A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1023 Big Brawl

ah? Berserker Armor! ?

Pluto recognized the armor Heather was wearing at a glance. After all, its popularity was quite high among full-coverage armors.

This outsider has actually been to "Legend of Sword and Wind"? No, he entered Jianfeng Legend and still came out alive?

According to the inference among outsiders, the stress level of the Legend of Jianfeng world should be around level 6, which is not particularly high, but its danger level should be level 8, which is a real high-risk world.

Because there is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of this world's power system, and the world's consciousness is extremely active.

The most important thing is that the world's will is full of malice, and it can be said that there is no "good" part at all. It can detect intruders the moment outsiders enter and mobilize the energy of the entire world to target outsiders.

It is difficult to protect strangers in a world with a danger level of 8 just by relying on traveler fire, let alone ordinary foreigner fire.

Unless...he has [World Blessing]!

But how is this possible?

Even Pluto himself had never received such a blessing.

Different from Traveler's Fire, the so-called [World Blessing] is an almost legendary secret spread among outsiders.

If a foreigner has had close contact with the world's will when experiencing a world with a pressure level exceeding seven, and has received the most beautiful blessings from the other party using the power of the entire world, this foreigner's soul will be deeply Everywhere will be covered with multiverse-level blessings that can run rampant in all realms.

Such a blessing is enough that the outsider will be considered a native of most worlds by that world's world will.

The few world wills that exude malice from the roots of the world will not take the initiative to attack this outsider due to such blessings, which is to 'offset DEBUFF'.

If it is the kind of world that is compatible with the foreigner, the foreigner will even be actively selected to become a temporary agent.

This far exceeds the capabilities of Traveler Fire.

If Heather could hear Pluto's voice at this time, she would definitely think of the inherent skill she had when she saw her own template in the world of the Holy Grail War - [The Favor of the Distant Star].

[Love of a Distant Star]: Level EX, a hero blessed by the star will not be oppressed by the will of the world, but will become the spokesperson of the will of the planet with suitable compatibility.

When Heather met the little prince, she was a little confused as to why her [Distant Star's Love] had different effects from the Traveler's Fire that the little prince said. Hers was obviously more powerful.

It turns out that the reason is that Heather has a girlfriend with the will of the world, and this girlfriend also poured the life flow of the entire planet into Heather's body to help him forcibly activate his conceptual abilities.

This is why Heather has never been secretly affected by the world's will after experiencing the world of Final Fantasy, because [The Love of the Distant Star] has always protected him.

Pluto obviously couldn't imagine such an outrageous level - who would have thought that Heather not only had close contact with the world's will, but even had negative distance contact?

Looking at the three Susanoos who appeared at the same time, Hades immediately understood the principle.

It seems that Uchiha Suzhan learned Uchiha Madara's routine against the five shadows, separated into two stable shadow clones or wood clones, and poured a lot of chakra into them. As long as these clones are alive, they can consume and store chakra. Cast Susanoo.

"They just turned into three bigger bed bugs, not worth mentioning."

Pluto sneered and issued the command:

"Unlock [Gigantization] at the cadre level, and unlock [Repulsion Field Shield] at the elite level. Take these three large cockroaches apart for me!"


The werewolf covered in Susanoo armor tore open a huge blue space door in front of him, and Shockwave, who had grown to fifty meters in size, walked out of the space door holding a super giant cannon.

The Skyfire Optimus Prime, whose size changed to sixty meters and was fully armed, spread his wings and flew toward the armored dragon in the sky with the red dragon Megatron, which was a hundred meters long.

The surging Transformers army rushed towards the Gun Demon from all directions. Each of them was equipped with a repulsion field shield, which could deflect and neutralize the impact and destructive power of the 'long-range flying props' to the maximum extent.

"As for you, let me call you [Heather]."

Hades looked at Heather with a ferocious smile:

"I will bestow upon you the greatest funeral grace."

"Really? Come on then! I can't wait!"

Flame jets appeared on the back of Heather, whose whole body was covered by berserker armor. Under the huge thrust, her whole body changed from extremely quiet to extremely fast, and she fell from the sky in an instant!

[Berserker Armor·Fire Giant Mode] (MODE-SURTR)!

Pluto's body was instantly torn into pieces by the sharp claws covered by the berserker's armor, and large pieces of blood mist exploded.

Astro Boy immediately rushed up and punched Heather with his small fist.

"Did you knock me out before? Try again this time, kid."

The sharp black claws opened and firmly caught Astro Boy's punch. Then the sharp five fingers clenched tightly, and Astro Boy's hand was immediately crushed to pieces.

You can see that the tips of the five fingers of the Berserker's armor are glowing dark red. The combination of high temperature, toughness, and sharpness creates a destructive power that Astro Boy cannot resist.

As if he felt no pain, Astro Boy exploded the imprisoned elbow joint of his right arm without expression, and at the same time fired out a blazing red beam of light from his eyes, aiming directly at the head of the Berserker's armor.

Almost at the same time, the berserker armor also glowed with scarlet light in the cracks where his eyes were.

laugh--! ! Heather's head moved back slightly due to the reaction force, and two huge beam cannons shot out from the eyes of the berserker armor, swallowing up Astro Boy's laser eyes and unabated to hit Astro Boy. The large number of Transformers behind him all turned into molten iron.

The heat vision did not stop, and continued to burn through everything in its path, evaporating more than half of the tide of Transformers that was about to surround the Gun Demon, and finally drew a sad trajectory upwards.

It happened that the red dragon Megatron was unfortunately located within this trajectory. The light dissipated, leaving only a small half of his tail and left wing, and the rest of the body was melted and then evaporated.

"Ah haha, this fight was so chaotic!"

Prince Xinghai was not idle either. He stood in the sky above the sky, with a large wooden bow engraved with simple patterns emerging from his hand.

Just by holding the big bow and raising it, the entire Cradle of Steel began to generate earthquakes of magnitude 4 on the Richter scale.

"I'm not very familiar with this old man, so I'd better be a little more formal and read Yan Yan Ling."

Prince Xinghai cleared his throat and said:

"[Start at dawn, fly to sunset, cross the sky and sea, and reach the end of meteors]!"

As the word spirit unfolded, an arrow made entirely of light appeared in Prince Xinghai's free left hand.

He put the arrow on the bow and slowly pulled it out, and the energy surged rapidly.

【Attention everyone! A super high energy reaction occurs on the top of the head! 】A rapid sound wave warning sounded from the internal channel.

It was too late, because the arrow had already been shot. The direction is not towards the enemy below, but towards the sky above Prince Xinghai!

"[Meteor Ichijo] (Stella)!"

The arrow turned into a meteor, crossing the sky and the sea of ​​​​stars, and after flying 2,500 kilometers, it exploded into countless light trajectories and fell towards the cradle of steel below!

At this moment, Pluto's unharmed figure appeared in the sky.

The fire source he held in his hand quickly rotated and turned into a spiral structure, expanding and then shrinking like breathing.

"Invest 200 points of fire, repair Geboga and give it [Defense Strengthening] [High Temperature Resistance Strengthening] [Superspeed Trajectory Prediction] [Mechagod Guard]."

The huge red space gate reappeared in the sky, and a huge mechanical hand with a diameter of more than two thousand meters protruded from it.

The huge defensive force field spread out in all directions with Gaiboga's palm as the center.

The next moment, the rain of light in the sky collided with the protective barrier.

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