A foreigner's journey

Chapter 123 The Fourth Pirate Conference Opens

The Shipwreck Island is different from the famous Greek tourist attraction in Heather's world. The Shipwreck Island in the Pirates of the Caribbean world is a secret gathering place that only the Pirate King can find.

As the name of Shipwreck Island suggests, the surrounding waters are extremely dangerous. The rocks hidden under the sea are always ready to bury the ships on the seabed. Only extremely skilled captains and helmsmen can freely travel through this sea area.

The Shipwreck Bay located inside the Shipwreck Island is the venue for previous pirate conferences.

Today will be the day when the fourth Pirate Conference will be held.

The night sky is brightly illuminated by the moonlight and stars, but this is not as good as the spectacular scenery of Shipwreck Bay. Pirate ships of all sizes are moored on the inside of the harbor, and clusters of buildings nearly a hundred meters high are piled up with a unique and rough and uncoordinated beauty. Countless bright lights and torches make the Shipwreck Bay seem like daylight.

There is a long and luxurious table in the brightly lit hall. The eight pirate kings are sitting or standing in front of the table, with their respective confidants and fierce subordinates standing behind them. At the end of the long table is a huge globe with eight captain's swords stuck on it, located exactly in their respective sea areas.

At this time, there was a lot of noise and chaos in the hall.

boom! A fist with exposed veins slammed on the table.

"Armande! You must give me an explanation! Why was my ship hijacked by you again!?"

The shark Moro, wearing a black turban and a one-eye mask, is the new pirate king of the Mediterranean who succeeded Captain Cheval. He was roaring at the opposite side at the top of his lungs, with veins popping out in his neck. The boatswain and mate behind him were also cheering and even preparing to pull out his sword. Draw out weapons.

Opposite Shark Moro is Armand, who is wearing a red turban and a beautiful mustache. He is the notorious pirate king of the Black Sea. Faced with Shark Morrow's questioning, he plucked his ears and said in a disdainful tone: "Please clarify the situation, young Captain Morrow, even your former captain Chevaler did not dare to speak nonsense to me...leave the sunken ship alive. Isn’t Bay good?”

Next to Armand is a woman with a graceful figure. Although she is old, you can still see how beautiful she was when she was young. Her dull eyes show that she is blind. She is the pirate king of the Pacific, the feared Mrs. Qing.

"Young people today are really angry...Okay, you two, calm down. If they want to quarrel, just let them quarrel." She shook her head helplessly and signaled to the ship's mate Liu Ping and boatswain Li Hu behind her to calm down. Don't be impatient and don't use force.

Sitting in the corner, Captain Tang inherited Captain Sao Feng's identity as the Pirate King of the South China Sea. Sao Feng's fleet was previously attacked by Heather, causing great losses in power. As a result, Captain Tang was at the bottom of the list of pirate kings. Can silently play with the wine glass in his hand.

"Barbossa! Why is there still a lack of a pirate king? Where is Captain Heather, who has become famous recently?"

The speaker was the Spanish captain Villanueva, the pirate king of the Adriatic wearing a wide felt hat and a beard. He had sailed across the seven seas and set foot on South America and the Philippines. Armand and Cheval were also with him. He has had fierce conflicts with no winner or loser. He is a veteran pirate king with considerable strength.

Barbossa, who was still the Pirate King of the Caspian Sea, wore a black waterproof coat and said with a smile in an exaggerated aria: "Dear Captain Villanueva, please wait a moment, Captain Heather will arrive soon."

"Captain Heather...I have heard of his name. He is a pirate captain that I admire."

A dull voice sounded from beside Villanueva. He was an unusually tall black man. He was wearing a strange national costume and had three pale scars under his eyes. Gentleman Jockad, legend has it that this slave who possessed the secrets of the African tribe killed his master, the former Atlantic Pirate King Jockad, and then took the name Jockad and the position of the Atlantic Pirate King.

Sneering laughter suddenly sounded.

Jokad slowly turned his head and looked to the side, as if he had just discovered the notorious Indian Ocean Pirate King, [Indian Priest] Sumbhaji, sitting not far away. This pirate king owned dozens of luxury merchant ships stolen from the East India Company. Some even said that Sonbhaji had extraordinary powers that could bring fear to others.

In fact, the sneer came not from the mysterious pirate king wearing a turban and a fluffy beard, but from Salman, the ship's mate standing behind him.

Salman, the ship’s mate, has always been Sombaji’s spokesperson. At this moment, he straightened his back and looked at Jockade with a joking smile on his face: “Gentleman Jockard, all of you here are great pirate kings, how can you actually treat me like this? The flattery of a young boy who dares not show his face is a disgrace to the Pirate King. Of course, a lowly nigger like you is only worthy of picking corn on a plantation for the rest of your life. You are a lowly bastard who doesn't even deserve a name. "

Gentleman Jockard narrowed his eyes slightly and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table. Everyone in the hall suddenly felt that the candlelight around them began to shake and the shadows were spreading.

The Indian priest Sumbhaji, who had been closing his eyes to meditate, opened his eyes. The spreading shadows around him were immediately suppressed, and the fire in the candles and oil lamps suddenly became stronger.

The junior shark Moro immediately closed his mouth and sat back on the chair slightly nervously. Not to mention the young Captain Tang, who wished he could turn himself into a transparent person.

Armand frowned and involuntarily touched the handle of the scimitar at his waist.

Mrs. Qing and Villanueva, on the other hand, were not affected by Sumbaji and Chowkad's use of extraordinary powers to compete, and remained relaxed and content.

Barbossa sat lazily on a chair, took out a green apple from somewhere, and bit into it until the juice splashed everywhere, as if he was watching a good show.


At this moment, the heavy door of the hall was suddenly pushed open!

"It's so lively. Is every pirate conference so popular?"

Heather, wearing a dark red waterproof coat and a triangular captain's hat, strode into the hall, followed by the hot-bodied mate Angelica and the navigator Jack, who was looking around furtively.

As he walked into the hall, both the twisted and squirming shadows and the increasingly strong candlelight returned to calm, as if they were directly and roughly suppressed by a more powerful force.

This time, neither Jockard nor Sombage, nor Mrs. Qing and Villanueva could maintain their indifferent faces, and looked at Heather in surprise.


These were the first words that flashed through their minds.

Shark Morro and Captain Tang were even more unbearable and almost shrank under the table. Their former captain was killed by this evil star in front of them. Chevale and Sao Feng, who were originally omnipotent in the hearts of Moro and Tang, were like little chickens without the power to resist and were slaughtered by Heather, which had a great psychological shadow on them.

If Sea Beast and White Crab hadn't brought an irreversible summons, they really wouldn't have wanted to attend this pirate conference.

Angelica drew out the sword from her waist and handed it to Heather. Heather took the sword and threw it at the huge globe, hitting the Caribbean Sea exactly.

Pirate King of the Caribbean, Captain Heather!

Barbossa threw the apple away. He first stood up and bowed to Heather, then he picked up the black iron ball shackles connected to the chain and banged it twice on the table, laughing loudly:

"All pirate kings are here. Everyone, as one of the conveners of the meeting, I declare the fourth pirate conference open!"

PS: The Pirates of the Caribbean volume is about to end, please give me some recommendation votes and monthly votes (I found that if you don’t ask for votes, you really can’t remember to vote...

PS: Referring to Sao Feng before, some of the characters in this world will have similar appearances to the original, while others will be completely different. There is no need to be particularly obsessed with the appearance of the characters in the movie.

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