A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1008 The ship was destroyed but no one was killed

Void cannons were constantly hit by the beam cannons coming from below and exploded, and dense fires exploded in the sky one after another.

The Cradle of Steel below was also bombarded from above, destroying the laser turret, and the constant violent explosions caused the earth to tremble violently.

Pluto has absolute confidence in his own military power. Any enemy standing in front of him will be removed as an eyesore, even if the opponent is Monkey King, the stranger Heather, and the last king, Prince Xinghai.

The repair speed of the turret below is constantly accelerating. If a laser turret is disabled, a large group of extremely small repair robots will immediately swarm up and start repair work. If it is completely damaged and cannot be repaired or the repair is too difficult, they will dismantle the remaining remains of the current turret. The reusable part is used to rebuild a fort on the spot and connect it to the energy conduit.

This is machinist technology from the DNF world.

Mechanics in the DNF world rely on rapid assembly technology to pull together a large group of small robots with different functions in a very short time to deal with various battles. Most of these small robots will be actively detonated by mechanics to attack opponents after their effectiveness is exhausted, to extract the maximum value from themselves, not to mention there are several types of robots specifically designed to self-destruct.

The reason why Pluto was able to stand out among a large number of mechanics and become the leader of the Celestial Army was that in addition to his excellent rapid assembly and space folding skills, he also had this unique skill of the 'R series'.

On the battlefield, Pluto's mechanical troops can always reorganize a new wave of offensive in the shortest time after rapid detonation, and can also adjust the robot army on the battlefield according to the enemy's weaknesses.

As if aware that the repair speed below was getting faster and faster, Prince Xinghai directly drove the Nautilus to rush towards Pluto below, capturing the thief first!

Suddenly, several space gates appeared in a very hidden way on the path that the Nautilus must pass and then suddenly opened, combining together to form a hyperspace tunnel leading to Mars.

He wants to repeat his old trick and send the Star Sea Prince and Heather to Mars together, just like the unlucky monkey.

Prince Xinghai reacted very quickly and immediately turned the Nautilus to avoid plunging into the space channel.

But after the Nautilus turned its bow, it suddenly discovered that another hyperspace tunnel was also crossing the front of the ship, and it turned out that the Nautilus's trajectory had been calculated in advance.

Below, Astro Boy raised his head and stared at the enemy's movements in the sky, a massive flow of information flashing through his big eyes. His electronic brain is connected to the supercomputer located two hundred meters underground in the Cradle of Steel. He has initially established an action simulation model for Prince Xinghai and Heather, trying his best to calculate the trajectory of all their next actions.

Seeing that the Nautilus could not stop the car and was about to crash into the hyperspace tunnel, Heather, who was connected to the Star Sea Prince by her own chain, could only summon the water-calling sword and throw it hard forward!

As soon as the water-calling sword was nailed into the hyperspace tunnel, the inside of the tunnel immediately began to become energy chaotic, and then exploded with a tearing sound!

At the same time, the Mars teleportation platform, which had been mostly destroyed by monkeys, was completely destroyed in the violent explosion.

"Space anchoring!?" Pluto's eyes widened, and he immediately denied his first impression: "No, it is the power to create a different space channel! The disturbance when the different space is created destroys the stability of the hyperspace tunnel. "

In the sky, the Nautilus broke through the remaining explosion flames, adjusted its angle and continued flying towards Pluto.

Prince Xinghai glanced at Heather: "Do you know that you are stealing the show?"

"You're welcome," Heather replied slyly.

Seeing that the Nautilus was getting closer and closer to Pluto, the mermaid figure had even raised its sharp and huge trident and pointed it at Pluto from a distance, preparing to give Pluto a hard blow with the huge impact of its fall.

Pluto showed no sign of panic.

He raised his palm upward, as if he was trying to use this flesh-and-blood palm to resist the Nautilus, which fell like a meteorite.

Uh-huh! He suddenly clenched his fists and swung them upwards.

Stab-! !

An extremely huge space gate suddenly tore apart above Pluto, and a huge mechanical fist with a diameter of two thousand meters blasted out from it at a terrifying speed of thirty thousand meters per second!

[Geboga's Fist]!

I wipe it! Gai Bo... Before Heather could even utter a exclamation, all her vision was instantly occupied by boundless black shadows.

Pluto's timing for this wave was really good, giving full play to the essence of luring the enemy deep and then killing them with one blow.

The speed of nearly Mach 100 ensured that there was no possibility of the ship in the sea of ​​stars deflecting again. The spatial anchoring characteristics of Gaibojia's Fist eliminated the possibility of Heather using that space weapon to escape into a different space alone.

This time, neither Prince of Star Sea nor Heather can escape!


The Nautilus and the Fist of Geboga collided fiercely without any fancy.

The first mermaid figure and the trident he held only lasted for half a second and were completely destroyed by the high-temperature layer covering the surface of Gaibojia's Fist.

The sails were raised forward, trying to resist this terrifying attack with the boundless sea contained within. Tear apart, the sail was crushed to pieces the moment it came into contact with the Fist of Geboga, which meant that the attack it suffered was enough to evaporate the sea with one blow.

Then came the hull, deck, mast, keel...

The Poseidon's ship, the Nautilus, which could carry the Prince of the Star Sea across the universe, was crushed to pieces by Geboga's fist, and there was no possibility of recovery.

The Sky-Strengthening Iron Fist that penetrated the sky and the earth blasted through the sky, but Heather and the Prince of Xinghai were nowhere to be seen.

Escaped? Pluto frowned. The spatial anchoring properties of Gaibojia's Fist were displayed here. How could it be possible...

"Lord Pluto!" Astro Boy suddenly said: "Heather used that space weapon to take Prince Xinghai to escape into a different space, and is expected to attack--"

laugh! A blade appeared from Astro Boy's chest, and his whole body was pulled up from behind.

There was a slanted space crack behind Astro Boy. A gray-faced Heather leaned half of his body out of it, and stabbed Astro Boy through with the water-calling sword in his right hand.

He was just a hair away from being hit head-on by Gebojia's fist, and the outcome would definitely not be good.

At the critical moment, Heather took back the Quick Slash clone far away in Greece, activated the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique [Dumukari] to reverse the space anchoring effect spread by Gaiboga around him, and then used the Water Summoning Sword to escape into a different space. .

Even so, he was still disgraced by the aftermath of the impact before the space door closed.

Astro Boy's prediction was correct. Heather did not use the different space to escape from the battlefield but immediately came to kill him. The first person to kill was Astro Boy, the little staff officer. He had already seen it above. Astro Boy's electronic mind can assist Pluto in predicting all the enemy's movement trajectories, which is equivalent to the scientific version of foreseeing the future.

With a swing of his knife, Astro Boy was chopped into more than a dozen pieces of scrap metal that emitted electric sparks. Heather stepped out of the crack in space. The other end of the chain connected to her wrist also appeared, and Prince Xinghai followed closely behind.

Now, there is less than ten meters between them and Hades.

PS: Oops! bingo! I hit! I finally got a room in the FF14 Bird Zone!

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