to the extreme. The side effects can be dealt with by transforming the body into a 'Thunder Appearance', which also allows the body to be wrapped with purple electricity and slam into enemies. This state can reduce the physical burden caused by divine speed, but the disadvantage is that it will lose the super magic resistance originally possessed by the body of the Godslayer.

After wandering around the City of Steel for five minutes, the Black Prince was stunned and could not find the way to the headquarters at the top of the tower. Every time you reach an intersection, there will be several forks, and each fork has the same structure and appearance, which makes the Black Prince, who has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, particularly uncomfortable.

Just when he became more and more irritable and had the dark thoughts of blasting through the entire Steel City with [Black Thunder], the originally integrated steel ceiling above his head suddenly expanded to both sides, revealing a higher level. space. Then the ceiling of the upper space also opened.

Layer after layer unfolded slowly, and in less than ten seconds, a path leading directly to the top command headquarters was revealed.

The Black Prince looked up at the huge passage above his head and tilted his head.

Is this a show of force? Or is it just an invitation? No matter which one it is, it seems that I am going to have a try today.

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