A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1098 Everything is according to plan

"Hell's Fubuki!"

Sikes jumped up from the ground and roared tremblingly:

"When I was a student, you used despicable means to ruin my future because my telekinesis was about to surpass yours. Are you going to stop me now?

Don't even think about it! This time, I won't be merciful! ! "

The effect of the potion has not yet disappeared, and terrifying telekinetic fluctuations linger on Sykes's body, just like a small nuclear power source.

The entire living room and even the dojo itself began to shake violently.

"Stop it, Sikes."

Fubuki was in a panic, not because she was misunderstood by Sikes, but because this stupid woman chose to start the war at Heather's home.

If the dojo was destroyed because of him, Fubuki couldn't imagine how disappointed Heather would be with him when he came back.

She immediately wanted to use her telekinesis to push Sikes out, but the latter had barely reached the level of a normal trembling tornado due to taking the potion. How could it be that Fubuki could easily shake it?

Just when the living room was about to be completely destroyed by Sykes' telepathic power, a telepathic ring suddenly appeared around Sikes' body, and then tightened suddenly!


Because Sykes was fully focused on Fubuki, he was accidentally stuck in the center of his body by the telekinesis ring. His arms, chest and abdomen were strangled to the point that they were almost broken. The terrifying feeling on Sykes The fluctuations in mental power also dropped rapidly and eventually disappeared.

How can it be! There is such a powerful telekinesis user. Could it be the Trembling Tornado?

Sikes fell to the ground with a bang, and reluctantly raised his head to look forward, and found a petite black-haired beauty standing in the center of the living room, with the index finger of her right hand pointed at him.

"Given that you don't know much about the current situation and the events you are about to face, you can be forgiven for your reckless behavior just now, but only this time."

Qishi's tone was cold, and her astonishing telekinesis, which surpassed that of Sikes and Fubuki, was controlled by her without any extra leakage. She applied all of her perfect control skills on Sikes, making the opponent look like a snake sealed in amber. , it is difficult to move even an inch.

Fubuki watched with a cold face as Sikes was stuck in the telekinesis ring and began to foam at the mouth. She thought to herself, have you really forgiven her? Aren't you taking the opportunity to retaliate?

It’s not that I can’t understand Nanami’s mood. Heather is like a young man who is too lazy to do housework. Nanami usually does the housework. Fubuki will also help when Fubuki comes over. Occasionally, Genos will make a cameo when he comes over. A little housework expert.

Now that the living room was in a mess, not only Nanami was angry, but even Fubuki had the urge to kick Sikes.

Under the suppression of Qishi's super telekinesis, Sykes finally regained some consciousness, gritted his teeth and said: "I, I understand, please let me go first..."

The telekinesis blockade was released, and Sykes did not dare to move any more. The effect of the medicine in her body had begun to fade. She could not defeat this strange black-haired woman just now, let alone now.

What's going on today? First there was the God of War and the God of Speed, and now here comes the strange woman, each one of them is incredibly powerful.

Ah, speaking of divine speed, was he crushed by the telekinetic spikes in reverse just now? Why are you here now intact?

No, you should first figure out where this place is. Sikes asked tentatively: "You... rescued me from God Speed?"

"You can understand it that way." Qishi nodded and confirmed his identity as a 'savior' honestly and politely: "By the way, this is the outskirts of J City."

J City, so to speak, I have escaped from that ghost place! If I just find a chance to slip away from here...

"And it's also the dojo of the God of War."

Sikes' eyes froze as he looked around. Did you just say a name? God of War? Is this the Martial God’s dojo?

"May I ask, who are you from the God of War?" Sikes asked stammeringly.

"The little girl is the sister of the God of War, Heather. You can call me Qishi."

Qishi gracefully bowed to Sikes as a lady.

It's over, it's all over. Just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den, the person who dragged him out of the wolf's den was actually a hungry tigress.

Especially when she saw Qi Shi taking out a familiar three-piece set from her pocket - a dagger with a weird and twisted shape, a stone ball with unknown runes engraved on its surface, and a skull gold coin with complicated and gorgeous patterns, her inner despair reached its peak.

Isn’t this the Martial God’s ‘mysterious tool kit’? Why do you have it too?

"Ah, it seems that you have seen the mysterious and wonderful tool kit. My brother has always been kind to beautiful women, especially to big...well, beauties like you. I always show mercy, but please don't worry, I will never do this unprofessional thing. A low-level mistake."

Qishi's tone was slightly cheerful, as if he was looking forward to the upcoming interrogation session:

"Well, let me ask you, do you plan to--"

"No problem! Whatever you say will be whatever it is, and I will fully cooperate!"

Before Qi could finish speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Sikes.

Sykes was determined to become the king of weirdos, how could he be tortured to death by a dwarf less than 1.5 meters tall here. There is no doubt that Sykes, who often brutally tortures and dismembers weirdos, is very familiar with the look in Qishi's eyes, which is a look that is ready to show off his skills on the experimental mice. There is no grudge or murderous intention, only aloof indifference.

If he dared to say no, Sikes knew that he would never have any chance to beg for mercy or escape.

Hearing Sikes's unhesitating answer, the corners of Qishi's lips that had just been raised quickly dropped, and she asked with some reluctance: "...You answered too quickly, are you sincere?"

"Absolutely true!" Sikes nodded wildly.


Qishi sighed softly and reluctantly put the three-piece suit back into the small suitcase.

Sikes breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't know that this was actually all part of Heather and Qi Shi's calculations.

The world of One Punch Man is the second stress level 7 world that Heather encounters. According to Qishi's calculations, the higher the pressure level in a world, the more rare [things] will be produced, that is, opportunities.

In the world of Final Fantasy, Heather got the Summoning Stone of the Knights of the Round Table, which was really just an added bonus. His biggest gain was the concept of weapons that was instilled into his body through the "life stream" of the entire planet and forcibly opened. Only when he has a concept can he be considered an official outsider.

There is no reason why good things cannot come out of the world of One Punch Man, which is also at Level 7.

After the alien invasion, after careful study by Heather and Qi Shi, they came to the conclusion that there are indeed treasures worth grabbing in this world.

One is the super giant space battleship Dark Matter, which is a genuine space battleship that can sail across stars and also has space jumping technology. For Heather, who had never experienced the high-tech world, this was a unique opportunity.

Now this space battleship has been obtained by Heather under Su Zhan's reminder. Regardless of whether it can be used, at least it has fallen into his pocket.

The second is the ‘limiter release method’. Due to differences in power between species and individuals, living things have limits that cannot be eliminated no matter how much effort is put into them. The purpose of this limit is to allow various creatures to grow without losing the survival awareness and rationality of their species. This growth limit is called a limiter.

In fact, weirdos are the result of human beings breaking the limiter. They are creatures whose bodies are regenerated into other species, which means that new limiters are reset.

Saitama is the only creature who has successfully lifted his limiter while remaining human.

Heather has already felt that the growth of her [Qi] is not as rapid as it was just after awakening from the concept of Final Fantasy World, and it seems that she is approaching her limit.

With her strength fixed at the current level, Heather would not allow herself to be so weak. The spiral pursuers may come and kill them at any time. What if I don't have helpers like Prince Xinghai and Brother Monkey around me at that time?

Heather must break through the limiter and become stronger!

Saitama's joke-like method of removing the limiter certainly didn't work for Heather. This guy's experience couldn't be used as a reference at all.

Think about it another way, why not draw inspiration from the eccentric approach? If you ask who in the world has the most experience in eccentricity, it is undoubtedly Sykes.

So the famous director Qishi planned the script.

Under the leadership of Valkyrie, the Heroes Association massively invaded the Monster Association's lair, suppressing all the dragon-level cadres and King Orochi that Sykes relied on, ending Sykes's hope.

Heather then tried to scare Sikes and used a flaw to allow her to escape successfully, but was intercepted by Su Zhan midway. Su Zhan used more severe methods to wipe out the last bit of luck and fighting spirit of Sikes, and 'killed' Sikes in the presence of witnesses. Of course, the water-calling sword was actually used to put Sykes into a different space in time and teleported to Qishi.

Finally, Qishi completed the third 'dignity polishing' and tamed Sikes. Moreover, Nanami has Fubuki present. She is the biggest obsession in Sikes' heart and can effectively soften Sikes's attitude at critical moments.

The most important thing is that Fubuki is very strict with his mouth and will not talk nonsense about Sikes being 'cut off'. In this case, Sykes was officially confirmed dead by the Heroes Association, but was actually detained by Qishi.

If Sikes is really cooperative and obedient, Heather wouldn't mind letting Sikes change his face and reintegrate into society as a human being. Anyway, she can't make trouble with Fubuki, a good friend, by her side.

Also, Qishi needs Sikes to complete a very critical job.

In the living room, Qishi moved a relatively intact chair and motioned for Sikes to sit down, and then sat opposite Sikes himself.

"Then, Miss Sikes, who claims to be willing to fully cooperate with me in all my work, your first job is about to begin."

Qishi looked at Sikes with her beautiful big eyes:

"Use your power called the 'Third Eye' to make a prophecy for me."

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