A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1056 Meteor Explosion VS Weapon Embodiment

Many S-class heroes who had no time to evacuate watched from a distance, with shocked expressions on their faces.

This big-eyed boy is not at the same level as the dragon-level they fought so hard just now! Just like the difference between S-class heroes and C-class heroes!

And the combat effectiveness shown by Yuhu, the 15th S-class player, far exceeded their imagination. This strength has already reached the level of the four pillars, right?

Just the energy fluctuations emanating from Heather and Boros made the atmosphere vibrate and the earth's crust scream.

"What is this? Is this guy not at the dragon level, but at the god level?"

The cold sweat dripping down the forehead of the metal bat was dried by the roaring storm in the blink of an eye. If this guy named Boros is a god, wouldn't Yuhu be able to compete with a god-level disaster?

"I heard a saying that the Disaster Response Department of the Hero Association once divided a new level between dragon-level and god-level disasters [dragon and above], which can also be called [suspected god-level]."

Silver Fang said in a deep voice:

"Later, we gave up this classification because there were no corresponding examples. Now it seems that if we really want to make a assessment, this Boros in front of us is the most obvious example."

The [Dragon and above] level has officially surpassed the [Dragon] level, and is no longer something that S-level heroes can contend with.

Just look at the aftermath of the battle between Yuhu and Boros. The shock wave caused by the exchange of fists and kicks between the two can cause the destruction of blocks and even the death of A-level heroes.

If hit head-on by such fists and kicks, very few S-class heroes would survive.

At the top of the Yinghe headquarters building in the distance, the battle between the tornado and the giant octopus has also ended.

Tatsumaki relied on his ever-increasing telekinesis to suppress the giant octopus in magnitude, and successfully seized the opportunity to reverse the opponent's telekinesis shield, activating the huge telekinesis to completely crush it into crumbs.

When she fell from the sky, she didn't hear any praise from other S-class heroes. Just as she was about to complain, she noticed that everyone else was looking into the distance with solemn expressions.

Looking along the line of sight, Tornado was shocked to find two extremely terrifying energy fluctuations in the distance.

"That's... Heather?"

In the center of the battlefield, when Boros heard Heather's provocation, he smiled instead of getting angry: "So it turns out that the strength I showed was not shocking enough. This is indeed a faux pas on my part."

Buzz buzz—! The purple light flowing like lightning streaks on his body rotated rapidly and made a buzzing sound.

"As compensation, I will let you and your planet be buried together!"

The huge arrogance first condensed inward, and then exploded suddenly!

boom--! From a distance, Poros's location looked like a nuclear bomb had exploded.

A huge one-eye opened on his chest, and the light flow that gathered terrifying energy condensed rapidly in the one-eye.

"[Annihilation Wave]!"

A huge energy blast cannon exploded from One Eye!

This extremely huge energy wave not only completely enveloped Heather's location, but even the heroes behind him and City B further away were within attack range.

"Not good!" Silver Fang and other veteran heroes immediately noticed the world-destroying energy contained in this huge energy wave.

Even if it is slightly scratched, it will be instantly wiped out, with no possibility of survival!

The Vest Master and the super-alloy black light immediately raised the ground surface to create a shield of more than ten meters high, but it was obviously of no use and could not even provide the slightest comfort.

The metal bat roared and held the bat in front of him. The Atomic Samurai also raised his sword in front of him. The weapon he had always been proud of failed to bring them to them for the first time when facing the inevitable energy cannon. confidence.

Even the zombie man is not sure whether he can survive this terrifying energy wave.

Only Silver Fang said in a deep voice:

"Believe him! Believe Yu Hu!"

In front of many S-class heroes, Heather faced the rapidly approaching energy wave and mobilized her massive energy and conceptual power. He raised his arms above his head and crossed them into an X shape, with his fingers spread wide.

"[The Secret of Shingen-ryu Unarmed Skills]..."

Terrifying energy fluctuations exploded on the surface of his body. This was a trick without any fancy, relying entirely on Heather's own energy and conceptual power.

I saw his crossed arms raised high and suddenly swinging down to both sides, followed by a bright energy glow like a nova explosion!

"[Galaxian Explosion]!!"

An annihilation wave that could destroy a small country collided with the galactic starburst, and a blinding light burst out in an instant.

The next moment, an unprecedented wave of impact swept across the ruins of City A!

Perhaps because of the two-by-two offset, the two super shock waves with energy levels that were enough to destroy City A and City B did not expand to a desperate level, but controlled the scope within the ruins of City A.

Even so, even though Fubuki was far away in J City, he clearly felt violent shaking in the room.

The S-class heroes who were closest slowly opened their eyes and found that everything they saw was filled with smoke, dust and gravel, but they were not harmed and were floating in mid-air.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that everyone has a telekinetic shield on their bodies.

At the critical moment, Tatsumaki mobilized the remaining telekinesis and used it all on the heroes within sight and the British Association headquarters building below him to prevent them from being destroyed by the shock wave and gather everyone together.

After a moment of silence, Metal Bat asked: "Yu Hu...is he still alive?"


Silver Fang was not sure whether Heather could survive such a terrifying shock wave.

Everyone present witnessed the terror of Boros at the level of [Dragon or above].

If Heather loses and fails to explode, then the fate of the earth will have to be left to KING.

Everyone turned around and saw that KING was still standing tall and motionless with his arms folded in front of him inside the protective shield.

Boom, boom, boom, boom! The roar of the Imperial engine is stronger than ever!

Seeing this, Emperor Tong muttered to himself: "Mr. KING is so happy to see that he wants to join the fight? But the dignity of a strong man does not allow him to snatch Yu Hu's opponent, so he can only suppress the heroic fighting spirit in his heart."

Hearing this, the other S-class heroes cast admiring glances at KING. Even Tatsumaki, who was out of breath due to excessive telekinesis, nodded subconsciously, acknowledging the power of KING and Heather.

As the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, people were horrified to discover that a huge spherical pit with a diameter of ten kilometers had appeared in the center of the ruins of City A! The Hero Association's headquarters building is located on the edge of the pothole, and it only missed being caught in it.

The fifteen-kilometer-long super giant starship in the sky was also shaken by this terrible shock wave and flew upward for several kilometers. The area under the starship that received the shock wave was full of scorched black marks.

"Where are they?" The Atomic Warrior looked left and right, but found no trace of Boros and Heather.

Suddenly, the police dog man pointed upward:

"Up there."

In the sky, two figures were seen floating in the air.

Not only Boros, but also Heather can fly.

"Martial arts...is it such a convenient thing?" The metal bat blinked, and suddenly the idea of ​​practicing martial arts arose in his heart.

Not only can I fight, run, and send shock waves, but I can even fly now. Is martial arts so omnipotent? Damn it, I want to learn!

"Well, maybe Yuhu's heart flow is special?"

What else can the silver fangs say? Could it be that his Flowing Rock Shattering Fist can only fight, but nothing else?

The devil reformer with better eyesight suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Yuhu and Boros are both in bad condition, they are injured!"

Everyone looked up quickly with a chill in their hearts.

One side of Boros's arm was broken at the elbow, while Heather's chest and ribs had bone wounds exposed.

"You can actually resist the [Annihilation Wave] head-on. You are very strong, Heather. But, you have no chance of winning."

Although Poros lost one of his hands, he did not panic at all:

“My family has won the competition for survival in the extremely harsh and harsh environment of our home planet, and we have one of the best self-healing abilities in the universe.

Especially me, I am the best in terms of healing ability, physical function, and potential. I can heal serious injuries that are fatal to you in just a few seconds.

See, the broken arm can become... as long as I concentrate my energy to explosively increase my healing ability..."

His broken arm squirmed, and a brand new arm grew in just one second!

"In perfect condition."

Boros moved his newborn arm and pointed at Heather opposite:

"On the contrary, your injuries are only increasing, and your physical strength will continue to be consumed. I can feel that the energy in your body has been reduced a lot, right?

Or do you plan to continue fighting with me, Boros, while dragging that injured body? "

"What a coincidence."


"I am also full of confidence in [self-healing ability]. Please taste it up close."

The wounds on Heather's body healed instantly under a burst of light, and her skin was smooth without any scars.

"...What?" Boros's big one eye widened even more.

The native races on earth turned out to be so wonderful. Even if other humans are not as powerful as their leader, just based on this self-healing ability, I know that my three men will not regret losing.

But I still have an advantage in terms of energy! Boros is extremely confident in his own energy. If he explodes with all his strength, he can even destroy all the material on the surface of the planet with one blow.

At this time, Heather was having a conversation with Qishi in her heart.

[Dear, I need more energy, please use one first. 】

【clear. 】

Nanami, who was far away in the J City dojo watching a soap opera, raised her hand and waved lightly.

Outside the planet's atmosphere, three clones of Heather, who were sitting cross-legged and meditative, were bathing in the sun. One of the clones suddenly exploded into a cloud of smoke.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of solar energy poured into Heather's body and was converted into his [Qi] to fill the void in his body.

This was inspired by the fact that during the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke, the Nine Lamas used their clones to collect the power of nature and transform it into celestial energy and transmit it to Naruto.

Anyway, the Noble Phantasm given by Karna gave Heather the authority to absorb the energy of the sun and fill it with itself. Even domineering thoughts can be transformed, so why can't the energy of the sun be transformed?

The acquired solar energy only needs Qi Shi as a transfer station to be transformed into Heather's [Qi] with almost no loss. The only disadvantage is that up to three clones can be placed at the same time and it takes a lot of time to absorb the solar energy.

The only thing that cannot be replenished quickly now is conceptual power.


Boros was stunned. He clearly felt that the energy in Heather's body suddenly surged, as if he had returned to the state before the war started.

Are there even means to restore energy? Okay, very good, this is the powerful enemy that I, Boros, need to fight with all my strength!

Boros clenched his fists in a charging posture, and more violent energy than before gathered in his body and overflowed from his body. Even his voice turned into rolling thunder and sounded in the sky, extremely clear:

"In that case, I can use my full strength as much as I can. Heather, don't die before I have my fun."

Full strength? It wasn’t even at full strength just now! ? The S-class heroes below and the people around the world who learned about the situation through real-time transmission signals from the British Association headquarters were stunned.

A single strike has enough energy to destroy City A and City B. If it is used with all its strength, will the earth really perish?

At the same time, the disaster response department in the Hero Association headquarters building was also in chaos.

[Information gathered through verbal messages indicates that the attackers are the alien force ‘Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates’. 】

[It is currently known that the enemy has dispatched about 15,000 monsters, including 115 ghost-level monsters and 3 dragon-level monsters. 】

[An additional enemy of ‘dragon or above’ level is now confirmed, codenamed ‘Boros the Overlord’! 】

[Please note that dragon-level enemies and above have the power to destroy several cities instantly and are enough to threaten planetary civilization. 】

[It has been confirmed that 15 S-class ‘Rain Tigers’ came into contact with Overlord Boros, and the two sides began to fight. 】

In the countermeasures command room, all members of the British Association looked nervously at the big screen. Some young girls clasped their hands and closed their eyes to pray for Heather.

Not surprisingly, this will be the decisive battle that will determine the future of the earth.

Buzz! Buzz—! Buzz————! !

The light lingering all over Boros in the sky became more and more violent, and finally reached its peak and exploded.

His appearance also changed dramatically.

The originally dark skin shell turned into an energy body emitting dazzling light. There were a large number of black lines around the two one-eyed eyes on the chest and face. The mouth and nose disappeared, and the hair grew explosively like the broom head of Super Saiyan 3. .

Needless to say, just looking at Boros's appearance at this moment, one can tell how much energy he contains in his body.

"[Meteor Explosion Form]. In this posture, I can mobilize all the energy in my body and convert it into propulsion force to obtain explosive speed and power that exceeds biological limits. Even my self-healing power is far beyond me just now."

Boros is like a humming, unstable planetary core, and its mere existence has an impact on the surrounding space:

"The atmosphere has reached this point. I will not allow you to surrender now, Heather."

"Surrender? Who are you talking about?"

Heather took a deep breath and mobilized all her conceptual power and energy.

The vicious sword is ready, the light egg is ready, and the water-calling sword is ready!

The enemy in front of her did not allow Heather to hold back at all, and she had to go all out.

50 flames invested! [Weapon Embodiment Mode] starts!

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