A foreigner's journey

Chapter 109 Opportunity

Climbing along the rope ladder to the deck of the Holy Trinity, the sailors of the Black Pearl seemed to have entered the Grand View Garden, and they only knew poor words such as 'Wow', 'Oh God', 'Praise the Captain' and so on.

To the bitter lower-class sailors of the eighteenth century, the Holy Trinity was like the shock of civilians stepping onto the flight deck of the Liaoning.

"So...this guy also learned Captain Heather's 'witchcraft'?"

Barbossa looked at the pile of 'Jacks' in front of him and didn't know which one to talk to, so he could only talk to himself sourly.

One of them, Jack, wearing a black turban, walked up to Barbossa with an orchid finger and said proudly: "You have to admit, Hector, I have always been very talented in this area. Do you still remember the goat exorcism ceremony? ?A crossbow, an hourglass, three goats, you are responsible for playing the trumpet, I am responsible..."

He raised his hands in front of him and shook them vigorously, as if he was performing witchcraft: "...this. The girl in the fishing village was also saved because of this, right?"

"That girl is just infected with the cold! Your so-called 'exorcism ritual' is of no use at all, and it caused all of us to be looked at like clowns by those fishermen!"

Barbossa was so angry that he yelled, that was twelve years ago, it was his own dark history.

"Hector, it's not impossible if you want to learn, but you have to swear to give me the position of first officer of the Black Pearl." A certain Jack quietly nudged beside Barbossa and said seductively.

"Don't give it to him, give it to me! He's just a boatman, and I'm the cook! Do you like rats and potatoes?" Another Jack jumped in front of Barbossa, his eyebrows flying up and down like a twitching seagull.

"Hell, it's like a fly turned into a swarm...get out of here!"

Barbossa was so annoyed by these Jacks that he pushed them away and yelled: "Let the real Jack talk to me! Where are the others?"

Step, step, step...

The collision between the hard soles of the boots and the deck produced a shrill sound of footsteps. The group of 'Jacks' automatically split into two sides, leaving a narrow path, revealing the figures behind them.

Jack was wearing a luxurious windbreaker and a gold-rimmed captain's hat that he had taken out of the captain's cabin. He was holding on to the flashy gold-plated sword at his waist. He walked up to Barbossa with a step that he didn't recognize. He turned around in a circle first, and then He raised his head and closed his eyes and fanned himself intoxicated by the strong and pungent scent of perfume in front of him:

"Mr. First Mate with an old face, are you looking for the designated owner of the Holy Trinity, the great Captain Jack Sparrow?"

The corners of Barbossa's eyes twitched, this despicable look... yes, this is definitely the true form.

"Damn Jack Sparrow, do you know how much trouble you have caused us? This is the flagship of the Spanish Navy! The invincible Holy Trinity!"

Barbossa grabbed Jack's collar and foamed at the mouth: "The Spanish navy will pursue us to the ends of the earth from now on! I should really tie you to a cannon and sink you to the bottom of the sea! No, no, here Before that, I have to send you and the Holy Trinity back to the Marquis of Gonzalo!"

"...You are so brave, Hector." Jack looked at Barbossa with a strange expression, as if he was hopeless.

Before Barbossa could recover, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind:

"My dear first mate, to whom are you going to give my Holy Trinity and my apprentice?"

Bang! Jack fell to the ground, and Barbossa, who let go, forced an awkward fake smile on his face, turned around and put one hand on his chest, and bowed deeply in the exaggerated style of a dramatic actor:

"Dear Sir, it turns out that this mighty and powerful battleship in the world is your prize. Please forgive the stupidity of your loyal first officer."

The footsteps walked leisurely in front of Barbossa, who was still bowing. Just when Barbossa was sweating profusely and his mind was racing, he felt a hand tap his shoulder. Heather The voice also sounded:

"Don't be so nervous. Everyone says the wrong thing sometimes. I don't deliberately play a cruel and ruthless captain on weekdays, right?"

"Yes, your kindness and broad-mindedness put us to shame." Barbossa quickly answered.

"You know, although I'm a bit of a mystique, I can't help but take care of my subordinates who have surrendered to me. This is called 'protecting the weak' in my hometown. Could it be that this is a bad habit?" Heather's voice was still so unhurried.

"No, no, no, I think your habit is very good and worth continuing."

Barbossa didn't even dare to lift his waist. He knew very well that although he was temporarily the first mate of the Black Pearl, it was only because Heather felt that he was still valuable, so he was not allowed to walk on the gangplank or be forcibly exiled to a desert island.

The captain, who was more of a knight or explorer than a pirate, had no favorable impression at all of pirates like him who had committed numerous crimes. Jack, who never kills innocent people and even has a ridiculous conscience in his heart, is the subordinate that Heather values.

Now that Blackbeard's traces have been found, and a powerful battleship like the Holy Trinity has been obtained, there is no chance that Heather will become righteous and kill herself, who has lost her use value. Thinking of this, the sweat on Barbossa's forehead flowed more rapidly, dripping onto the deck.

Seeing the originally cruel and vicious pirate captain in front of him, sweating profusely and maintaining a bowing posture, Heather also fell into deep thought.

Barbossa guessed right. From the beginning, Heather really planned to use Barbossa's navigation knowledge and rich experience in managing sailors to find Blackbeard. After finding the trace, he would send him to the underworld with the innocent people who were killed by him. Meet.

But, how should I put it, Heather himself is not a good person in the conventional sense. At least he doesn't have any psychological fluctuations when he kills people. He doesn't feel the "post-murder vomiting syndrome" that is often written about in novels at all.

Since traveling to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, Heather has been getting along with Barbossa for more than half a year, and the other party is still loyal and courteous to her. Gradually, my murderous intention towards him became less intense.

But if I don't kill him, how can I guarantee that he won't continue to kill innocent people indiscriminately after I leave this world?


[Restrictions and Oaths]!

Since my first mate wants to learn telekinesis so much, then teach him, but when he masters it, he must make strict [Restrictions and Oaths] under his supervision - Barbossa is not allowed to let himself and his His subordinates killed innocent people in any form.

Once violated, Barbossa will suffer a terrible backlash from his mental abilities, and [losing his life] is just the beginning for him.

What? What if Barbossa hasn't learned telekinesis yet and can't conclude [Restrictions and Oaths] when Heather is about to leave this world? Then he had no choice but to kill. There was no need to hesitate. The opportunity had already been given to him. It was just that he failed to use it.

Thinking of this, Heather felt relieved and had a clear idea!

PS: After seeing this, everyone should be able to understand Heather’s position, right? He is different from the protagonist Victor in my last book. If Victor is biased towards lawful good, then Heather is a typical chaotic neutral.

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