A foreigner's journey

Chapter 994 Pluto Plan

This time, Luo Hao made up her mind not to use gold particles to condense the Vajra King Palm, although that was her best trick.

Although those huge golden palms could be controlled by Luo Hao to use the "Twelve Divine Palms of the Flying Phoenix", the Japanese woman in front of him had the unreasonable and arrogant ability to confiscate all the 'flying props'.

He had four Vajra King Palms taken away from him before and used them all to fight back against him, which made Luo Hao so angry that his chest swelled.

This time, Luo Hao will use all the gold particles to condense into protective armor and turn it into the strongest shield.

In this way, he can resist Rin Qishi's hand sword.

Qishi's hand sword sword energy is extremely sharp and fast. It is a terrifying palm technique born out of the virtual sword style. With the supply of Heather's mind energy, she can continuously wield an overwhelming shower of sword energy, targeting the vital points with all her moves and blocking them at the same time. On the way, any encounter is like being hit hard by the sharpest blade.

The Nikko Toshogu Shrine and the surrounding mountains and forests were destroyed into rubble, and Nanami took most of the 'credit'.

This all appears on Cradle of Steel's second screen.

Pluto sat on the Iron Throne, a large amount of data streams flashing rapidly in his eyes, obviously searching for relevant information about Qishi.

After ten seconds, Hades closed his eyes and leaned back against the back of the Iron Throne.

"Lord Pluto, is it not going well?" Astro Boy stood beside the throne and asked softly.

Athena left the Cradle of Steel immediately after obtaining the whereabouts of the Gorgon Stone and the Pillar of Hera. Now there are only Pluto and Astro Boy in the huge command room.

Pluto raised his head and closed his eyes, and said slowly: "A very strange woman. There has never been such a character in the world and stories I know."

"Perhaps this lady is Mr. Heather's lover in this world?"

Astro Boy tilted his head: "She looks very beautiful and fragile. According to statistics, more than 40% of men will have a desire to conquer or protect such a woman."

"Ha...childish way of analysis."

Pluto reached out and rubbed Astro Boy's messy hair, speaking in a gentle tone:

"This beautiful lady is definitely not a resident of this world. I am sure that she is a helper brought from other worlds by Heather through some means."

Astro Boy asked a little strangely: "Didn't you say that outsiders can never take away living people from a certain world?"

"Astro Boy, do you think you are a [human]?" Pluto looked at Astro Boy, his warm tone was definitely not as hurtful as his words.

Astro Boy did not look hurt or offended in any way, and shook his head sincerely: "Of course I am not a human, Lord Pluto. I am Dr. Tenma Wutaro, created in memory of his son Tobio Tenma who died in a traffic accident. The intelligent robot A10-6.”

"Forget the past. You are Astro Boy, my assistant, not A10-6."

"Yes, Lord Hades. I am Astro Boy, your robot assistant."

"In my opinion, you are a [person], Astro Boy."

Pluto sighed: "Not just you, those Transformers are also living companions in my eyes rather than cold numbers serving as cannon fodder.

I use my conceptual power as a medium to take you away from your original world. Why can't other outsiders not do it? "

"But that lady is indeed a living human being." Astro Boy pointed at Rong Qishi who was fighting Luo Hao gracefully on the screen.

"It's hard to say. If you are an outstanding outsider, you will know how to use concepts to exploit loopholes in the world's rules.

For example, every time the little prince goes to a world, he will delve into the local fairy tales and legends, and try to reproduce the most interesting or famous fairy tales in that world.

When the story flow is repeated exactly, he can use the childlike concept to invite the fairy tale characters in that story to join his team.

That child is considered a leader even among the talented group of foreigners. If he is given enough time and a little chance, he will grow stronger and go further than Cosmo and I. pity……"

"Lord Pluto, the little prince is dead." Astro Boy reminded him inappropriately.

"Yes, I know that the child has been killed by Heather. This is the exact information I got after spending six world crystals to track it down."

Pluto put his hand on the armrest of the Iron Throne, and the metal armrest suddenly creaked under his palm, even though his expression remained calm and indifferent.

After a while, he calmed down and whispered:

"I don't know what Heather's concept is, but I can deduce it through the characteristics of this woman. When fighting Luo Hao, one of the strongest god-killers in the world, this woman will definitely give her all , the biggest feature she will show by then is the concept of Heather."

"So that's it. I just joined your command not long ago and have very little experience fighting foreigners. Please forgive me for my stupidity."

"Child, no one is born with all knowledge. 'Growing up' is an important experience on your way to becoming a human being. Don't be anxious."

Pluto swiped his finger across the air, and the electronic screen that was following Heather was immediately enlarged:

"Isn't it strange why I couldn't bear to hide in the dark to accumulate strength and wait for an opportunity to ambush Heather, but instead sent Optimus Prime and the red dragon Megatron to interrupt his battle with the Monkey King?"

"Yeah, I'm confused." Astro Boy nodded.

"The Great Sage Monkey King is not the ape god of this world, but a 'stronger one' summoned from other worlds by Heather through special means. He came with the body of the ape god of this world as a foundation, and showed his powerful the power of.

And what’s very strange is that I felt a trace of the ‘aura’ related to the little prince on that monkey. That monkey must have come into contact with the little prince in some world.

And that world is the world where the little prince finally died. "

He stood up from the throne and looked at the face of Monkey King displayed on the screen, his eyes flashing crazily red like electronic eyes:

"I want this monkey and Heather to live temporarily until I get the little prince out of their mouths at the last moment, and then I will give them eternal pain."

Pluto raised his hand, and a red space door immediately tore open behind him, and a floating pedestal floated out of it.

There are three cylindrical nutrition tanks filled with light green liquid placed on the pedestal, each with a brain floating in it filled with large and small wires.

There is an electronic screen directly under these cylindrical nutrition tanks, which displays different human faces. Without exception, they are all making silent and crazy screams, or crying and begging for mercy. But no sound came out.

"I will torture them, then dig out their brains from their skulls alive, put them in this death vessel, use nutrient solution to continuously nourish their brains, and then use nerve signals to simulate various cruel punishments. Their bodies They will not become numb due to too much torture, but I will always maintain their sensitivity to torture and eternal painful repentance, forever and ever.”

On the electronic screens under the three nutrition tanks, there are three names engraved on them, namely——

[Tenma Wutaro], [Harold Ettinger], [Hailan].

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