A foreigner's journey

Chapter 128 Ilshan? 123!

The house prepared by Jieyun Village for Ershan, the hunter sent by the guild, is located on the west side of the small square in the center of the village.

After pushing open the door, Ilshan exclaimed excitedly: "Great, this is much better than the small room I rented in East Doruma!"

What comes into view is a spacious room with a warm fire burning in the fireplace for heating. On the left side of the door is a huge storage box, and on the right side are bookcases and mirrors for dressing up. A large bed covered with soft quilts is placed in the room. On the other side, the overall color of the house is red and the decoration is very warm. It can be seen that Yuyun Village is very concerned about the guild sending hunters. After all, it is related to the safety and future development of the villagers.

Heather pushed open another wooden door at the end of the room and found that after going out, there was an ancient corridor made entirely of wooden boards, with a beautiful maple pond outside. According to the layout in the game, the corridor should lead to the hot spring baths, the pride of Yuyun Village.

Originally she wanted to take a bath in a hot spring, but considering it was getting late and she had no money in her pocket, Heather decided to wait until tomorrow.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and a villager from Jieyun Village brought Heather's daily necessities and dinner for the two of them - two large grilled fish smeared with honey seasoning, rice and pickled cucumbers. strip.

The grilled fish tastes quite good, and the honey in it has a very special taste. It should be the specialty honey of the stream area. Judging from the way Ershan is still licking her fingers after eating, she knows that the taste of the grilled fish is very suitable for her. Seeing the child's greedy look, Heather had no choice but to give her half of her grilled fish.

After eating, Heather spread the quilt on the floor next to the fireplace, and lay down on her side facing the wall, with her back to Ilshan: "Good night, Irshan."

"Good night, Heather." Elshan, who was only wearing underwear, blushed and huddled in the bed. Although she was usually carefree, this was the first time she had been in the same room or even spent the night with a boy. It was indeed a bit... too exciting.

Of course, she didn't think too much about it. Heather's thin bamboo body shape is not her cup of tea. Tall and muscular men are the more common mate selection criteria for women who work as monster hunters, and Ilshan is no exception.

"...Are you asleep, Heather?"

"Huh? No."

"Tell me, what is that monster hiding in the dark clouds confronting the thunder and lightning monster?"

"I don't know, maybe it's [Gu Long]."

"Oh, that's it...thank you."

"You're welcome."


"...Ilshan, are you asleep?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

"I'm curious about something, can I ask?"

"Say it, it's my mother-in-law's."

“Is your name ‘Irshan’ or ‘123’?”

"……You're so naughty!"

"Seriously, would you like to satisfy my curiosity?"

"...123 is the name given by my father. Ilshan is the nickname I gave myself. You can call it a scientific name."

"Pfft! No, is it true? Is there really a father who would name his daughter 123? It's like a casual name typed out when creating a character, hahaha!"

"Don't laugh! I don't understand it either, but dad knows this name right. What can I do? From now on, you can only call me Ershan, not 123!"

"I understand... Good night, Ershan."

"……Good night."




"Ah!? Can't hunt? Why!"

The next day, Ershan was so shocked by the bad news brought by the village chief that she jumped up.

The village chief held his face in his hands with a worried look on his face: "I forgot to mention it yesterday. Jieyun Village has a clear decree. If foreign hunters want to hunt near Jieyun Village, they must first have a task commission issued by the village, and secondly, they need hunters. You must have at least a certain HR level (Hunter Rank). I was so happy chatting with Lady Ershan yesterday that I subconsciously forgot that you are not a local hunter in Jieyun Village. I am really sorry for causing you any trouble."

"Are there any tasks that can be completed without HR level?" Heather frowned.

The village chief took the task book and flipped through it: "Currently there are only collection tasks such as collecting specialty honey and specialty mushrooms, and they are all specially marked [not allowed to approach the stream area]."

Irshan scratched her short brown hair and said helplessly: "Okay, I just want to accumulate experience from ordinary tasks and get familiar with the routes in the surrounding area. What about you, Heather?"

"Master Heather, you must own a hunter weapon and pass the assessment of the Jieyun Village instructor before you can obtain the mission."

The village chief smiled apologetically at Heather: "Sorry, this is a rule made for safety."

Heather shrugged helplessly: "Okay, that's understandable, but how do I get a weapon?"

"Normally, you can buy it from the weapon shop, but I see that you are not very wealthy, Master Heather. After all, even the cheapest cloudwood weapons are very expensive. Besides, even if you want to accept the mission, you need a deposit. Master Heather, are you sure you can get it?"

The village chief looks beautiful and has a gentle personality, but he always reveals his sinister nature inadvertently.

Huh? When you enter the game, don't you automatically get a variety of knotty wood weapons? How come I have no start-up capital and no weapons? Are you forcing me to go astray?

At this moment, noisy sounds of playing were heard from the direction of the village entrance, mixed with the meowing of cats.

A short old lady walked up the steps carrying an unusually huge bamboo basket. No, it couldn't be said to be a bamboo basket. It should be regarded as a cat's nest. Several Ellu cats poked out from the top of the cat's nest. He looked around curiously.

"Grandma Cat, you're here!" The village chief happily waved his arms to the old lady nicknamed Grandma Cat.

"Hey hey hey... The steps in your Jieyun Village are too high, and they are really unfriendly to my old arms and legs... Huh, who are these two?"

Grandma Cat finally crawled to the small central square, unloaded the cat's bed, wiped her sweat and looked at Ershan and Heather.

The village chief quickly pulled Granny Cat aside and started chatting with her in a low voice.

Not to mention that the village chief and Granny Cat were chatting on the side, Heather and Irshan went to the cat nest and looked at the El Cat inside. The El Cat inside also looked back at the two of them curiously.

El Cat, actually its name should be [El Cat], but it is called El Cat because of its resemblance to a cat.

In the biological classification of the Scriveners, Ellu cats belong to the orc species. The characteristics of the orc species are that they are shorter than humans, can walk upright, have unique culture and customs, have high intelligence, can use and learn various languages, and can even communicate with humans. comminicate.

Ellu cats are the closest to humans among the orcs.

These Ellu cats brought by Granny Cat are all individuals who are determined to make a living by hunting, that is, [Follower Cats]. Since most Ellu cats have poor combat effectiveness and the danger of hunting alone is too high, they need to form a contract with a hunter to help the latter hunt. The hunter needs to provide it with food and accommodation and guide its training. .

In this process, the hunter gains great convenience, and the follower cat also gains valuable hunting experience in the process of hunting with its owner.

In the cat's nest, an orange Ellu cat poked its head out with its ears trembling, looking at Heather carefully, as if assessing Heather's strength as a hunter.

"So, one of you is a hunter sent by the guild and the other is a traveler who aspires to become a sergeant?"

Grandma Cat walked to the cat nest with her hands behind her back and looked at Elshan and Heather with a smile: "These Ellu cats are cute, aren't they?"

"Super cute!" Ilshan hugged a white Ellu cat and rubbed its furry cheek hard, and the latter also had an expression of enjoyment.

"I am an old friend with the village chief of Yuyun Village. Since you are here to help, I can't be stingy, right? Sasaki, do you want to follow this hunter?"

Hearing Granny Cat's question, the white cat nodded without hesitation: "Meow!"

"I won't charge you the employment fee. Come and sign the employment contract."

Grandma Cat pulled out a contract and spread it out in front of Ershan: "Take good care of Sasaki, he is the most powerful follower cat here."

"Great! Please take care of Sasaki!"


Ilshan hugged the white cat Sasaki happily.

Heather was drooling as she watched.

Follow the cat! Free!

"Meow! Are you a hunter?" After looking at Heather, the orange Ellu cat suddenly asked.

"Strictly speaking, I'm not a hunter." Heather said, "But I'm not bragging. I'm much better than ordinary hunters."

Grandma Cat didn't know when she appeared next to Ellu Cat, and asked with a smile: "Xiaoba, have you decided?"

"Meow! Grandma Cat, I want to learn the way of hunting from this master, meow!" The Elu cat named Xiaoba nodded vigorously.

Grandma Cat nodded and turned to look at Heather: "What about you, young man? Are you willing to sign a contract with Xiaoba and become the master who teaches him hunting experience?"

"no problem."

When Heather heard that Granny Cat meant to get herself a free follower cat, how could she have any objections?

After signing the contract neatly, the orange cat Xiaoba officially became Heather's follower cat.

But no amount of joy can cover up the sadness that follows.

Watching Ershan happily carry the sword on her back and take the white cat Sasaki on a collection mission, Heather and Hachi sat on the steps of the village square and felt sad.

Heather was sad because she didn't know how to find a suitable way to make money, and Xiaoba was sad because she had to follow her master to drink the northwest wind as soon as she became a follower cat.

At this time, a group of ants crawled on the steps in front of Heather, automatically forming paragraphs of text——

[Congratulations, stranger. 】

[You have passed the trial world and officially started your journey as an outsider. From now on, whenever you open a new world, one or several random tasks will be awarded. After completing the tasks, you will receive generous rewards. 】

[As long as you complete any two D-level or higher level tasks in the current world, you can leave this world and go to the next random world. 】

[Please note that you must be in a relatively static state for 10 seconds when leaving the world. Once the break is interrupted, the act of leaving the world will enter a 3600-second cooling period. 】

[Current task——]

[‘Made from scratch’ – Obtain 500000Z through legal means. Difficulty evaluation——D]

[‘Mind of the Kingdom’—Become a formal member of the Royal Paleontology Scribes Team, and publish at least five new detailed monster ecology in the official illustrated book. Task difficulty——C]

['Monster Hunter' - Become a hunter in Yuyun Village and have an HR level of over 5. Difficulty evaluation——B]

[‘After the rain, the sky is clear’—obtain the ‘Sky Dragon God Jade’. Difficulty evaluation——A】

After Heather read the last line, the ants crawled away on their own. What was strange was that neither the pedestrians nor Xiaoba seemed to notice the existence of these ants at all.

Heather frowned as she thought about the last task.

[Sky Dragon Divine Jade], if I remember correctly, it should be the most precious source of power in Lanlong's body. It is marked as A-level difficulty... You can imagine how powerful Lanlong is!

At least two tasks must be completed, then one can only consider from the perspective of ‘starting from scratch’ and ‘kingdom mind’.

Let’s not mention the latter for now, how can we obtain the half million Z through legal means if we start from scratch? ? You can’t really rely on game bugs to resell end materials to make money...

While Heather was sitting on the steps contemplating, Xiao Ba took out a small bag wrapped in oil paper from his small bag. When he opened it, he found a few small dried fish that were marinated in oil. It picked up one and put it to its mouth, bit off half of it with a squeak, and showed a happy expression while chewing.

"Hmm? It smells good?"

Heather twitched her nose and looked at Xiaoba beside her in surprise: "Xiaoba, where did you buy this dried fish?"

"I made this myself, meow!"

Xiaoba sat on the steps, his furry paws dangling in the air. After thinking about it, he picked up a small dried fish and handed it to Heather: "Master, do you want to try it? Don't worry, humans can eat it too, meow."

Heather happened to have missed breakfast, so she unceremoniously took the dried fish and threw it into her mouth and chewed it.

I have to say that Xiaoba's craftsmanship is really good. It is moderately salty and has a slight honey taste. The dried fish is tender and the fish bones are pickled and crispy.

Heather didn't eat enough last night, and now her stomach was burning with hunger. She couldn't help but take a small dried fish from Xiaoba and chewed it: "Yeah, yeah, it's really delicious. Xiaoba, were you a chef before?"

Xiaoba glanced sideways at the owner who was snatching the food from his accompanying cat. He neatly rewrapped the remaining dried fish and put it back in his bag. Then he replied: "No, meow, I used to be a cat car driver, meow." .”

"Cat driver...what?" Heather thought she heard wrongly.

"Cat truck driver, meow." Xiaoba licked his paws: "This industry is quite profitable, but it is very dangerous and does not improve hunting skills much. That's why I found the Cat Granny Agency in the hope of becoming a qualified cat hunter, meow. Meow meow."

"Is the cat car very profitable?" Heather's eyes began to shine.

"It's very profitable. As long as the hunter fails to hunt and is not fatally injured, he transports them to the camp on a cart, and you can get 1/3 of the total reward of the mission."

Xiao Hachi fell into memories: "Very few Elu are willing to take this job. Not only is it dangerous, but it also has the opportunity to get close contact with monsters to gain hunting experience, so... Meow?"

As soon as Xiaobai opened his eyes after ending the memory mode, he was startled by the sight of Heather so close to him, and the hair on his tail exploded.

"Xiaoba, good brother. I want to correct a mistake in your words - the cat cart is also a very important job and very helpful for gaining hunting experience. So..."

Heather held Xiaoba's shoulders seriously and gave him a thumbs up:

"Let us two become the fastest legends in Yuyun Village!"

"Meow...meow?" Xiaoba had a question mark on his face.

After making up her mind, Heather stood up immediately, stretched and then looked towards the dense forest outside the village:

"First of all, we need to DIY a cat car."

PS: 4000 words, two chapters in one.

PS: Xiaoba was my first follower cat when I played P3, and he saved me in danger several times. When I was pushed to the ground by the Velociraptor and beat up all over the floor, and I was about to get into the cat car. When Ba Ye was able to cut off the tail of the Velociraptor and knock it to the ground, and then raise the blood with a flute in one go, I asked if other cats could do it! ?

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