A foreigner's journey

Chapter 992 Alliance

"As smart as you are, you naturally know who I'm talking about."

Hades shook his finger, and the screen immediately switched to Heather, giving him a close-up.

Heather was not aware that she was being spied on at this time. She was watching the Monkey Hair Army fighting against the Transformers army with great interest, and even took pictures with her phone from time to time.

Seeing her enemy who had repeatedly humiliated her, Athena couldn't help but frown.

Seeing Athena's appearance, Pluto did not show a sarcastic smile or offer words of comfort. In his opinion, these were the most useless things to Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

To impress potential allies, you need something strong.

"My compatriot seems to be restless and has caused chaos in your world. He even attracted a 'big man' who does not belong to this world."

He tapped the Monkey King on the screen with his finger from afar. Pluto's tone was calm and calm, like a living machine:

"If you leave it alone, I'm afraid your world will soon become food for my compatriot."

Athena turned to look at Hades: "In my eyes, you are no different from Heather. No... there are still some differences. At least he will not attack human civilians wantonly."

From entering the United States until arriving at the Cradle of Steel, Athena did not even see a single human survivor.

Outside of Los Angeles, the United States only retains the most basic urban structure, and every electronic product Athena sees has become a 'living creature'. From human mobile phones to cranes and ships, everything related to electronic products and even mechanical items have become brand-new silicon-based organisms that do not belong to this planet.

And American nationals? The energy furnaces that can be seen everywhere running all the time may be able to answer this cruel question.

Athena even saw some silicon-based creatures that looked like humans, and they seemed to have two different forms. Needless to say, it must be a 'prop' used to confuse the God-Slayers.

In fact, the Black Prince was indeed deceived, otherwise he would not have stepped into the Cradle of Steel with confidence and finally found himself trapped in an ambush from which he could not easily escape.

Athena is a god, a disobedient god who wants to break free from the [mythology] given by humans. Of course, she will not have any sympathy for the American people.

She was simply unhappy to see Pluto.

The goddess of wisdom doesn’t act on impulse? My concubine is also called the ‘Goddess of War’!

If she hadn't seen that these mechanical products could affect herself as a god, she would have directly snatched the Gorgon Stone.

It is strange to say that all human technological creations cannot cause any harm to the gods, because the gods do not belong to the world, and any attack will return to nothing.

But the mechanical warriors under this strange guy named 'Pluto' possess high-tech weapons that can threaten the gods. Athena can feel the inexplicable power wrapped around these mechanical warriors.

Thinking of this, Athena couldn't help but look at the screen again.

"Is this okay? Such elite soldiers and servants are actually used as consumables?"

The brave and powerful Transformers troop made the god Athena very envious and couldn't help but ask.

"This is exactly how people like me win. Obtain enough intelligence first, and then develop targeted tactics. To me, Iron Warriors like that are just numbers that can be thrown out at any time to detect precious intelligence. 'That's all. If I make you feel unhappy, please allow me to apologize in advance."

"Can I understand that neither you nor Heather belong to this universe? No wonder I can feel a weird 'fire' from you."

Athena stood quietly under the throne with a cold tone:

"You said Heather is dangerous to this world, so why are you not? Join forces with you to defeat Heather, and then sit back and watch you ascend to the top of the world as the new demon king and begin your long and brutal rule?"

Not only was Pluto not annoyed when he heard this, but he chuckled: "Oh, blame me for not making it clear. My only goal in this world is to hunt down this good compatriot of mine."

"Pursuit? Do you have a grudge against him?"

"Heather... Well, let's call him by the name he took from the mythical figure. In a certain world, he brutally killed the descendants under my care. To avenge my friend who was brutally murdered, this is what I am here for. The goal. As long as I kill Heather, I will leave here immediately and never stay any longer."

Pluto sounded sincere:

"In fact, even if I kill the God of Disobedience, I cannot become a god-slayer. There is no benefit to me in being an enemy of your gods. On the contrary, I will eliminate a mortal enemy of your God of Disobedience as soon as I come. Another god-killer almost died in my hands, I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see clearly my sincerity and motives."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

A space door appeared from around Athena, and Astro Boy, dressed in children's clothing, held a tray covered with red silk.

Walking in front of Athena, Astro Boy bowed slightly, then took off the curtain on the tray, revealing the true appearance of the contents.

It was a broken arm at shoulder level. Judging from the fracture, it looked as if it had been cruelly twisted. The arm itself also showed a twisted and weird posture.

After just one glance, Athena raised her eyebrows slightly. She could feel the amazing spell power from the amputated arm, which came from the old enemy [God Killer]!

"The young man named 'Black Prince' seems to be quite confident in his speed, thinking that he can easily fool me and my Iron Legion by seizing the speed power from Thunder Angel. In fact, his speed is indeed very fast, almost as fast as Not even sensors or surveillance equipment could catch him."

Pluto pointed at Astro Boy:

"It's a pity that he met my beloved general. Leaving only one arm is the best ending for the God-killer. Astro Boy, pay tribute to the great goddess of wisdom Athena."

Astro Boy was like an ordinary little boy, with a slightly shy face and bowed to Athena, who was beautiful and about the same age as him:

"Hello, Miss Athena."

Athena was naturally not fooled by Astro Boy's appearance as a boy. She saw through the inner being of this 'creature' that looked exactly like a little boy.

This is a robot containing extremely amazing energy! Once the terrifying energy in its body breaks out, it will even be enough to level this cradle of steel.

And Athena can be sure that every move she makes is completely seen through by this guy named Astro Boy. Countless dense data flowed through those innocent-looking eyes, seeming to be calculating the trajectory of his next movements.

Is the near-future observation achieved entirely by relying on technological power an ability specifically aimed at the realm of super speed?

He told himself clearly that even the Black Prince who was good at the speed field would have a hard time escaping. Before he became the God of Disobedience, he had no hope of surviving from their hands.

It seemed that he was chatting with himself calmly, but in fact he was ready to kill him completely if he fell out, and even made naked threats. Sure enough, he was the same person as that annoying Heather!

At the critical moment, Athena changed from the goddess of war to the goddess of wisdom, and looked at Pluto: "Let me state in advance that if you want to achieve cooperation, you must give the Gorgon Stone to me. And once I reach the point of disobedience, Athens With Na’s supreme status, you won’t be able to manipulate me as easily as you do now.”

The small stone talisman was thrown in an arc in mid-air, and was accurately caught by Athena.

"Sincerity is mutual."

Hades smiled and said:

"Now that we have reached a partnership, I will give you another key piece of news for free - the key to unlocking the Gorgon Stone [Hera Pillar] is in the underground temple in the old city of Naples, Italy."

The secret base of the Seven Sisters in Italy was sold to Athena by Pluto without hesitation.

Without the protection of the King of Swords, how could an underground temple guarded by a few witches possibly be able to block the invasion of Athena?

Just let me make the water in this world a little muddier.

Then, my dear compatriot, when you are most in a hurry, I will give you the most fatal blow!

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