A foreigner's journey

Chapter 989 The crisis is coming

Seeing the figures of Heather and Sun Wukong disappearing from the horizon, leaving only two long trailing cloud marks in the sky, the Wolf King couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He was like a lonely old man who was trembling and hunched over step by step towards the headless body lying on the ground. His face was as miserable as the Wolverine in "X-Men 3" who was killed by himself while holding his arms in his arms. Qin Gray looked up to the sky and cried.

Why does this happen? It was me first, it was obviously me who came first...meeting the strongest God of Steel, being able to fight with the God of Steel heartily, two happy things overlapped, and these two joys brought me More happiness. What he got was supposed to be the most powerful power in the world... But why did it become like this...

Arriving next to the headless corpse that was still twitching slightly, and looking at Batras' head that was all over the floor, the Wolf King couldn't help but sigh again.

If you scratch your claws on the corpse while it's still hot or use Zhurongjie fire to burn it, will the kill be counted as your own?

Just as the old wolf king was circling around Bartras's headless body, he suddenly raised his head alertly, and then his face showed surprise and anger.

Because he saw thunder bursting out of the sky in the distance, and it was heading towards his side!

Thunder's speed field... Heather! Are you still coming?

Just now, a Monkey King was attracted to steal Patras's head. Vauban had already endured it, but who made him move too slowly and failed to kill Patras in advance? Besides, it wasn't Heather's own doing, not counting that he stole his God of Steel.

But now you're back to mock me and touch the body. Isn't this a bit too much, young man?

The lightning bolt instantly moved from far to near and landed not far from Vauban, exploding a large amount of rubble and smoke.

The Wolf King could no longer hold back his anger and transformed into a ten-meter-tall gray-haired werewolf, with Zhurong Tribulation Fire wrapped around his claws. Even if he admires Heather, a young junior, but as long as Heather dares to taunt him, Vauban might have to teach him a profound lesson that he will never forget!

But after the smoke dispersed, the figure revealed was not the Heather Vauban was familiar with.

But it was the Black Prince who had only met once before!

At this time, the Black Prince was no longer the calm gentleman he usually was. His suit had become tattered and had holes everywhere, and blood was constantly leaking out.

The most serious injuries were to his right arm and right rib. The right rib seemed to have been struck by some extremely high-temperature weapon. Most of the right rib and right waist had semicircular injuries, and the wound was scorched.

The right arm was broken at shoulder level. The fracture was not a neat cut, but a cruel look like it had been twisted alive.

The black prince's middle-parted black hair, which was originally fixed with hair wax, was now hanging down weakly, and his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat. His face became increasingly pale due to excessive blood loss.

The tragic situation of the Black Prince, who was also the God-Slayer, made the Wolf King feel trembling.

You must know that the flesh of every God-Slayer is extremely strong, the hardness of the bones is harder than any alloy in the world, the muscle fibers are difficult to tear, the bleeding will stop immediately, and the sense of pain will become dull. The most important thing is that the God Killer has extremely strong resistance to spells. Magic spells, whether benevolent or malicious, will be bounced away. Unless the magic is directly injected into the body using mouth-to-mouth method, it will not work.

The only ones who can cause harm to the Godslayer are the Godslayer and the God of Disobedience.

"Hmph... Black Prince Alek, you are in such a mess right now."

The Wolf King maintained his werewolf posture. Anyway, he looked very embarrassed in his human form, so he might as well maintain his werewolf appearance to ensure his dignity in front of his juniors.

"Cough...cough! Cough! This is...Hokkaido?"

The Black Prince lay half on the ground, coughed a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with blood clots, and then reluctantly raised his head: "You, you are Sacha de Jansdaal Vauban!"

"It's so impolite to call me Marquis."

Before the Black Prince could get up, Marquis Vauban took the lead in inserting his claws deeply into the chest of Bartras's headless corpse.

Previously hit by the breath of the underworld demon dragon mixed with the Zhurong Tribulation Fire, the steel body on Batras's chest had been broken through and a large hole had melted out. Vauban's claw attack with all his strength completely penetrated the big hole in Bartras's chest, and the remaining heartbeat fluctuations were completely ended under this last-ditch attack.

It is indeed known as the strongest immortal body, and it can barely maintain a trace of life without its head. If he hadn't decisively hit the target, he might have given Batras a chance to resurrect and make a comeback.

At the same time, the Wolf King felt a brand new power pouring into his body. Could it be...Batras's divine power?

Just when the Wolf King was secretly proud, the Black Prince reluctantly got up from the ground, covered the broken part of his right shoulder, and said with difficulty:

"Marquis Vauban, please listen to me. I know that the summoning ceremony of the God of Disobedience in Hokkaido, Japan is a trap set by you and King Heather against other god-killers (Vauban: Huh?), but now This is really not the best time for the God-Slayers to fight among themselves. John Pluto Smith, the masked hero of Los Angeles and the God-Slayer with you and me, has fallen, and you and I will be next! "

The ferocious wolf face of the gray-haired werewolf showed a humanized frown. [Pluto] John Pluto Smith briefly fought against him. Although he was not the same person as this junior, Vauban recognized Hades' power as a god-killer, which was stolen from the Aztec demon god [Tezcatli]. The powerful power of Boka is even comparable to that of his own [Greedy Wolves].

Such a strong man actually died?

The werewolf stood up straight, the Zhurong Tribulation Fire in his claws gradually extinguished, and snorted coldly: "It's really ridiculous that the God-killer would die. From the look of you, you were attacked by the disobedient god who killed Pluto?"

"No, that's definitely not the God of Disobedience! That's...cough! Ahem!"

The Black Prince took two steps forward anxiously, then spurted out two mouthfuls of blood. He finally calmed down his breath before speaking:

"That is a mysterious power that far exceeds the God of Disobedience. Not only John Pluto Smith, but the entire United States has been completely destroyed. All mortals living in the United States have no survivors. The entire United States has become In this hell made of machinery and steel, I tried my best to escape from the pursuit of the endless steel legions!

Marquis, now the world is in great danger of being destroyed. All of us God-killers must unite to fight against that mysterious force. We... where is King Heather? He's not with you? "

The Black Prince looked left and right, but he didn't see Heather. In his opinion, Heather and Wolf King are both extremely powerful god-killers. If these two people join his side, they may be able to defeat the mysterious [Pluto].

At the mention of Heather, the Wolf King couldn't help but snorted angrily, but before he could answer, he suddenly arched his body and assumed an attacking posture in the direction of the empty, charred wilderness. The wolf's lips curled up to reveal his white teeth. A threatening sound came from deep in his throat.

Immediately afterwards, a light curtain suddenly appeared, and then the light curtain opened to both sides.

The mechanical dragon beast with double cannons on its shoulders slowly walked out of the space door, causing the ground to tremble with every step it took. Countless black shadows can be seen in the space door behind it, eagerly waiting for Infinitydramon's orders.

"It seems like we caught a big fish. Credit! A big credit to the Mechanical Beast Legion!"

The 20-meter-tall Infinite Dragon Beast, which was made of silver-white metal, looked down at the pale Black Prince and the Wolf King in an attack posture, and made a mechanical electronic sound from its mouth:

"The mechanical beasts obey the order! Attack with the whole army! Crush the enemy!"

As the words fell, countless mechanical Digimon poured out of the space gate, rushing towards the Wolf King and the Black Prince like a sea wave.

"Although I don't know what you are, but since you dare to attack me... I will use you to test the new power."

The Wolf King showed a ferocious smile, and his originally dark mouse-colored fur began to transform into a silver-white metallic color.

That is a brand new power usurped from the strongest steel [Batras]!

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