A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1036 Final Battle

Astro Boy's expression was mixed with pain and confusion, and his raised fist could not be lowered.

He was like a child suffering from epilepsy, his lips and eyelids were twitching wildly, and various words of unknown meaning came out of his mouth one after another.

"Destroy...repeat...Tobio...I...kill...the brain...save...the can..."

Qishi's figure appeared next to Heather, slightly narrowing her beautiful big eyes and staring at Astro Boy: "His logical programs are refuting each other, and Pluto's control over this child is decreasing."

"Ha~~? Was this kid manipulated by Pluto to become so bad?" Rebecca leaned over and looked at Astro Boy carefully.

"Honey, can you figure out the problem?"

Heather asked in her heart. He had to concentrate on extracting the wind and water that the planet provided him for free. It was a waste of time to even open his eyes, let alone move.

Qishi blinked: "We have found it. A very special power has penetrated into the child's electronic brain and transformed it into a structure similar to the Transformers' fire chamber. This will allow him to accept the fire The grace of the source is constantly reborn through the soul-preserving and granting function of the fire source.”

Kaidou was confused when he heard this: "...Is it okay for everyone to speak in human language?"

"Pluto's conceptual power gave Astro Boy the ability to resurrect and transform, and also reversed his thinking pattern. Now Pluto is too busy fighting with others to take care of Astro Boy."

As he spoke, Qishi stretched out his finger and pointed at Astro Boy's forehead:

"His conceptual power relaxed, giving the kid a chance to break free and giving us a chance to turn the tide of the battle."

Uh-huh! Qi Shi's index finger nails suddenly became as sharp and slender as a demon. This is a unique physical strengthening mode of Hakka assassination techniques for beating enemies. Killua used a simplified version in the original Hunter comics.

The long nails penetrated the bionic skin on Astro Boy's forehead, penetrated the gap in the metal skull that had been cracked by the previous attack, and penetrated the fire chamber in Astro Boy's metal skull with great precision, stabbing gently and again. stir.

Huge energy and electricity immediately burst out from the damaged parts of Astro Boy's body, and even Qi Shi's arms were burned black.

"Big sister!" "Nishiki!" Rebecca and Kaidou shouted.

Qishi's face was calm and calm as he gently pulled out the charred nails from Astro Boy's forehead. His right arm hung down weakly and he took a few steps back.

The broken body of Astro Boy in front of him was twisting and twitching, and sparks of electricity burst out from the small wound on his forehead.

Kaidou has raised his mace, ready to give Astro Boy a hard blow at any time. Rebecca also raised two pistols and pointed them at Astro Boy, fearing that he would suddenly attack Heather.

The confusion in Astro Boy's eyes gradually dissipated and the focus returned. He shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to get rid of the cobwebs and fog that had been shrouding his brain.

At this time, he noticed the weird foursome in front of him, and asked in a confused voice like a little boy: "You, who are you...?"

"Pluto's enemy." Qishi replied concisely.

"Pluto...Pluto...Pluto! King!"

After repeating the title Pluto several times, Astro Boy suddenly showed an angry expression that did not match his appearance:

"That devil! The tyrant from hell! He, he killed my father! Killed Dr. Tea! Killed Xiaolan! Killed everyone!"

Astro Boy finally remembered that the world he lived in was originally full of vitality. Suddenly one day, Pluto came to the world with his army of machines and carried out a brutal massacre.

No warning, no threat, no negotiation, just a unilateral invasion and crushing.

Astro Boy's world was originally a world where humans and machines coexisted harmoniously. Faced with such a huge threat, many forces on the earth began to fight back. Humans and robots joined hands to fight against Pluto's mechanical army.

However, everything is in vain.

The resistance of the earth's forces accelerated Pluto's erosion. Humans and robots soon discovered the terrifying fact-Pluto can transform any robot or even technological product into his loyal warrior.

The robots that were fighting side by side suddenly turned their guns and pointed them at their human companions. The robot warriors who fell to the ground and perished with the enemy suddenly stood up with a new attitude and attacked friendly forces. Even the enemies that they had knocked down with all their strength were revived again. Such desperate wars are happening all over the world every moment.

Finally, the seven most powerful super robots in the world were dispatched.

They are the mountain tour guide robot Mont Blanc, Scotland’s killer Nos 2, Turkey’s strongest robot Hercules Brand, Germany’s number one criminal police robot Gagehit, the Greek gladiator robot Hercules, and the Australian Photon robot. Epsilon, and Astro Boy created by Dr. Tenma.

These seven super robots did have a certain impact on the battle situation when they first appeared, but soon, the mechanical troops under Pluto began to continuously upgrade and transform the seven super robots, and the soldiers fell into a disadvantage.

Perhaps for the sake of the future of humans, robots and even the earth, even the two villains in the original work "The Largest Robot on Earth" - Pola, the largest and most powerful robot giant in history, and Prue, who defeated the first six super robots in the original work Toya joins the fight.

The situation still hasn't gotten any better.

The area where humans and robots live is constantly being eroded, and the world is in danger.

The World Government cannot understand Pluto's intentions, and attempts to communicate in various ways have not received any response, as if the other party is just sticking out its leather boots and stepping on the ant nests on the roadside just out of 'interest'.

In the end, Dr. Tianma saw clearly the final outcome of this war, that is, it was impossible for the world's military to defeat the sudden invader.

In this case, let's change the battlefield!

In a desperate situation, Dr. Tianma's genius brain was fully stimulated and he successfully created the intelligent AI [Pegasus Feixiong]. He hopes that this super AI, which inherits his son's name and personality, can put an end to those terrifying robot armies. Even if he cannot defeat the enemy, he can help humans and robots transfer their consciousness to the online world and escape the ruthless killings of the enemy.

The super AI Pegasus Febio can be regarded as the world's last resort. He unexpectedly broke into Pluto's command network and paralyzed nearly half of the mechanical army. The United World Army took advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack, and for a moment there was hope of a comeback.

Such an 'accident' angered Hades.

That day, the strange light of the Fire Source illuminated the whole world. All robots and all technological creations were completely taken away from control, and the remaining humans were slaughtered mercilessly.

The super AI Pegasus Tobio and his source computer were completely destroyed in front of Dr. Pegasus, leaving no trace left.

Dr. Panamizu and Xiaolan were killed in front of Astro Boy.

Dr. Tianma's brain was dug out and placed in a culture tank to be tortured for eternity. This was Pluto's punishment for daring to 'resist'.

Eventually, the entire planet ceased to have any signs of life. The planet's nutrients and energy were completely absorbed by the Unicron larvae, turning it into a Death Star.

Astro Boy was used by Pluto to use the source of fire to distort his thinking patterns and memories, and was taken away from that world of complete death.

"Sure enough, your world was also destroyed by Pluto. And you were able to survive just because you were Pluto's prey."

Qi Yong told the terrifying facts in an indifferent tone:

"In other words, Pluto came to your world just for you and destroyed everything you hold dear."

"Why, why would he do this!" Astro Boy covered his head with his remaining right hand, wailing in pain.

"Because of his collecting habit, that's all."

Qishi's voice whispered in Astro Boy's ear like a poisonous snake spitting a message:

"You are still alive because Pluto is supporting your existence with his concepts. In fact, you are dead when you leave that world."

"I, I..." Astro Boy raised his right hand tremblingly, his wrist transformed into a photon cannon and aimed at his head.

Not only did he become an accomplice to the person who killed his father, but he also regarded him as his father. He harmed many innocent lives by aiding him. Such a cruel fact was difficult for Astro Boy to accept.

Snapped! Putting her slender hand on Astro Boy's arm, Qishi looked at Astro Boy with her big abyss-like eyes: "Suicide? That's so cowardly. You can't do this to your relatives and friends who died in the hands of Pluto. Could it be that you Don’t you want to give him a fatal blow and drag him to the abyss of hell together?”

"If we can't do it, we can't do it, and you can't do it either..."

Astro Boy smiled sadly and looked at the planet below:

"This planet will soon become food for Pluto. He is the evil god and the king of Hades who is in charge of the cycle of mechanical life."

Rebecca couldn't help but yelled: "How can this stupid kid be so stubborn and stupid! Use your elm head to think carefully about whether Pluto has any weaknesses! Even a little bit of news is good, maybe this is the reason for his ultimate failure. That’s the key.”

"Weakness...how could he have a weakness..." He said this, but Astro Boy still tried his best to drive his remaining electronic brain to search for memories:

"That day, he summoned a huge robot that was many times taller than the tallest mountain in the world. The armor plate on the robot's chest opened, revealing the cube inside... Yes, that's right, that was the source of fire, his power source!

I vaguely remember that Pluto told me later that he used the great power of a certain adult to forcibly fuse his [mechanical] concept with the life tool fire source. In this way, he had nearly unlimited energy and control over all mechanical life. of dominance. But correspondingly, Pluto's fate was forcibly intertwined with the source of fire. "

"...In other words, the source of fire is immortal, and Pluto is immortal." Qishi frowned slightly.

This is not good news. The source of fire is extremely hard to begin with and cannot be cut into pieces even with the Heavenly Sword Congyun. Now it is protected by the shell of the Emperor of the Universe. You can imagine how difficult it is to destroy it.

At this time, Astro Boy suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I remembered it. The source of fire also has its own life. Maybe you can start from this aspect."

"Ah? That thing is actually alive? Could it be full of insect eggs or pink muscle fibers or something like that?" Rebecca stuck out her tongue in disgust.

"The so-called fate tool, the first characteristic is [transcendence that is not tolerated by the world], the second characteristic is [activity and self-thinking], and the third characteristic is [pseudo-conceptuality]. This is Qingtian, Pluto's most trusted subordinate Zhu told me."

Astro Boy's memories of being a thug under Pluto seem to be becoming more and more clear, which is not a good thing, because it means that he is about to be controlled by the concept of Pluto again. Taking advantage of the fact that he still had control over himself, he spoke quickly:

"As long as life has its weaknesses, that light... that light! That is definitely not the original brilliance of the Fire Source, but something artificially added! When the Fire Source emits that kind of light, it is photophobic and needs to be isolated from the sun. The closed area of ​​​​light can only be erased... uh... erased..."

Astro Boy's words became difficult. He twisted his head a little harder and looked at Qishi and Heather with eyes that were gradually losing their light:

"Please...please kill Hades...kill...me..."

His eyes completely dimmed, then brightened again, but this time Astro Boy showed a ferocious expression and shouted: "Enemies of Lord Pluto! I will kill you! Long live Pluto——"

Bang——! !

Astro Boy's head and body were completely smashed to pieces with the mace, and countless parts were scattered.

Kaidou put the mace on his shoulder with a livid face: "Give me the order, boss!"

Click! Rebecca loaded the gun in her hand.

At this time, Heather finally accumulated enough wind and water, and he suddenly opened his eyes:

"Let's go! Give Hades a little [Legion] shock!"

Kaidou immediately transformed into a thousand-meter-long blue-scaled dragon, and blew out a huge flaming dragon's breath towards the distance with all his strength.

In the distance, Unicron was waving his arms to knock away the monkey who was hitting him with his stick. His super electronic brain had simulated all the monkey's tactics and could basically predict the monkey's next move.

Not only the monkeys, but also the action patterns of Athena, the King of Swords and Lady Elsa have been thoroughly analyzed.

Only Heather and Prince Xinghai are still unknown. The former has never participated in the war, and the latter has too many variables. From the beginning of the war to now, the Prince of Xinghai has demonstrated more than forty other divine powers of the disobedient gods, and can even combine them to produce an effect of 1+1 far greater than 2.

Is it the world's will of this world that supports his trump card [The King of the End, Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars]? Giving him nearly unlimited access to the power of the gods.

Stupid, in the face of absolute power, these are stupid tricks!

Prince Xinghai summoned a huge seal engraved with the word [Fan], raised his hand and was about to throw it at Pluto, but his movement suddenly stalled.

I saw the Emperor of the Universe's five fingers holding an invisible force field of light, locking the Xinghai Prince's action space. At the same time, the front of the five fingers turned into a huge muzzle, and the light of destruction surged inside.

boom--! !

A huge flame breath suddenly hit the wrist of the Emperor of the Universe, shaking the huge palm for a moment. The Prince of Xinghai immediately transformed into thunder and lightning and escaped from the space prison at great speed.

"Haise—!" Pluto didn't need to look back to know that Heather was coming.

"Hey, hey, I thought you were asleep. Does it take that long to build a big move?" The thunder and lightning transformed by the Prince of Xinghai condensed into a human form next to Heather and complained.

"Stop talking nonsense, can you summon enough [suns]?" Heather asked in a low voice.

"Sun?" Prince Xinghai was stunned, and then he understood. It seems that the sun is the key to defeating Pluto: "Yes, but I don't know if there are enough."

"Wait for my signal."


The two have the same origin and communicate very smoothly. Prince Xinghai immediately turned into thunder and flew to the side, and Heather also turned into thunder and flew diagonally forward, narrowly avoiding the five huge laser cannons launched by Pluto.

"Ants! Miscellaneous! Maggots! Do you think you can escape? Delusion!"

The angry roar of Pluto echoed one hundred thousand meters above the ground, and a strange light surged through the armor plate on his chest again:

"This time, I'm going to use enough light to turn you all into drooling lunatics!"

There was a fierce whistling sound above the head, and the monkey who transformed into the Dharma, Heaven and Elephant Earth raised the golden cudgel and smashed it down with all his strength, but Pluto grabbed his upper body in advance with incomparable precision.

"A beast is a beast. As long as the bait is baited, it will try its best to get up."

Click! Accompanied by Pluto's sarcastic voice, the monkey's arms were crushed to pieces with an extremely violent grip and then thrown far away, just in time to collide with the lightning trajectory incarnated by the Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars.

Pluto deliberately emitted a ray of light in order to attract monkeys to attack. He has already figured out all the monkey's movements, and now the Prince of Xinghai's thunder and lightning speed field has also been seen through, and everything is under control.

The Prince of Xinghai was knocked out of the thunder and lightning field by the monkey, and he and the monkey fell into the depths of the universe, spitting blood.

Then, the two arched long horns on Unicron's head locked Heather's flight trajectory from a distance, and strong light converged between the two horns.

The scarlet electronic eyes looked at Heather with a teasing smile:

"This time, all your help is gone. Let me appreciate your desperate expression!"

However, there was no fear on Heather's face but a smile. He raised his finger and pointed above Pluto.

At the same time, the monkey's roar rang out from Unicron's head:

"Hey! What a stinky piece of shit! Give your grandpa a stick!"

Bang! ! The golden hoop falling from the sky hit Pluto's head firmly, and the light beams gathered between the two horns also burst out and dissipated.

The monkey's arms are intact! He held the golden cudgel with both hands and hit Pluto's head with the stick again, so hard that the shell of Unicron's head even tilted.

impossible! This monkey can regenerate itself at super speed? Pluto's electronic eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a scene in the distance.

I saw Prince Xinghai being helped up by a beautiful woman with long silver hair. The original injury caused by the monkey had completely healed, and four light eggs were flying around him.

what is that?

Light ball, healing, silver-haired woman; mace, devil fruit, Kaido; Sharingan, pupil technique, Uchiha speed slash; guns, gun copy and upgrade, gun demon... Pluto's super electronic brain is spinning, It all ties together.

Heather's concept is props, no, [weapons]! These powerful men are not their true bodies, but clones based on the weapons that Heather has conquered!

That's why they appear and disappear out of thin air, and their strength is completely inconsistent with the original work.

I didn’t expect that the concept of [weapon] actually existed. This is simply unbelievable.

Grabbing the golden cudgel that fell again with his backhand, Pluto punched the monkey far away and then looked at Heather:

"You must die here, Heather! Otherwise it will be too dangerous once you grow up."

A huge humming sound emitted from the armor plate on the Unicron's chest, and then light began to seep out from the gaps:

"Even if I give up the nutrients of this main world planet, I will completely kill you here and now."

The strong pulling force spread outwards with Unicron as the center, and at the same time, the strange light spread to the surroundings.

Click! The armor plate on Unicron's chest opened around, revealing the huge fire capsule inside. The fire cabin was unsealed layer by layer, revealing the ancient cube that was rotating inside.

The life tool fire source was currently rotating and making a strange buzzing sound, and a large amount of glare spread out to the outside world with it as the center.

The spreading light reflected into the 'Netherworld Cave' that Madam Elsa had opened to avoid the attack. A miserable scream immediately erupted from inside, and the cave began to collapse.

Just by being illuminated by light, a veteran god-slayer died completely, with no possibility of resurrection.

Athena immediately used the curtain of night as a cloak to wrap herself and the nearest King of Swords in it, but this was only a temporary measure, because light was pervasive.

"Choose, either die of madness and mental breakdown, or be crushed to death by my own hands."

The voice of the Unicron boomed:

"It's useless to close your eyes. Even a blind man will be reflected in his soul by the light from the deepest part of the star realm."

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion. The Monkey King, the only one who can contain Pluto in close combat, has been defeated. The remaining warriors are all shrouded in light, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

Heather suddenly shouted: "Now!"

What? Who is he talking to? Before Pluto could react, the blazing sunlight appeared immediately.

"[I am light, I am warmth, I am growth, I am the ruler of everything!]"

"[I control everything in motion and stillness, I control light and heat!]"

"[It is ordered by Xihe, who admires the sky like the sky, looks like the sun, moon and stars, and teaches people the time.]"

Three scorching suns are superimposed together and rise slowly in the vast starry sky of the universe.

The Prince of Xinghai no longer retains the power of the spell, and in one breath he superimposes the power of the ancient Egyptian sun god Ra, the Indian mythological sun god Surya, and the Chinese mythological sun mother Xi and the three sun gods.

His body began to burn, but Prince Xinghai didn't care. How could there be no firewood to light up the fire that illuminated the darkness?

As soon as this blazing sunlight appeared, the strange glare that had spread rapidly was immediately suppressed.

The fire source in the Unicron's chest made an extremely sharp and piercing scream, seeming to be whining.

"No, no, no, no! That's not the case!" Pluto's tone became panicked, and he wanted to reach out and cover his chest, but it was too late.

The light shrank first, then suddenly bloomed. The source of fire releases all the 'light' used to protect its outer shell in one breath to resist the suppression of the sun's rays.

The time has come!

Heather had already taken the initiative to cut off her five senses, and relied solely on intuition to hold the murderous knife and rush towards Hades' chest.

Will it be cut crookedly? Will it fly off track? Heather had no such worries.

Because a pair of hands gently held his arms, pulling him in the right direction.

Then, a cold female voice sounded in Heather's ears:

"Come on, let him see how powerful we are."

Heather raised the murderous knife in her hand, and the feng shui that had been accumulated by all the wind and rain gods in the world was completely released at this moment!

A large number of condensed water balls appeared in front of Heather. They were countless huge water cannons that could annihilate mountains and blast through the earth's crust.

"[Dalan Divine Strike]————"

Heather used all her energy and strength to swing the murderous knife forward:

"[The disaster group is wiped out by the gods]!"

Countless terrifying water cannons drew long trajectories and intertwined together, concentrating their bombardment on the unobstructed surface of the fire source.

Click, click, click!

After a brief stalemate, the fire source finally could no longer hold up, and a large number of cracks burst out on the surface.

"No-impossible-!! Hai-se-!!"

Hades roared and reached out his giant hand desperately towards Heather.

boom! Countless water cannons completely crushed the source of fire, and then blasted through the fire capsule on the chest of Unicron unabated.

The silver-white water cannons drew countless crisscrossing trajectories across the starry sky, taking away not only the shattered limbs of the Emperor of the Universe, but also the crisis of annihilation that shrouded the planet.

Heather, who was completely exhausted, was caught in the meteor shower of countless shattered metal fragments, and was pushed towards the depths of the universe.

Looking at the shrinking earth, Heather just gradually closed her eyes weakly.


A huge, charred hand suddenly reached into the meteor cluster roughly, grabbed Heather and fished it out.

Lying flat in the monkey's open palm, Heather raised her clenched right hand with difficulty and slowly opened it.

He saw an incomplete fire source fragment firmly held in his hand.

What a long battle...

Heather smiled and fell asleep.

PS: Six thousand words, I feel like I’m going to burn out.

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