A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1068 Hero Hunting Points Competition

High-level heroes in various cities around the world were attacked by highly targeted monsters at the same time. Even with their toes, they knew that this was a premeditated and organized attack.

But what puzzles the Hero Association is that these weirdos are different from the previous weirdos from the same group such as the Deep Sea Clan. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and each one is ridiculously powerful.

How did these monsters get together? Who is directing them behind the scenes to attack the heroes in a completely targeted manner?

"The A-class hero Denko Genji was attacked by a combination of weirdos. The opponent has super resistance to electric shock. Denko Genji requested support from the headquarters!"

"The A-level hero King Chong was attacked by a monster. The enemy's level is estimated to be [ghost]! The situation is critical, please support!"

"City I was attacked by a giant creature, a hundred-eyed octopus. It will gradually grow in size and harden by devouring buildings. It is currently over 60 meters in size. It is estimated that the disaster level is [Ghost]! If we continue to let it go, the consequences will be disastrous! At present, Nineteen heroes have entered the battle, but they are completely unable to get close to the opponent. Requesting reinforcements from S-class heroes!"

"A ghost-level monster appears in C City! Three C-level heroes and one B-level hero have been killed! The opponent uses two slashing knives as weapons and will peel off the opponent's face and sew it on his own body. It is extremely dangerous! Requesting S-level heroes for assistance. !”

"The weirdos appearing in Y City are suspected of using neurotoxins to paralyze the fighting heroes and collapse them. The nearby heroes have been given an order to temporarily retreat from Y City. Requesting the headquarters to dispatch modified humanoids that are ineffective against poisonous attacks and can rush quickly. Hero to City Y!"

"There are massive casualties in V City! The murderer is suspected to be a vampire, the disaster level is [ghost]!"

"It's bad! Due to the dispersion of combat power, the heroes have been defeated one after another!"

"Too many weirdos!"

"Not only the number, but the most troublesome thing is that the disaster level of each one is very high!"

The Disaster Management Department was a mess, with liaison officers running around and shouting.

The head of the Countermeasures Department had cold sweat on his face and looked nervously at the electronic map covering the entire supercontinent.

It’s not a good idea to go on like this. Are they going to be completely wiped out?

drop! At this moment, one of the golden intercoms symbolizing S-class heroes suddenly lit up.

"It's me, Tatsumaki."

The minister almost threw himself in front of the communicator and shouted: "Shuddering tornado, the current situation is very urgent. I will explain it to you..."

"It's too much trouble. Just tell me where to go."

A cold voice came from the communicator.

"Well, the situation in City I is urgent right now. There is a giant growing monster wreaking havoc there, and the lives of more than a dozen heroes are at stake... Trembling tornado, are you listening? Hello?"

The contactor was hung up unilaterally.

No matter what, at least Shivering Tatsumaki, the strongest player in the Hero Association, took action. The minister took a long breath and wiped the sweat from his head, and immediately devoted himself to commanding operations and deploying heroes.


Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock! Water droplets dripped on the rock wall.

Somewhere in a huge dark underground cave,

Dark red biological tendons and mucus are spread around like a spider web, and the spiral stairs are spreading downward infinitely. Only the dim light barely illuminates the nearby things.

At the bottom of this huge pit 1,500 meters deep, there is a very strange-looking creature in a daze.

This monster is pale pink all over, like an obese freak that was pinched out of mud. It is about eight meters tall, has round and thick limbs, and only three fingers on its hands and feet. There are also two smaller arms protruding from its chest.

Its face has no mouth, nose or ears, only one huge single eye that takes up the entire face. Eight tiny arms protrude from the top of the head, arranged in a fan shape like antennas.

【Big bright eyes...how do you think? 】

Suddenly, there was a huge and dull sound, which made the surrounding small stones and beakers tremble.

The monster called Da Jiongyan looked up.

[Is the situation of the weirdos we sent... still going well? 】

the huge voice asked.

Da Jiongyan rolled his eyes slightly, was silent for a few seconds, and then said cheerfully: "Yes, although we lost a few warriors due to powerful heroes taking action, overall we gained an advantage, and the Hero Association was also in panic."

[Hero...what are you doing? 】

"He is heading to the competition venue where the fighters gather. Please wait a moment." Da Jiongyan's small arm above his head shook slightly, as if he was receiving the signal:

"Ah, good news.

Just now, Haojie destroyed the S-class hero Devil Cyborg while passing through City B, and is currently heading to City C. "

Da Jiongyan is receiving other signals:

"The results that can be confirmed now include three S-class heroes: Devil Cyborg, Metal Bat, and Metal Knight, as well as several A- and B-class heroes. The hero association's combat power has dropped significantly!

Not only that, our main weirdo cadres are still on standby, not to mention you. The [Weird Association] has achieved an overwhelming victory!

This is all thanks to your commander, Your Majesty the King of Monsters [Orochi]! "

In front of Da Jiongyan was an extremely large and ferocious humanoid monster. He was sitting in the darkness, exuding a huge sense of oppression.

"Ah, there's something going on with the 100-eyed octopus in City I."

Da Jiong's eyes suddenly became dull and motionless, and his gaze began to diverge.

At the same time, the heroes of City I are fighting a fierce battle with the hundred-eyed octopus.

At this time, the hundred-eyed octopus has grown to nearly one hundred meters, and each sucker on each tentacle has an evil eyeball.

It can easily destroy a tall building with just one strike, and even an A-level hero cannot resist its gentle waving of its tentacles.

Even if you are lucky enough to avoid the tentacle attack, the attacks the heroes hit it will have no effect.

After eating concrete from buildings and telephone poles, the hundred-eyed octopus not only gains a gigantic body, but also meat as hard as steel. At the same time, its eyeballs all over the body can also capture every move of all heroes within the field of vision, making them invisible.

It can be said that this is a super powerful monster who is at the peak of ghost-level monsters.

The A-level 8th-place [Death Gatling] hid in the collapsed rubble and urgently requested S-level reinforcements from the British Association headquarters. He also submitted shared intelligence on the octopus's weaknesses.

From observation, the octopus's eyes seemed to be its only weak point.

There is no way to wait any longer. If this octopus is not stopped, City I will be completely destroyed.

The surviving heroes all gathered together,

A-level 16 people [Butterfly DX], A-level people 27 [Smiling Superman], A-level people 29 [Narcissistic Ike], A-level 30 people [Peach TERRY], A-level 36 people [Chain Toad], B-level 77 [Bone], B-level 81 [Double Fault Man], plus A-level 8 [Death Gatling].

A luxurious lineup of 6 A-class and 2 B-class people launched a fearless charge towards the hundred-eyed octopus.

But before they took a few steps, they looked up at the sky with dull eyes.

I saw the huge body of the hundred-eyed octopus being pulled up to the sky like a rubber stretched to the limit. All its tentacles were spread flat on the ground, and the suckers clung to the ground and refused to let go.

But soon, a large number of cracks opened on the ground. The tentacle suckers were still adsorbing the ground, but the ground and the tentacles were pulled toward the sky together.

Rubbles fell from the sky like a heavy rain, and the huge body of the hundred-eyed octopus flew into the sky, its tentacles rolling and squirming crazily.

"That, that is!"

The Smiling Superman suddenly pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

There is a small figure floating in the sky, it is the trembling tornado!

She raised one hand, raised her index finger, and waved her fingers gently like a conductor.

As if it had found its target, the hundred-eyed octopus also thrust out all its tentacles toward the tornado in the sky.


Tatsumaki opened his five fingers, and then slowly squeezed them hard.

In the sky, the body and all tentacles of the hundred-eyed octopus squeezed inward at the same time, and a large amount of blood and body fluids spurted out from all its eyes.

A large amount of plasma sprayed down from the sky.

The tornado crushed the giant octopus like a can, and finally she clenched her fists.

Bang! A spherical object about three meters in diameter hit the ground heavily.

Many heroes braved it and approached it, only to find that it was a ball of flesh that had been completely compressed to the limit.

"I City has solved the problem... No thanks! Just tell me the location!"

Tatsumaki no longer even looked at the corpses of heroes and monsters below, but flew straight away to solve the crises in other cities while making phone calls.

This scene was completely observed by Da Jiongyan.

"Hmm, the more powerful weirdos have also begun to be eliminated."

Da Jiongyan ended his spying and looked at the Monster King:

“Even a powerful ghost-level monster would have a hard time winning against a top-ranked S-class hero.

Especially Tatsumaki, she is too difficult to deal with... It seems that I need to take action myself. "

【Do not worry……】

The huge monster king Orochi made an emotionless voice——

[You can create as many weirdos as you want. 】

There are a large number of fleshy tubes connected to the top of his head and around his body, which are constantly sucking something from the body of the Monster King.

"That's natural. Your weirdo cells are a supreme treasure that can catalyze humans into weirdos."

Da Jiongyan let out a laugh of unknown meaning:

"As long as you are here, the Weird Association will continue to expand its territory and eventually engulf the entire planet. And I, and the cadres of the Weird Association will do our best to assist you."

Around him, several figures of different shapes appeared.

They are the cadres of the Weird Association, top experts who are at the top even in the disaster level of [Dragon].

"Due to the previous invasion of space aliens, the Hero Association has re-established a disaster level for Dragon level and above, [God-like level].

Although the Heroes Association is rotten to the core, they did do one thing right this time, which is to define existence above dragon level. "

Da Jiong looked at those restless figures and laughed:

"Needless to say, Orochi-sama, he must be [God-like] or even higher [God-level]. But if you want to win this status, you have to work hard."

A cunning voice among the cadres sounded: "As long as we kill enough S-class heroes, humans will be afraid and rate us as pseudo-gods, right?"

"This is not possible. S-class heroes also have strengths and weaknesses. You have to defeat the strongest heroes. Only then can you stand out among the cadres and become a godlike cadre after Lord Orochi."

Another voice sounded: "Kill who?"

"Haha, of course it's the four pillars [Shivering Tornado], [KING], [Godly Speed] and [Metal Knight], as well as the Hero Association's strongest ace above them - [Martial God]."

Dajiong looked at the broken body of the robot suspended in mid-air by chains:

"[Metal Knight] has been defeated miserably by Orochi-sama, you must hurry up. Haha, wait, I have a good idea."

The big bright eyes suddenly flashed with light, sending a message to the minds of all the weirdos at the weirdo association base, including naturally the dragon-level cadres in front of them.

[Strong men of the Weird Association, I am the staff officer Da Jiongyan. Taking advantage of this opportunity to attack the Hero Association, I want to play a game with you.

I call it the ‘Hero Hunt Points Tournament’.

You can get points by hunting heroes. Each B-level hero gets 1 point, and each A-level hero gets 5 points.

The first non-cadre-level weirdo to score 100 points will receive a gift from Orochi-sama and be promoted to cadre-level.

At the same time, I will also issue to the cadres the rules of the game that are exclusive to you.

You have to hunt S-level heroes to get points. Each S-level hero has different points. I have listed the table. 】

Soon, a table appeared in the minds of all the weirdos.

【Sexy Prisoner】——20 points.

[Metal Bat] - 25 points.

[Vested Lord] - 25 points.

[Devil Transforms Human] - 30 points.

[Flash Flash] - 40 points.

【Police Dog Man】——50 points.

[Super Alloy Black Light] - 50 points.

[Pig God]——40 points.

[Driving Knight]——40 points.

[Zombie Man] - 25 points.

【Tong Emperor】——40 points.

[Atomic Samurai] - 50 points.

[Silver Fang]——50 points.

"Then there are the four pillars of the Heroes Association."

[Metal Knight]——90 points.

【Super Speed】——90 points.

[Shrilling Tornado] - 90 points.

【KING】——100 points.

"You dragon-level cadres, whoever gets 100 points first will get the title and status of the godlike level. Become the number one weirdo under Lord Orochi and lead other cadres."

Da Jiongyan said with a smile in the minds of all the weirdos:

"The [Metal Bat] among them has been defeated by Elder Centipede, and the [Devil Cyborg] has been defeated by the hero. The scores are recorded for them for the time being. As for the [Metal Knight] of the four pillars, they challenged Lord Orochi because they overestimated their capabilities. And was completely destroyed.

Everyone, please hurry up~"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from among the cadres: "Wait a minute, Da Jiongyan! You haven't mentioned the S-level 2nd [Martial God] and the S-level 1st [Explosion] yet!"

"Hehehe, I forgot, sorry."

Da Jiongyan lit up another form in everyone's mind.

[Explosion]——100 points.

【Martial God】——? ?

"What does the question mark mean? Are you fooling us?" The cadre roared in dissatisfaction.

"Of course not. If you are really capable of defeating the Martial God, then you have the qualifications to be on an equal footing with Orochi-sama and jointly command this weirdo association that is about to reach the top of the planet."

Dajiong looked at the cadre who spoke:

"I'm looking forward to your performance, Wandering Emperor."

The cadre snorted coldly, turned and left.

Several other cadres also left one after another.

Da Jiongyan let out a flat laugh, and the laughter echoed in this huge and empty underground cave.

City C, Fighting Dome.

The final battle of the semi-finals is being played in the studio, [Funeral Etiquette Kick] Liuzhi versus [Netherworld Fist] Shuilong.

Suddenly, someone broke in and said breathlessly: "It's not good! A large number of weird attacks broke out outside City C!"

"Huh? That's terrible."

The director was shocked:

"There is no other way. It seems we can only suspend the game."

Another staff member shouted: "Are you crazy? This time is no different than before. The bonus alone has reached ten times the original amount! There are so many sponsors, if we stop the competition without authorization, they will definitely pour us into concrete and sink us." The sea!”

"Perhaps... there is no need to stop? After all, there is a [Martial God] here. Which weirdo dares to come here to cause trouble without opening his eyes? It would be better to say that this fighting dome is now the safest place on the planet!"

The director thought about it for a while and then said:

"That's it. Don't notify the people yet to avoid causing riots. The game continues!"

At this moment, the battle on the stage was decided.

The final battle will begin between [Explosive Mountain] and [Water Dragon].

Thanks to book friend 20230425105658757 for the reward of 1500 starting coins

Thanks to the cross-border travelers for the 500 starting coins

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