A foreigner's journey

Chapter 118 Nautilus

His fingers touched his solid chest through his seawater-soaked shirt.

The warm heat that only Heather could feel slowly spread from her chest. The small flickering flame flickered and swayed as if blown by the wind, and then disintegrated into stars and merged into the "Outlander Fire" on Heather's chest. 】Among them.

It was a very wonderful feeling. The sense of oppression and crisis caused by being watched by the will of the world gradually dissipated. This flame strengthened the foreigner's fire, and also strengthened Heather's deeper soul.

If I had to describe it in words, it would be similar to [talent points] in an RPG game.

The telekinesis ability in Heather's mind [Catalog of Mythical Weapons] slowly turned the pages of the book. In the rules chapter on the first page, all the rules and restrictions were bathed in the warm firelight.

Among them, the rule [‘Weapons’ are divided by type, and each weapon can only be registered once] is beginning to loosen, and there seems to be the possibility of re-establishing it.

But that's just the degree of looseness.

Still needing more 'World Flame'... Heather instantly understood that this World Flame could actually strengthen her innate talents and allow them to evolve into a form that was more in line with her wishes.

It turns out that this kind of world flame is indeed more precious than any treasure.

As for whether this thing could be the backdoors and traps left by those high-dimensional creatures in their souls for easy tampering, Heather doesn't care now, nor can she care about it.

You have buried the foreigner's fire in your chest, do you still care about such small details?

Form is stronger than people. When you are still weak, you might as well take advantage of the conveniences within the rules. At least you must grow stronger and be strong enough to compete with other contestants.

Sitting up immediately, looking at the rising sun slowly rising from the horizon, Heather closed her eyes and felt the sea breeze.

There's not much you need to dig out in this Pirates of the Caribbean world, so speed up the completion of the final mission. First, the Queen Anne's Revenge must be bound as the [Poseidon's Ship]!

Heather stood up and inserted the Mermaid Prince's Blade into the deck of the bow area with her backhand.

The blue water immediately burst out from the sword blade and spread towards the entire hull of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Moisturized by the current, this magic ship no longer looked as sinister and evil as before. The ghastly white bone decorations were shattered into powder by the current and then swept away. The cracked hull was reunited and glued together, and the black and red ship paint It was replaced with blue and black tones, and the dark red tattered sail was washed into a brilliant gem-like blue by the magical blue sea current, with a mermaid prince holding a scimitar painted on it.

The giant charred skeleton holding a spear as the bow of the ship was carefully taken care of by the water flow. The charred skeleton was filled with strange scale-like substances, and finally turned into a figure holding a trident, with a conch horn hanging around its waist, and its beard and hair were as unruly as seaweed. of a giant male mermaid.

The original font of "Queen Anne's Revenge" engraved on the stern of the ship changed and eventually became "Nautilus".

This is Heather's bad taste.

At this point, the [Nautilus] is completely bound to be the Poseidon's ship designated by the 'Mermaid Prince'.

Just by giving the command of 'forward' in his mind, the Nautilus, with its sails fully opened in an instant, automatically started to move forward at an extremely fast speed.

Heather tried to de-materialize the 'Blade of the Mermaid Prince', but the Nautilus did not dissipate with it and could still be driven as she wished.

This way, there is no need to keep the Mermaid Prince's blade materialized all the time, which is great news.

Then Heather summoned the Mermaid Prince's Blade again and tried to put the Nautilus into the blade. His feet were suddenly empty, and he saw the entire ship turning into a sea current and pouring into the Mermaid Prince's Blade.

With a pop, Heather fell into the sea water. He raised the scimitar and looked carefully, and found that a blue and black three-masted sailboat could be vaguely seen swimming slowly in the translucent blue blade.

After trying to retract and release the Nautilus several times, Heather found that this move had no cooling limit, but it took at least four seconds to retract and release it.

Stepping back onto the deck of the Nautilus, Heather once again wielded the Mermaid Prince's Blade. The ruby ​​on the sword's hilt guard flashed with light. The Nautilus's sails automatically retracted, the rigging tied up the heavy objects, and the entire ship began to move. Dive below the sea surface.

Before going to Tatooga Island, Heather had one place to go.


Today, Tatuga Island is still bustling with activity.

Because this island resembles a lying turtle, it was called "Turtle Island" by Columbus, who first discovered the island. The transliteration is Tortuga.

This is where free sailors and gangsters gather, a dream paradise to escape the constraints of the past.

Whenever trading ships, pirates, and free explorers in the Caribbean want to recruit more reliable sailors, the first thing that comes to mind is Tatuga Island.

But these days, life is not so easy for local sailors who are used to the wild pace of life.

The legendary pirate ship Black Pearl, which is said to have defeated Blackbeard and the Queen Anne's Revenge, is anchored in the port of Tatuga Island. Who dares to be so bold?

Some people even say that they saw the legendary ghost ship ‘Flying Dutchman’ in the offshore area of ​​Tatooga Island!

In the tavern on Tatuga Island, whether it was the bartenders and prostitutes coming and going or the sailors sitting at the table drinking, they were all a little nervous.

Sitting in front of the big round table in the corner of the tavern were several big shots, big shots they couldn't afford to offend.

"So, the captain did say he would come to Tatuga Island?"

Barbosa, dressed in a black trench coat, threw the knife and fork back into the plate with a bad tone.

Jack, who had returned to his usual attire, was picking his teeth with a broken piece of wood that he broke off from somewhere, and said vaguely:

"Angelica did say that, I'm just paraphrasing it, Hector."

Wearing Heather's dark red waterproof windbreaker and long-feathered wide felt hat, Angelica crossed her arms and sat on a chair with her legs crossed:

"You've asked me this eight hundred times these days, I'm too lazy to waste any more time talking to you."

Mr. Gibbs, the boatswain, put down the empty bottle of wine in his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth:

"Gentlemen... oh, sorry, and ma'am, we should trust the captain, he is the unrivaled Captain Heather! Maybe he needs to run some personal errands on his way back?"

Jack became excited when he heard this: "Oh oh oh, are you looking for a woman? I happened to pass by Nassau on the way back. Let me tell you, the girls there are just... I'm sorry, everyone, please continue."

Angelica's glare forced Jack to lower his head and fiddle with the simple toothpick in his hand, and then looked at Barbossa: "I can't wait any longer, I want to go to sea to find him."

"Miss Angelica, please be patient."

Barbossa scratched his itchy scalp with a fork, frowned and said: "Please believe that I am also very worried about the captain's safety. But he is the unrivaled Captain Heather, please have confidence in him. "

As he spoke, he forked a piece of peeled apple from the dinner plate and put it into his mouth with an elegant gesture as if he was not eating a cheap apple but a puff smeared with the finest royal caviar.

"I would like to remind you that Davy Jones's patience is wearing thin."

Jack couldn't help but said: "If we delay it any longer, I'm afraid that octopus head will go crazy."

Barbossa waved his fork indifferently: "It doesn't matter, Mr. Pilot, we can send you to the Flying Dutchman first to appease Captain Davy Jones's anger."

"Hector, I think with my [ability], I can definitely serve as the first officer." Jack, who has the power of telepathy, speaks differently and toughly!

Barbossa sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Really? But I think I can do a good job with my [ability]."

Just as the two were confronting each other, a sailor suddenly pushed open the door of the tavern in panic and pointed outside:

"Outside! Outside!"

PS: Happy New Year~~

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