A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1039 Class B 15

With Qishi's eyesight, Heather only needed to move a few times to figure out his physical condition at this time.

With the blessing of 50 flames, Heather's average physical fitness increased by about 40%, and the consumption of conceptual power was slowed down by 50%. This is a very terrifying level of increase, which means that in this state, Heather can even defeat the Monkey King in a violent state.

After 10 minutes, the effect of the flames began to dissipate, and Heather's physical fitness also dropped, but it no longer dropped when it dropped to 20%.

This means that even if the physical fitness enhanced by burning 50 flames is a temporary BUFF, half of it will still remain after the BUFF disappears.

This makes Heather very excited, because he still has more than 400 flames left in the fire. This will be his final trump card to defeat powerful enemies, and it is also the key to his rapid growth.

Don't blame Heather for not discovering the magical power of flames until now. He had tried to throw one or two flames on himself before, but it didn't work at all. Now it seems that it is clearly because it is far from the required amount of flame strengthening. Minimum number.

Before the S-level mission appeared, Heather's average number of flames obtained per game was less than 10. It was impossible for him to mobilize 50 flames without any goal.

Next, Heather tried 30 flames and 20 flames respectively, but as expected, none of them could be used to strengthen the body. According to Qishi's speculation, 50 flames are the minimum number needed to strengthen the concept.

"Let's call this move [Armor Embodiment]."

Walking on the crowded street, Heather said with great interest.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter even if half of the attributes will drop after the BUFF disappears. The focus is on the 50% attributes that remain. This is equivalent to the real attribute enhancement that can be exchanged for flame krypton gold!

As long as you work hard to earn flames, you can quickly increase your combat power. This kind of pleasure of upgrading and adding points is like playing a game and cheating on Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, which makes Heather very excited.

Nanami walking beside was thoughtful. According to her observation, it didn't take long for Gaboga and the mechanical army to return to normal after Pluto consumed the flames to strengthen.

Whether it is Gaboga and the mechanical legion, or Pluto himself, their strength is exactly the same as before the strengthening.

Then why does the master retain half of its attributes after the flame enhancement is completed?

Is it because Pluto's skills are not proficient enough for Heather? Impossible, Pluto is a veteran Outlander in every aspect, but his actual combat experience and research on the Outlander's fire far exceed that of Heather.

Then, there is only one possibility - Heather's concept is too special, surpassing Pluto's mechanical concept at a fundamental level, and can even intercept part of the power strengthened by the flames and stay in Heather's body.

She remembered what Dodolina 'Spectrum' once said to her.

In the legend of the outsiders, there are four major concepts that are absolutely impossible to appear, namely [power], [weapons], [props], and [universe].

[Force] represents the source of changes in motion or deformation of objects. Gravity, gravity, elasticity, friction, electromagnetic force, nuclear force, etc. are all related to force.

[Props] represents all items used to assist survival and activities. In fact, everything in the world can be regarded as a prop, which can be said to be the end of the concept of props.

[Universe] does not refer to the vast starry sky above our heads, but refers to the power of all space and time, and also represents 'infinity'.

The last one is [Weapons], which means all means and methods of fighting the enemy, which are the means of killing in order to win and achieve the goal. In theory, it is the most offensive and destructive ultimate concept among all concepts.

Now it seems that if the master's concept is really a [weapon], then his potential has only been explored to a little extent, far from reaching the legendary level.

"So, what are your plans now? With your current power, you can easily climb to the top of both the Heroes Association and the Monster Association."

Hearing Qishi's inquiry, Heather stopped and rubbed her chin: "Well, I originally planned to meet the bald head first and then make a long-term plan. But now that I have come to this world, it cannot be justified without a suitable 'ID' Right?"

"...I understand." Nanami closed her right eye and only opened her left eye. The pupil of her left eye turned into a scarlet Sharingan, and then transformed into a kaleidoscope in the shape of a cross.

"What identity are you going to use this time?"


The huge arched venue is located in the southwest corner of City A. It has a beautiful environment and complete surrounding facilities, and is close to the largest medical institution in City A.

Security personnel with armed weapons patrolled around the venue, and flying flags with eagles printed on them could be seen everywhere, which meant that this place fell under the jurisdiction of the Heroes Association.

This is the first special venue for the Hero Certification Examination that is always open.

In this world, hero is no longer a 'title' in the minds of the general public, but a real 'profession', which is the transformation of professional heroes.

In this world, there are creatures called [weirds] that endanger human safety. The so-called weirdos are those who have given up being human and are completely separated from the human world.

Most weirdos are formed by human changes, either due to the emphasis on bad habits or due to some kind of pressure, resulting in the desire to transform or the explosion of dissatisfied desires, or due to genetic mutations caused by environmental and other opportunities.

The second is the weirdo created by studying this chemical power. It is not uncommon for non-human beings to turn into weird creatures due to environmental pollution and other incentives.

These creatures called monsters always appear suddenly and try to eat or harm humans, or destroy cities to drive away humans.

Some terrifying weirdos are enough to reach a huge crisis that destroys several cities and even leads to the extinction of mankind.

In order to fight against the monsters, [Heroes] came into being.

If those with super abilities were fighting on their own in the beginning, then the establishment of the Heroes Association three years ago brought together these superhuman beings who stood at the pinnacle of mankind to form a huge force that could change the world.

Three years ago, the grandson of the rich man Algoni was saved from a weirdo by an unknown hero passing by. In order to thank this hero, Algoni funded the establishment of the Heroes Association.

At first, the Heroes Association only relied on the personal funds of the tycoon Argoni to maintain, but soon all parties saw the huge potential of this emerging association. So with funds raised from all parties, a super organization was born.

The Hero Association will recruit strange people from all over the world. As long as they pass the test, they can become registered heroes. Registered heroes who belong to the association will receive corresponding rewards based on their contributions, as well as rank assessments.

According to combat ability and social contribution, professional heroes are divided into four levels: S, A, B, and C.

At this stage, there are 17 people in S-level, 38 in A-level, 101 in B-level, and 390 in C-level. Among them, C-level heroes will be removed if they make no contribution within a week.

Today, professional heroes have formed a unique cultural trend in the world. Most heroes have their own fan groups, and the best among them are even the spokespersons and signs of their respective cities.

With the assistance of the association, they have extremely convenient and efficient assistance, as well as generous remuneration without having to worry about food and accommodation, so that these heroes can fight to protect the people without any worries.

Each city has set up an independent special venue for the hero certification examination, and the test is open every Sunday, in order to attract as much as possible the strong human beings hidden among the people.

It's also a nice sunny day today.

All kinds of mighty strong men or people in fancy clothes shuttle through the main entrance passage of the examination venue. As long as you become a hero, you can gain "status" and "money". This is of great significance to those who have no strength and want to go further. of temptation.

"...In short, it is not complicated to become a professional registered hero. All you need to do is take and pass the test."

There were many "veterans" in the queue who had participated in several tests, and a burly man among them was talking:

"The written test is 50 points, the physical fitness test is 50 points, and the total is 100 points. As long as you score 70 points or more, you can get a hero license. The higher the score, the higher your initial ranking. It is not impossible to even become an S-class hero in one step!"

"Commander Meng, you are so familiar with everything, how come you haven't even passed the exam six times?" someone in the team joked.

"Why do you insult someone's innocence out of thin air! I just missed a little bit every time..." the strong man argued with a blushing face.

"Are you just a little bit behind? Your highest score was 40 points when you passed the exam with a score of 70. It's not just a little bit behind!" As he said this, people in the team burst into laughter, full of joy.

If everyone fails the test, someone has to be the clown.

At the front of the line, the beautiful receptionist sitting at the desk numbly assisted a man in an exaggerated clown costume to fill out the form and cleared her throat: "Next one."

Without looking up, I felt someone standing in front of the table. The beautiful receptionist said quickly in a dull tone: "May I ask your name, what you are good at, your age and..."

As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller, because she looked up and saw the man in front of her.

This is a man with a height of about 1.85 meters and full of masculine charm. He looks about thirty years old, with a head full of slightly curly black hair that is combed back casually. A few strokes of black hair hang down from his forehead and sides of his ears, and the rest is scattered around his shoulders. His face was so handsome that it was difficult to describe it in words, and the slight stubble on his face only highlighted his charm.

"Name, Heather. Good at projects, heart-felt. Age, 34 years old."

The Sekiro version of Heather, who fascinates the black mikos in the world of sword whispers, has the looks and demeanor to kill casually in the world of men. With a light and unrestrained smile, he raised his eyebrows at the beautiful receptionist:

"What else do you need to say next?"

"Uh, your contact information...ah! No, no, no, I don't want it. It's a necessary process for registration..." The beautiful receptionist blushed more and more, and by the end her voice was like a mosquito moan.


The beautiful receptionist could hardly hold the pen in her hand and barely finished writing the form with trembling hands. She didn't dare to raise her head to look at Heather, and directly handed out a number plate with both hands: "Your exam number is C001475. You can enter Area C of the venue to wait...wait..."

She finally raised her head, only to find that she had been replaced by a burly man in front of her. The handsome man and the number plate in her hand were missing, leaving the beautiful receptionist with a look of loss.

As soon as you enter the examination venue, you will see four large waiting halls, divided into four areas ABCD. Candidates who obtained their number plates were distributed in various air-conditioned waiting areas according to their numbers. From time to time, sweet announcements sounded, asking candidates whose numbers were called to go to the corresponding examination room.

There didn't seem to be many people coming to take the exam today. After waiting for about an hour, Heather, who was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, heard the announcement on the radio, 'Candidate No. C001475, please go to the entrance of the examination room in Area C. Prepare. ’

The written test was boring for Heather. Most of the questions were related to the coalition government and the origins and response methods of weirdos. There were also questions about simulating the evacuation of people and the classification of weirdo types. The most outrageous thing was that there was an essay question that asked the candidates to Using the imaginary scenario in the title of "Tiger-level monster Toad Man raids City A amusement park" as an imaginary scenario, describe your own response plan and your vision for the future of the Hero Association.

Before Heather came, she looked through the "Selection of 100,000 Hero Entry Exam Questions and a Comprehensive Collection of Must-Test Questions this Summer" online. Adding her own understanding, she could probably get about 30 points.

There was only one line in the composition - kill the weirdo instantly and everyone is safe.

It's even more boring when it comes to the side part of the body. Things like 'jumping left and right for 30 seconds', 'jumping on the spot', '1500-meter long-distance running', '50-meter sprint', 'weightlifting', etc. are all evaluated according to the standards of human athletes. The ultimate physical ability of a hero.

Of course, Heather could not fully reveal her abilities, but she could almost crush the level of the same period and obtain a perfect score.

Even so, the other candidates who were taking the exam at the same time were still stunned, especially the 'Meng Dashuai' who had made a loud noise in the team before. He kept muttering to himself with a dark look on his face, 'I'd better go home' and be a It's not bad to be an ordinary wage earner.

The results came out quickly, and Heather got her notification letter an hour later.

Class B 15.

"Well, it's not a bad start." Heather raised her eyebrows. His written test score was very poor, and he thought he had to start working hard from C level like Saitama.

At this time, the announcement in the locker room sounded——

[Mr. Heather, the lecture for qualified candidates will be held at 16:00. Please go to the third auditorium in Area A. 】

It seems that I am the only one who passed the hero test this time, and being a hero is not that easy.

"Congratulations on passing the test, Heather."

The third auditorium in Area A is not very big, more like a classroom. Heather sat on the chair and looked at the black-haired man on the podium wearing black tights and holding a spiral spear and said with a smile:

"I am the 'Stinger' who is ranked 10th in A-level. I have been commissioned to spread some common knowledge about the Hero Association for you. Okay, I know this kind of lecture is boring, so let's keep the story short."

Stinger pointed at the blackboard behind him carelessly: "In general, I hope you can maintain your awareness of being a hero and live a moderate life instead of using the name of a hero to make money and cheat. After all, your The treatment information has been made public on the official website of the Hero Association, and if it goes too far, other heroes will be in trouble."

Heather nodded in understanding.

"That's great. He is a colleague who is easy to talk to. The newcomers who have become heroes recently are more difficult to deal with. Snake, the 38th A-level one, was beaten a while ago... Oh no, I shouldn't have done this. If you tell others, just pretend you didn’t hear me.”

Stinger directly handed Heather a not-so-thick booklet: "It has everything that needs to be said, so let's not waste time. I still have an appointment, so I'm leaving now! If the higher-ups ask, please do me a favor. Say I explained it to you, okay?"

Heather made an OK gesture, then stretched her hand towards the door to indicate that Stinger was free.

Stinger laughed, quickly picked up the spear and ran out of the classroom. Judging from the irritability, he must have gone to find his girlfriend.

Heather was the only one left in the classroom, stroking the stubble on her chin slightly.

Class B 15... Very good, now I have an 'excuse' to communicate with Saitama.

At the same time, in the academic office of the first special venue for the Hero Certification Examination, a discussion about Heather was taking place.

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