A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1090 Six Kings Spear

At this time, Banggu's beard and hair were black, his muscles were bulging, and coupled with his sinister and sharp eyes, he would undoubtedly look like a villain in other works.

But at this time, he was constantly exuding a sense of uprightness, which made the heroes behind him feel at ease.

"Hungry Wolf, you have fallen into the evil path of [Weird] after all. I, the master, bear the greatest responsibility for you to become like this, so what I have to do now is to wake you up completely."

Banggu put on the starting position of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist and said in a deep voice:

"Atomic Samurai, you guys get out of here, I'll stop them."

Atomic Warrior flatly refused when he heard this: "No! Not to mention your apprentice Hungry Wolf, the strength of the two dragon-level cadres on the opposite side is extraordinary. We will not leave you here alone!"

Are you kidding me, you old man, even though you don’t know how to temporarily look young again (makeup?), both [Black Essence] and [Overgrown Pochi] require the full strength of all S-class heroes present to fight them. Super powerful enemies.

Leaving Banggu alone here will undoubtedly lead him to death.

"Atomic Samurai is right. If it were normal times, we would naturally wait quietly for you to 'educate' your apprentice, but now the situation is urgent, and we can't just watch you fall into a desperate situation surrounded by enemies. If you want to leave, let's go together! "

The zombie man replaced the pistol with a new magazine, and his body has almost recovered:

"I would like to ask, besides you, are there any other experts in Group D?"

It's not that Zombie Man looks down on Silver Fangs. The opponent is almost invincible when the opponent is a melee sect, a physical sect. This has long been demonstrated within the Hero Association. Even the super alloy black light, the pinnacle of the flesh sect, cannot break through the flowing water circle defense of the silver fangs' Flowing Rock Broken Fist. Instead, it will be used to fight back against him.

But the current opponents are extremely incompatible with the silver fangs. The 'overgrown Pochi' has incredible physical defense and regeneration, and it also has an extremely powerful ultra-long-range scorch cannon attack.

Not to mention the Black Essence. The endless stream of clones that can't be killed can consume any S-class hero of the melee and physical faction alive.

In Zombie Man's opinion, the only ones who can fight against the Black Spirit are Valkyrie and Trembling Tornado.

"Sorry, no. KING has gone to support Group C. He has four dragon-level cadres to deal with. Saitama and Tatsumaki seem to have other tasks. Only the little old man and I are here to support Group A."

Bang Gu smiled and didn't take the zombie man's contempt to heart.

At this moment, an astonishing roar suddenly erupted from the opposite side.

I saw the monstrous hungry wolf looking up to the sky and roaring, bending down and rushing towards Bangu with beast-like movements.

"That action is... Dog Man?" Zombie Man is sure that he can't admit it wrong. The lightning-quick look on all fours is the signature posture of Police Dog Man when he attacks!

Approaching rapidly with a lightning-shaped trajectory that does not conform to the principles of movement of the human body, the hungry wolf has completely lost its mind and is acting only on instinct, raising its sharp claws towards its mentor.

The left hand's 'Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist' defeats the strong with the weak!

The right hand 'Tornado Iron Slashing Fist' becomes stronger with strength!

The hungry wolf's hands drew fist shadows all over the sky in an instant, and each blow was enough to crush rocks and penetrate steel.

Bang Gu took his time and raised his hands to form a snake fist, drawing an equal number of soft water trails in front of him, deflecting all the hungry wolf's attacks.

As soon as the two sides fought, astonishing air waves and shock waves immediately erupted on the battlefield.

The zombie man noticed that the ground beside him was swept by the scattered air waves and immediately turned into gravel. What a powerful destructive power it was!

On the opposite side, Pochi and Heijing were also waiting impatiently.

"Is that the silver fang, a big fish worth 50 points? And that kid is hunted by the hero that Da Jiongyan particularly favors. Humph... Sure enough, he has turned into a monster. That guy Da Jiongyan is really good at it."

Heijing observed the battle situation, thought about it and decided to strike first. If that weird hungry wolf robs everyone of their heads, wouldn’t he have to lose all his previous efforts?

Thinking of this, Heijing patted Pochi's leg: "Pochi, those guys invaded your territory and are bad guys! Use your strongest attack to crush them."

Upon hearing this, Boqi immediately opened his mouth, and an unprecedentedly huge scorch cannon condensed into shape in his mouth and made a buzzing sound.

Not only were all the S-class heroes locked, but the Silver Fang and the hungry wolf that was fighting with it were also listed as targets.

laugh! A huge scorching cannon with laser light shot out. This time, the range of the scorching cannon was extremely huge, completely covering the space in the corridor in front without leaving any gaps. The ground, ceiling, and walls wherever it went were turned into dust, blasting forward unstoppably.

"Be careful!" Genos immediately raised his arms and twisted them into an incineration cannon posture. However, due to the continuous firing of the incineration cannons, the energy gathering at the muzzle was stagnant.

The scorching cannon rushed forward and immediately approached the fighting silver fangs and hungry wolves.

The hungry wolf, which had already lost its mind, completely escaped Banggu's pursuit by instinct. With a few leaps, he jumped up to the ceiling more than 20 meters high and penetrated it before leaping in.

Banggu can naturally do this, but if he dodges, the S-class heroes behind him will face the terrifying scorching cannon bombardment.

The silver fangs turned around to face the approaching giant scorch cannon and took a deep breath. The posture they adopted was no longer that of the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist, but a completely new posture.

"Silver Fangs, get out of the way!" The heroes at the rear shouted anxiously.

"Let me show you the six secrets taught to me by the God of War."

The silver fangs have completely returned to their golden peak, and the lines of their flesh and muscles are as clear as an ax and a chisel, forming flowing lines as he moves.

Just at the moment when the scorching cannon's bombardment was about to hit, the silver fangs moved!

His hands clenched into fists, his arms stretched forward in parallel, and he suddenly exerted force——


Invisible energy came out of the body, using both fists as 'muzzles' to blast forward violently.

The scorching cannon immediately froze, twisted into a strange oval shape, and crushed the ceiling and the ground to pieces. There was only less than five meters between it and Banggu. This distance eventually became an insurmountable gap for the scorching cannon.

Veins popped up on Banggu's forehead, and the muscles in his arms bulged out again:

"Come again!"

The second round of Qi Jin Cannon was fired, and the Scorch Cannon could no longer hold up, and was pushed back along the original path at a faster speed!

Heijing and Pochi didn't even have time to avoid it before they were hit by the returning Scorch Cannon and the Qi Jin Cannon that followed from behind.

A huge explosion immediately erupted where they were.

The corridor on this level could not hold up anymore and began to tremble violently.

"Get out of here!" Silver Fang turned and shouted to the other S-class heroes.

"Banggu! Above your head!" The Atomic Warrior looked shocked and shouted a warning.

No murderous intent, no sound, no trace, the figure of the hungry wolf appeared directly above Banggu's head at some unknown time, eliminating all traces of itself just for this moment of fatal attack.

He formed the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist and the Whirlwind Iron Slashing Fist with both hands, and blasted towards Bangu's Tianling Gai.

[Jiaoyalong Killing Fist]!

In the original work, this move requires the two brothers Bangu Bangpu to work together, and it is a very powerful killing move. At this moment, Hungry Wolf actually used his own strength to display it.

Once it hits, it's a sure kill!

But what greeted the hungry wolf was a fist shining with black metallic luster.

Bang Gu was on guard for a long time. He raised his fists in front of the hungry wolf, assuming the same posture as he had just blasted through the scorching cannon.

It is the secret of the six movements that Heather taught Banggu——

[Six Kings Spear]!

The silent energy cannon shot out of his body and hit the hungry wolf's fists.

The contact point immediately spread out layers of air wave ripples in all directions.

Click! Click! The hungry wolf's wrists became distorted in the strong shock, and even the carapace on his chest was hit and cracked inch by inch. He spewed out blood while spinning rapidly and falling into the sea of ​​explosion fire in the distance.

Without saying a word, Bang Gu immediately exerted force on his feet and turned into a swift shadow chasing into the sea of ​​fire. In the previous battle, he had confirmed that his apprentice, after turning into a monster, had super strong defense and regeneration power, and could not give him a chance to breathe.

The other four S-class heroes were stunned for a few seconds, as if they were half asleep.

Is the gap between S-class so big?

Atomic Samurai thought he was in the first echelon of S-class, but now it seems that not only Valkyrie, Tatsumaki and KING, but also Silver Fang have left him far behind.

Super Alloy Black Light touched his bald head, was it an illusion? He seemed to see the silver fangs' fists shining with a black luster that was more dazzling than his muscles.

"Everyone, this place is about to collapse. Leave quickly!" the zombie man reminded.

Genos looked around: "We can only use attacks to penetrate the floor and forcefully blast out a passage. It's up to me to do it——"

As soon as he raised his arm, the corridor in front of him was suddenly crushed to pieces by a huge force.

It was not the ceiling, nor the walls, nor the floor, but the entire corridor was cut off. The cut was smooth and revealed a terrifying huge hole in front of it from top to bottom.

Everyone came to the edge of the hole and looked down, and found a bottomless black abyss below. It seemed that the blow just now penetrated the entire Weird Association.

"Is it an enemy?"

Atomic Samurai grips his katana. Why are monster-level beings appearing one after another? This exaggerated expression is much more powerful than the big dog and black spirit just now.

Suddenly, Genos looked up and said, "Something is approaching, very fast!"

Everyone immediately stood ready.

Soon, a black dot fell rapidly from above, passed by where everyone was, and continued to fly downward, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"That's...the God of War?"

Several people looked at each other.

The Hero Association's biggest trump card, General Wushen, actually took the lead? Who is his target?

Could it be that he has found the leader of the Weird Association?

PS: I haven’t written for a few days and I’m a bit unskilled. I’ll check the status first.

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