A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1005 Shifting the battlefield

Metal meteorites and scarlet meteorites continue to collide. This is a battle of honor between the two princes of the star sea.

Because it is in space far away from the near-atmosphere area, the collision of meteorites did not cause any shock waves or storms, and of course there was no sound.

But the meteorites and metal fragments flying around are enough to cause terrible damage to anything in the surrounding area.

Standing on the deck of the huge Nautilus, Prince Xinghai held the scimitar in front of him, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, turning his head to avoid a metal fragment that was flying quickly, and sighed:

"I'm getting more and more attracted to you, boy. I've seen stupid god-killers who tried to steal my powers a long time ago, but none of them could pull off all the tricks like you. You must have studied my mythology quite deeply, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes, that's too much research."

Heather replied perfunctorily, while quickly communicating with Qishi - [Dear, does this Samsara Eye have any unique moves? Similar to Sasuke's 'Tenju's Power' and Madara's 'Ringrave Side Prison'? 】

[No, because it is a temporarily evolved six-magatama samsara eye, and this form is not stable. However, as the basics, the ‘All Forms of Heaven’, ‘Shinra Heaven’s Sign’ and ‘Earth Explosion Star’ can all be used freely... Ah, please be careful. 】

When Heather heard the reminder, she turned sideways to avoid the artillery fire coming from afar.

"How many powerful people's abilities have you secretly copied behind my back?" Heather was a little dissatisfied. If she hadn't met Prince Xinghai today, Qi Shi might not have planned to reveal the Samsara Eye to her.

[Most of the copied abilities will become invalid or have their abilities greatly reduced once they are separated from the soil of the original world, so they are of little use to you at this stage. If you were told everything, it would seriously slow you down. The pace of getting stronger. 】

Qishi said calmly in his heart——

[Like the 'lethal dose' and 'enforcement' in the Death World, they cannot be used in worlds other than the Death World. The necromancy and magic of the Branded Warrior World are only applicable to the local power system. On the contrary, the 'Domination of Lower Creatures' taken from Machima in the Chainsaw Man world can play a small role.

The power of Naruto's world is a special case, because the original chakra is based on your 'qi', which is equivalent to having a universal template, so it can exert most of the power in other worlds, but it is not one percent. conversion rate of hundreds.

Only martial arts techniques can exert 100% lethality in a world with similar physical rules. 】

Did you actually make a copy of the lethal dose and enforcement? It's true that you are more of a qualified foreigner than me, my dear.

Heather was not surprised that those power systems could not be used after leaving the native world, because most of the abilities relied on the rules or energy sources of the current world. Originally, the limits of ninjutsu and blood succession in the world of Naruto were also within this general framework of rules, but Heather's energy was converted into chakra with almost no loss, which was equivalent to a lively humanoid sacred tree. The Seven Realms provide a reliable source of chakra supply.

If I have to give an example, it's like humans who are accustomed to living on the earth cannot survive in outer space. Heather is a spaceship with unlimited oxygen and supplies, and it also thoughtfully equips all passengers with corresponding space equipment. Clothes.

However, Qishi has never deceived Heather. It is better to say that she will not have any thoughts of deception or rebellion against Heather at all, because she considers herself to be the most outstanding [sword] in the world, not [a person].

How could a knife rebel against its wielder?

It is true that most of the abilities or moves that Yan Qishi brought from other worlds cannot be used. She secretly guessed that it was probably because she was not a foreigner and did not have the 'qualifications' to control the power systems of different worlds. The reason why the ninjutsu and blood succession limits in the Naruto world can be used so flexibly is because Heather's 'ki' can be converted into chakra.

Is the [Nian Qi] in Hunter World really so omnipotent?

No, it should be said that Heather’s [Qi] is really the ‘Nian Qi’ of the Hunter World? Could it be that that is just the thought energy formed through simulation?

Qishi watched Heather clumsily use the gravitational repulsion of the Samsara Eye to fight with the Xinghai Prince, and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

The special chakra that she secretly copied out of interest at that time really worked. With the mentality of "collecting", she searched the Naruto world and copied the "Chen Release", "Wood Release", "Melting Release", "Boiling Release" and "Arashi" After waiting for the Blood Successor to be limited and the Blood Successor to be eliminated, he obtained the special chakra of Indra and Asura from Sasuke and Naruto to try to open the Rinnegan himself.

If the reincarnation eye can be successfully opened, I believe the owner will be very happy.

The previous stages went smoothly, but every time when the final stage of the Rinnegan was finalized, it would be interrupted and return to the original Sharingan state.

In this way, the Samsara Eye can only be used as a temporary means and cannot provide stable and long-term combat power. In addition, the temporary Samsara Eye does not have special eye skills. Qishi understands Heather's thoughts very well - don't use anything that is not special enough. , mass production machines have no human rights.

The ordinary temporary reincarnation eye may refresh him for a while, but it will definitely become disgusting after long-term use, so Qi Shi has always regarded the temporary reincarnation eye as a failed work and a collection and never mentioned it to Heather.

If Heather hadn't insisted on playing a meteorite collision battle this time, Qi Shi might not have planned to use this failed work for Heather.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Heather spinning and flying far away. It was not that he was attacked by the Prince of Xinghai, but that he was pushed out by the repulsive force because the output power of his 'Shenra Tianzheng' was useless.

Alas, what an idiot master who is both good and fun-loving.

Heather spun and flew dozens of meters away, almost being caught by the earth's gravity and pulled into the atmosphere. The six magatama dark green reincarnation eyes were full of distress.

Although saying this is a bit of a waste of resources, Heather really feels that Nanami's pair of temporary reincarnation eyes are not as effective as her own Mangekyō Sharingan.

No wonder Qishi didn't take it out for himself to use. It turned out that he didn't want to hear his own complaints.

"My dear, your samsara eyes are useless at all. Return the product!" I will definitely complain like this by then, right?

"Although I don't know what you are playing at, I don't want to waste time with you anymore. Just exit in this vast sea of ​​​​stars, thief god-killer!"

Prince Xinghai drove the Big Nautilus and rushed straight towards Heather.

Heather curled her lips: "Don't add 'thief' to every sentence. In my opinion, you are the thief, okay? But, if you want to fight against the King of the End, you still have to use your power to fight." In this case……"

He raised his right hand, lightning flashing in his palm:

"First, let's turn the battlefield back to the ground."


Greece, Rhodes Island.

The Knight's Palace, which was Heather's residence, was now in ruins. The huge Transformers were walking in the sea of ​​smoke and fire, constantly searching for the target of this operation.

A large number of disgraced surviving humans were captured by them and gathered in the open space, and some small Transformers were trying to torture them.

In a shadow not far from the Knight's Palace, the dark birds formed by the spell intertwined to form a dark curtain, covering Christina underneath.

She looked towards the knight's palace through the gap in the curtain, feeling surprised and uncertain in her heart.

Who are these guys?

First, the Knight's Palace was reduced to a sea of ​​ruins and flames with unreasonable and violent bombardment, and then a large number of metal monsters walked out of the blue door, arbitrarily capturing the surviving members of the Silver Owl Society and questioning them about the whereabouts of Christina.

At first, Christina thought they were the followers sent by the God of Disobedience, but now it seems that they are coming for her!

The commander-in-chief of the Yinxiao Association has always had a very clear-headed and calm mind. Of course, he does not think that there is anything about him that can make the guys who are suspected of being disobedient look at him differently.

Do you want to use me as a hostage to threaten King Heather?

The Knight's Palace was almost turned upside down, but the Transformers were still unable to find Christina, and they began to become visibly impatient.

Shockwave, who was larger and more ferocious than other Transformers, sat on a collapsed statue, his scarlet eye flashing with cruel light:

"Bring that old man up!"

Shockwave's mechanical electronic sound echoed in the ruins of the Knight's Palace, and several Transformers immediately walked to Shockwave, escorting Solon, the staff member of the Silver Owl Association.

There was blood on the old man's forehead at this time, and the robe on his body was also covered with dust, but his expression was calm and calm, and his pair of eagle eyes were fixed on the ferocious and huge metal monster in front of him.

"You are Christina Scylla's most trusted confidant, Solon Valentine."

Shockwave leaned down and stared at Solon at close range with the huge mechanical one-eye:

"You only get one chance. Say, where did Cristina Skoura hide?"

"The alliance leader has followed the king to Japan a few days ago. You are targeting the alliance leader, but you don't know about it?" Solon smiled.

"Lies are persistent."

Shockwave straightened up and waved his hand:

"Let the 'doctor' prepare and dig out his brain."

Solon! Christina almost rushed out. Since the death of her father, Solon had been doing his best to take care of her and assist her. She also regarded Solon as a respectable and trustworthy father. For a moment, Christina really wanted to rush out and replace Solon with herself.

But Christina still endured it, because she knew that she must not be caught by these monsters, otherwise they would definitely use herself as a hostage to coerce the king.

Even if he and Yin Xiao are all killed in battle, he must not let his existence threaten the king! This is the oath that Yin Xiao made when he swore to become a member of Heather.

Solon had been pinned to the ground, a microscope was brought over and transformed into a small reptile-like Transformer. It used its metal spider limbs to crawl to Solon's side, looked at it for a few seconds, then turned around and shouted at Shockwave: "Lord Shockwave! We have to take out this old man's brain completely!"

Shockwave slightly tilted his head, indicating that the doctor could move freely.

Buzz! An electric surgical saw rotated at high speed and approached Solon's forehead.

Solon showed no signs of flinching or fear, and still maintained a calm smile: "Monster, you can't get anything from me. The king will definitely find you and destroy you."

"Old man, your king is about to be killed by our master!" the doctor screamed, slamming the surgical saw downwards.

Stab! The surgical saw created lots of sparks in the ground.

"Where's the human? Where's the human?" The doctor shook his head left and right in an attempt to find traces of Solon, and then with a clang, his head spun and fell to the ground.

Not only it, but all the surrounding Transformers were cut in half at the same time.

Shockwave casually threw away the half-broken body of the Heart Changing King that he had temporarily grabbed as a shield, and looked at the open space a hundred meters away with his scarlet single eye:

"……Who are you?"

All the Transformers in the open space had been cut off. Solon was lying on the ground with a dazed look on his face. In front of Solon stood a black-haired man in a black cloak. A pair of scarlet eyes looked at Shockwave from a distance:

"Uchiha Quick Slash, please give me some advice."

PS: I forgot to post it on time last night...

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