A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1076 Pre-war meeting

"What? What do you mean you won't participate in the battle!?"

In City Y, shouts of surprise came from the Tong Emperor's laboratory located on the hillside.

In the dark communication room, Emperor Tong shouted at several huge screens:

"Metal Knight! Do you know what the situation is like now?"

[You are the one who failed to see the situation of the battle clearly, Child Emperor. 】

The screen was flashing with snowflakes and no images could be seen. It was obviously cut off by the other party, but the slightly distorted sound was still transmitted through the contact.

[The Monster Association has prepared its combat power and made full preparations. If you just accept the provocation and step into a battlefield full of disadvantageous conditions, you can imagine how many heroes will be sacrificed.

How unbecoming is it to waste the fighting power of the Heroes Association on the basis of being selected as a staff member of the Heroes Association! Only a fool would do something like this! 】

The unabashed reprimand is just like a teacher scolding a stupid student. This description is correct, because Emperor Tong did serve as an assistant to Metal Knight for a period of time, and many of his high-tech technologies were successfully invented through Metal Knight's teaching and inspiration.

At this time, the Child Emperor said unconvinced: "I understand what you are saying, but there are children who have been taken hostage by them!"

[If you think this way, it will only worsen the already pessimistic situation. The Gods of War have already discovered the opponent's high-end combat power and general location, but the Hero Association has no idea of ​​​​taking the initiative.

You should give up the hostages when identifying the enemy base and blow them up directly. I proposed this to the association but was rejected. Those guys who are just eating corpses only think about what benefits they can get after the hostages come out... stupid!

If that's the case, then this battle has nothing to do with me. 】

"You old stubborn!" Tong Emperor yelled angrily.

【You are the ones who are stubborn. By taking the initiative to step into the enemy's trap laid out in advance when our combat strength information is nearly transparent, you are using the lives of other heroes as bargaining chips. This is a losing bet. 】

"But we have Mr. KING and Mr. Martial God! They are both strong men who can compete with the godlike level!"

[The God of War is indeed a god-like person, but how do you know that KING also has god-like combat power? And since the other party takes the initiative to invite a fight, it means that they are not afraid of the God of War.

So far, I have only seen one bright spot in the series of stupid decisions and actions on the Hero Association's side, and that is Valkyrie's intelligence probing operation.

Without the God of War, you would be just headless flies running into a spider's web.

Tsk, it’s useless to say more at this point. I wish you all the best in your next actions. 】

Click! Saying the last words without hesitation, the Metal Knight unilaterally hung up the contact.

"Ahhh! I'm so angry! This old stubborn!"

The Child Emperor was so angry that he scratched his head with both hands.

Without the support of the Metal Knights' super-powerful mechanical legion, Emperor Tong could only make new plans.

On the other hand, the declaration of war by the Weird Association and the capture of important hostages began to spread around the world.

[The Heroes Association failed miserably! The Weird Association declares war! The decisive battle takes place in Z city! 】

It was obviously a truth that the Hero Association tried every means to cover up, but it was described in a very serious way by newspaper headlines and online forums.

Even things like which heroes were attacked and killed by monsters or suffered disastrous defeats and how many humans switched to the camp of monsters were thoroughly disclosed.

The world's voice for the Heroes Association to save the hostages and defeat the Weird Association is getting louder.

The Heroes Association knew that this was the beginning of the Weird Association's efforts, forcing the Heroes Association to take the initiative and show a tough stance under the pressure of public opinion.

In addition, the announcement of the Weird Association also has an important purpose, which is to give a signal to the weirdos lurking around the world, "Come on, join us."

There are constant eyewitness reports from all over the world, claiming to have seen strange people gathering and approaching Z City.

Some witnesses even claimed to have seen the former chief disciple of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist Sect, now wanted criminal, and self-proclaimed ‘Hero Hunter’ Hungry Wolf near City Z. After attacking several A-level heroes, his whereabouts were unknown.

It seems that the Weird Association is also blatantly expanding its military power and starting to create a new trump card belonging to the Weird Association.

Finally, the day of decisive battle arrived.

"Thermal imaging detection of my artificial satellite 'Eye on the Screen' confirmed the number of weirdos."

In the conference room of the Hero Association headquarters, Emperor Tong said while manipulating the three-dimensional model diagram on the conference table:

"The thermal response of a confirmed monster on one side alone exceeds 700. This number should be no problem for everyone in the S class. The suspense lies in the combat effectiveness of the enemy cadres."

S-class heroes were sitting on both sides of the conference table, and the head of the conference table was still vacant.

The zombie man looked at the missing Driver Knight's head on the stereogram, holding a cigarette in his mouth and asked: "I heard that the Driver Knight was killed, is that true?"

"I don't know. He knew before everyone else that the weirdo's lair was in Z City by torturing the weirdo, and then went to investigate. After three hours, all methods failed to contact the Drive Knight."

Emperor Tong took the wave candy and replied worriedly:

"Obviously, as long as we wait another hour or two, Mr. Martial God will be able to figure out the enemy's movements and send weird puppets deep into the enemy's lair. Alas... I hope the driver knight is okay."

Super Alloy Black Light comforted him: "He is a mechanically modified body, so he is not necessarily dead, right?"

"That's right, maybe it's just that the body parts have been destroyed and they are unable to move or communicate. They are hiding somewhere waiting for rescue." Pig Man said while stuffing pizza into his mouth: "Ten liters of Coke and ten pizzas Thanks."

"Speaking of which, Silver Fang, God of War, and King are not here."

Atomic Samurai looked around and found several empty chairs: "Your battle plan didn't include these powerful combat forces?"

The Child Emperor scratched his cheek: "Well, not letting Silver Fang join this combat plan is the intention of the top brass of the Hero Association. They believe that the 'Hero Hunting' hungry wolf has probably defected to the Weird Association, and Silver Fang was trying to capture During the operation to hunt down the hungry wolves, we did not kill them, allowing the hungry wolves to take the opportunity to escape. So..."

"Think Silver Fang is being soft-hearted and is suspected of being incited to rebel? Those idiots who only eat corpses don't understand what the pride of a warrior is."

Shensu crossed his arms in front of him and said coldly.

Flash Flash frowned: "What about KING and Valkyrie? Don't tell me that they are also excluded."

"Well... I don't know where they have gone, and I can't contact them." The child emperor's face fell.

Super Alloy Black Light reminded: "There are more than six enemy dragon-level and above warriors. This is the message given by the God of War. Not to mention that the enemy general is very likely to be a 'god-like' powerhouse. Although Everyone is S-class and confident in their own strength, but this time we really need KING and Martial God as the final ace to hold the battle."

After witnessing the terrifying power of the god-like combat with his own eyes, the S-class heroes present were no longer as arrogant as in the original work. Although they are arrogant, they also know their own limits. If some powerful S-level heroes can challenge the dragon level with all their strength, then the god-like level is a gap that they cannot easily cross.

"Don't worry too much."

Seeing the dejected look on the face of Tong Di, the consultant for this event, the zombie man comforted him:

"We are not gathered here for a head-on confrontation. In the final analysis, this is just an operation to rescue the hostages, and the crusade against the weirdos is a side job.

By the way, tornado. Don't forget to rescue the hostages, and don't launch a large-scale attack without warning to directly destroy the monster's lair. "

Tatsumaki shouted impatiently: "What a shame! Just find out where the hostages are? I'll just use my telekinesis to wrap them in a ball, pull them out, and then bury all those freaks in the ground!"

"Sorry, my investigation did not find out where the boss and hostages are hiding in the lair. Because the enemy's lair is too deep and too complex and wide."

The Child Emperor pressed the button, and hundreds of tower-like underground lairs immediately appeared on the table. Countless passages as complex and tangled as tree roots spread around.

Super Alloy Black Light clenched his fists: "That is to say, we must go deep into the enemy's position to rescue the hostages. Whether we encounter weirdos during this period, whether minions or BOSS, fighting is unavoidable. Those who encounter the enemy must take responsibility and deal with the weirdos."

"In short, this operation is divided into an underground assault team and an above-ground support team. The former is composed entirely of S-class heroes, while the latter is composed of powerful A, B, and C-class heroes summoned by the British Association. Do you have any questions? ?"

At this moment, a loud announcement from the staff suddenly sounded outside the door——

"Lord Martial God and Lord KING are here!"

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