A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1029 Cradle of Steel

The wind and water that have been accumulated for a long time have been stored in the blade of the murderous sword, and now they are finally released.

The violent water flow and wind mixed together and turned into a huge silver blade that shrouded the murderous knife. Heather held this huge silver blade and slashed towards the source of the life weapon's fire!

[Dalan Divine Strike·Tianjian Congyun]!

Heather made a decision at the moment before taking action - cut first and then talk, so as not to have a long night of dreams.

Anyway, Qi Shi has the ability to repair weapons. If the fire source can be obtained by himself, he can repair it even if it is damaged. If it can't be obtained, then just break it!

The extremely ferocious silver knife struck firmly on the surface of the fire source, and the shock wave and storm water immediately swept through the entire spherical space.

Those factories and Transformers that were still alive and had not been destroyed by the turbulence of time and space were completely crushed under the impact of this overwhelming water flow.

The water flow was in a stalemate with the shell made of unknown metal on the surface of the fire source, making a huge roar.

You can see the light flowing between the countless mysterious patterns on the surface of the fire source flashing more and more rapidly.

"Lan, throw in all the remaining Great Lan Divine Strikes!"

Heather didn't care about saving her Nian Qi and Feng Shui consumption. The huge storm blade spurting out from the blade immediately surged, and the two sides' combat power, which was originally evenly matched, instantly became unbalanced.


The point where the surface of the fire source came into contact with the Sky Sword Cluster Cloud made a clear crackling sound that was enough to cover up the bombardment of the huge storm.

Heather's eyes widened, success!

All the light flows on the surface of the fire source were completely silent for a moment, causing this dark spherical space to be completely plunged into darkness.

Then, the light shines brightly!

Every pattern on the surface of the fire source bursts out with star-like brilliance.

At this moment, no matter Heather, who is closest to the source of fire, or the God-killers on the surface six thousand meters above, or even the Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars in the ionosphere who is fighting Gaibojia and Astro Boy, they all heard extremely strange sounds at the same time. sound.

It was an eerie roar that was made up entirely of the twisting sound of gears twisting, the crisp sound of metal hitting and colliding, and the hoarse roar of a giant beast—


Just hearing this sound, Heather, who was almost exhausted, immediately spurted blood from her mouth and nose.

It was as if a thousand red-hot needles were piercing his brain, and it was as if a giant hand made of metal was stirring crazily in his brain. The heart became numb under the impact of this loud sound, the blood in the whole body almost stagnated, and every bone screamed in severe pain.

This was still the case when Heather was wearing Berserker Armor, which minimized the mental impact and sonic impact.

At the same time, the Gun Demon and Kaidou, who were fighting Gaboga and the mechanical army on the surface, both lowered their heads and looked at the ground beneath their feet.

"Brother!?" The gun demon let out a sharp scream, and then took the initiative to cancel its manifestation.

The same goes for Kaidou, who also canceled the manifestation of the Quick Slash clone at the center of his eyebrows.

They sensed the crisis of the subject and subconsciously canceled the embodiment in order to maximize the supply of thought energy to the ontology.

Only Kuzan still maintains Susanoo's posture and flies in the sky.

It's not that he is cruel and wants to stab him in the back, but that he thinks more and further than these two idiots, Gun Demon and Kaidou.

At this moment, Gaibojia fired his chest turbo beam cannon at the Star Sea Prince high in the sky.

The huge light cannon exploded with a brilliant cross of light on Gaboga's chest, and then rushed high into the sky. But the orbit between the beam cannon and the Star Sea Prince was already occupied by Susanoo.

"Hold on, Heather."

Suzan's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique [Dumukari] and [Budu Tamaki] were activated at full power at the same time. Two rapidly rotating zigzag pattern Mangekyō Sharingan appeared simultaneously in Susanoo's eye sockets.

[Damage Reversal]!

The light cannon bombarded the surface of Susanoo's body at this moment, and the terrifying destructive power that was enough to destroy the continental shelf immediately destroyed Susanoo along with the quick slash in his body.

Quick Slash does not use the pupil technique [Dumukari] to reverse the damage caused by the beam cannon into healing. Instead, with the assistance of [Budu Mitsuru], he converts the beam cannon into pure energy that can fill himself.

In order to achieve the maximum effect, Suzan even deliberately used Budo Tamashii to adjust Susanoo's attack power and defense to the lowest level, and instead maximized energy storage and energy transmission.

The opportunity only lasted a moment, so Su Zhan took it.

At the last moment, he transferred this huge energy to Heather as much as possible, and then completely disappeared into the light.

In the underground world, Heather, who was attacked by an inexplicable force, felt a huge amount of energy transformed into Qi and filled her body. She immediately summoned the water-calling sword to draw a 'line' behind her.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force hit the berserker armor on Heather's body.

With this huge impact, Heather fell backwards into the space door opened by the water-calling sword.

The next moment, the spherical space six kilometers deep underground completely collapsed under the wash of this huge impact!

In the cradle of steel on the ground, Wolf King Woban and Luo Hao felt that the ground beneath their feet began to rise upward at a crazy speed. It was obvious that something terrible had happened underground.

Woban, who was still in the Iron Werewolf state, grabbed Luo Hao, squatted down, stretched the steel muscles of his legs to the limit, and then used all his strength to jump high like a discharged cannonball!

Almost at the same time, their original position was like the surface of a cream puff that expanded in a microwave, bulged into an exaggerated convex surface, and then suddenly exploded!

The surface of the Cradle of Steel, which covers an area of ​​more than a thousand square kilometers, was completely destroyed in an instant, with only the position where Gai Bojia was standing could barely remain.

In the ionosphere, Prince Xinghai swung his mermaid scimitar and slashed the incoming Astro Boy away. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked down, with a surprised look on his face:

"What the hell? I can feel a huge evil force. This is not the power that a righteous partner should have."

Astro Boy reached out and wiped away the crimson oil that looked like blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and whispered:

"Strength has nothing to do with right or wrong. I thought a strong man like you should understand this truth."

"Boy, you are too bewitched. There is no hope." Prince Xinghai glanced at Astro Boy and curled his lips, then cast his gaze downwards:

"The little thief with the same name is not dead, is he? Why can't he feel the power of his spell?"

At this moment, he saw a crack suddenly appear in the sky about one thousand meters above the ground. The crack immediately opened and a large amount of impact smoke and air flow spewed out.

The tattered berserker armor rolled and fell out of the crack in space, flying hundreds of meters before barely stopping its momentum.

Click! The berserker's mask automatically opened up and down, revealing Heather's face.

"I knew it was this kid who did something good. Look what he lured out!"

Prince Xinghai said angrily: "If the earth is destroyed, he will be responsible for half of it. Wait a minute, that is..."

Prince Xinghai stopped speaking suddenly and looked down steadily.

In the smoke and dust in the sky, an extremely huge black shadow could be vaguely seen crawling out of the thousands of square kilometers of holes exposed by the Cradle of Steel.

At this moment, Astro Boy's voice sounded from the side:

"Why do you think this place is called [Cradle of Steel]?"

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