A foreigner's journey

Chapter 105 Hand in homework

Angelica stood among the crowd of onlookers, looking intently at the legendary Captain Heather.

As a devout believer, Angelica felt that for the first time she had blasphemous thoughts in her heart - if the gods really came to the world, maybe they would look like this, right?

There is no doubt that Heather, who does not wear glasses, has a destructive power to women in the three-dimensional world.

She finally took her eyes away from Heather's face and searched for the familiar and hated face among the sailors...ah, she found it.

Compared with ten years ago, this guy has a mustache and his behavior has become weird and effeminate, but there is a persistence in his madness... Yes, it's Jack Sparrow!

Jack was tiptoeing away from the crowd of sailors carrying an empty wine bottle, presumably planning to take advantage of the rare opportunity to go ashore and go to the tavern to get drunk.

He had just turned two corners and slipped into a deserted alley when a warm, slender hand suddenly pressed down on his mouth and pushed him hard against the alley wall. His face was smacked against the cold brick wall. You can smell the moss.

He tried hard to free his arms, but found that his hands were pinned behind him and could not move. He could only twist his neck and squeeze out some sound:

"This scent...Angelica? Is it you, my dear?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a heavy knee on his tailbone, followed by a shout: "You are not allowed to call me 'honey' again, Jack Sparrow!"

Jack's face turned pale in pain, and he said tremblingly: "Dear... er, Angelica, aren't you in a Spanish convent? Why did you come to Havana?"

"How dare you ask! If you hadn't seduced me, how could I have deviated from the Lord's teachings!" Angelica's eyes turned red with anger when she mentioned this: "You lied to a fourteen-year-old girl, but you still not human!"

Jack took advantage of Angelica's excitement to get rid of her restraints, twisted around and pushed Angelica against the alley wall, assuming the classic 'wall dong' pose, and gently caressed her with his fingers. face: "Oh, dear, are you blaming me for not taking you away? You know, at that time I had just found the treasure of Cortez and was preparing to show off my ambitions. I thought about taking the treasure and then looking for you, but in the end I encountered a little accident, so... oh oh oh!!!"

Jack clutched his crotch and knelt down on the muddy ground, his whole body twitching like an Arctic shrimp just out of the water.

Angelica lowered her half-raised right leg and spat viciously:

"Bah! I don't know what kind of thing you are. The reason why I didn't seize you immediately is because I have something to ask you to do...Don't refuse, because you owe me this."

"W-what's the matter..." Jack asked reluctantly, groaning and twitching in the mud from time to time.

Angelica blushed: "I want you to introduce me to him. I, I want to meet Captain Heather."

Just then, a gentle voice came from the end of the alley:

"I don't need Jack's introduction. I have always been extremely patient with a beautiful lady like you."

Angelica looked back and saw Heather, wearing a dark blue waterproof windbreaker and a captain's tricorn hat, standing at the end of the alley with a smile on her face.

While Angelica was obsessed with her own appearance, Heather quickly looked at Blackbeard's biological daughter from head to toe at an imperceptible speed.

To put it simply, it is the 24-year-old version of Penelope Cruz who matches the perfect match, and what’s with this figure? It’s simply more exaggerated than Miss Maria! The healthy wheat-colored skin, the slender waist that can almost break with a pinch, and the pair of unscientific ones... Wait a minute! Calm down, calm down Heather, in such a big environment... always pay attention, Heather, don't make mistakes!

Not mentioning the turmoil in her heart, Heather smiled and asked without changing her face: "Can I help you with anything, ma'am?"

Looking at Heather's beautiful face that could be compared to a god, Angelica subconsciously smoothed her long brown hair and said with a blush: "I've heard about Captain Heather for a long time, you can call me Angelica. I hope ...I hope to be able to ride on your Black Pearl for a while, because there is a place I want to go to no matter what..."

"Well, do you just want to take the Black Pearl? No problem." Heather readily agreed.

The simple and direct answer caught Angelica off guard.

She had seen too many men who coveted her beauty. Some of them looked upright in their methods but had dark thoughts. But Angelica could see that the extremely handsome captain in front of her had no plot or conspiracy, and was as pure and flawless as an angel spreading his holy wings.

Angelica hesitated to speak several times, and in the end she was still unwilling to harm the respectable Captain Heather after a psychological struggle, so she opened her mouth and said:

"...In fact, it's not just because of this. The owner of Morro Castle and the lord of Havana, the Marquis of Gonzalo has been pestering me recently, wanting me to marry him."

Angelica's pretty face had a melancholy look:

"Under his control, there is not even a ship in Havana willing to take me out. I, I don't want to see you conflict with the Marquis of Gonzalo because of me. After all, he has a gun capacity of more than one hundred and ten A two-gun, four-gun-deck battleship, the invincible 'Holy Trinity'."

Seeing Heather's thoughtful expression, Angelica said hurriedly: "No, sir, I'm really not taking advantage of your willingness to protect the weak and women to get myself out of trouble. I never want your black The Pearl collided with the Holy Trinity, a sea monster anchored at the Royal Marina on the east side of Santa Maria Bay. I have other ways to leave Havana, please forget my request, sir."

Angelica now particularly regrets why she impulsively expressed her desire to take a boat ride. If Captain Heather went to conflict or even exchange fire with Marquis Gonzalo because of this, it would be the Black Pearl that failed. After all, given the size of the hulls of both sides, the Holy Trinity only needed a simple salvo of artillery fire to directly sink the Black Pearl from a distance.

If Captain Heather dies because of this, Angelica will live in pain and guilt for the rest of her life.

But instead of showing any fear after hearing this, Heather raised her eyebrows at Jack: "Did you hear that, my apprentice?"

"Hmm~~The pride of the Spanish fleet, the invincible Holy Trinity..." Jack got up from the mud, twirled his mustache with his dirty, muddy hands, and smiled evilly: "I thought this precious ship had stopped. It’s in Barcelona’s Port Royal.”

Angelica looked left and right, wondering what they were talking about. Could it be a unique code between men?

"Do you want to capture it? Or just sink it?" Jack was straightforward. He could see that his mentor was not particularly interested in ships with powerful firepower, but focused on certain specific and famous pirate ships, such as the Black Pearl.

"Capture it, treat it as your first homework after completing the training of [Psychic Ability]."

The corner of Heather's lips curled up: "You will be the main force in this operation. Let me see your [practice], apprentice."

PS: [Holy Trinity], also known as [Santisima Trinidad], was the most spectacular warship in the entire age of sailing - the only four-story gun deck warship at the time, with an unprecedented number of guns. With 140 doors, it became the most powerful heavily armed battleship in the world in the 18th century.

In real history, the Holy Trinity was supposed to be completed and launched in Havana, Cuba in 1769, but I'm a little ahead of schedule here.

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