A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1254: The wolves howl in the thunder of the fierce battle

When the Quinjet arrived at Kamar-Taj, the battle between the wizards and the invaders was in full swing.

Kamar-Taj, the once majestic and solemn shrine of wizards, had now become a battlefield filled with flames and smoke.

"The situation is not optimistic, Captain." Hawkeye controlled the plane to flexibly avoid the attack of the Leviathan biological warship, and shouted: "Are you sure we want to go head-to-head with aliens of this level?"

"We have to do our part, otherwise not only here, but the entire earth may become a hunting ground for alien forces. Don't forget that the original intention of the Avengers was to deal with the current super evil forces that no single hero can contend with."

Captain America tightened the vibranium shield tied to his forearm,

"Avengers, let's go!"

"Got it... Wait a minute, is that Stark's bronze giant armor?" Hawkeye, as his name suggests, has excellent eyesight and immediately captured the battle in the ruins not far ahead.

In the ruins, Black Dwarf was frantically swinging the anchor and dismantling the bronze giant armor one by one.

Every time the anchor was dropped and pulled up, it would bring up a lot of iron filings and viscous oil like blood.

He was getting less and less excited fighting with the bronze giant armor just now. The opponent was obviously just a low-level artificial intelligence remotely controlled, and it was really boring to fight.

Black Dwarf wanted to fight a stronger enemy, not a garbage puppet.

Suddenly, he looked up and saw a fighter with an "archaic" style swooping towards him, and then the machine gun fired wildly at Black Dwarf.

Bullets kept hitting Black Dwarf's armor and skin surface, but they couldn't leave a single scar.

"Is this guy made of steel... God!"

Hawkeye screamed and twisted the joystick violently to try to pull up the plane, but the whistling anchor still completely crushed the left wing of the Quinjet.

Captain America immediately grabbed Bruce Banner, who was still in human form next to him, raised the round shield with his right arm in front of him, and knocked open the broken cabin with thick smoke and jumped out.


The two men fell heavily to the ground, and the Vibranium shield absorbed most of the impact of the fall, which ensured the safety of Captain America and Bruce Banner.

Before Captain America could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a huge whistling sound from afar.

Without time to think, Captain America immediately threw Bruce Banner aside and raised his shield to block it.

Almost at the same time, the anchor hit the surface of the Vibranium shield!

The terrifying shock wave immediately spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding smoke was blown away.

Even if it was only a small part of the impact that the Vibranium shield failed to absorb, it was not something Captain America could resist. He was smashed far away with his shield, and he smashed several rocks in succession before rolling on the ground for several rounds and barely stopped.

Grabbing the flying anchor, Black Dwarf strode towards Captain America while cursing in an alien language.

Boom! Suddenly, gravel flew, and the green-skinned monster that Bruce Banner turned into in anger roared and raised his arms, blowing away all the obstacles in front of him.

Banner successfully turned into the Hulk, we won! Captain America, who was lying on the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth, was relieved when he saw this.

The Hulk can be said to be the most powerful trump card of the Avengers. With Nick Fury's publicity, there is no enemy that the Hulk cannot solve. He is simply the embodiment of [strength] and [anger].

Now Captain America has to consider how to let the Hulk solve all enemies and then turn back into Bruce Banner.

Just a glance around, the Hulk immediately locked on the target-Black Dwarf.

He roared like a beast, jumped high and raised his arms to smash towards Black Dwarf.

Black Dwarf laughed and swung the anchor, but was hit by several arrows in the neck and elbow joints just as he was about to throw it.

On a high ground in the distance, Hawkeye, who was bruised in many places, half-knelt on the ground holding a special folding bow and pressed the hidden switch on the bow.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The arrows stuck on Black Dwarf exploded with several flames in succession.

Then the Hulk fell accurately, and his arms slammed down heavily. The ground where Black Dwarf was located immediately overturned a circle of violent shock waves, and then the ground broke and overturned inch by inch.

"Is it solved?" Hawkeye looked at the battlefield filled with smoke and dust, trying to see the battle situation clearly.

Then, he saw a huge green figure breaking through the smoke and dust and flying backwards rapidly.

Green blood overflowed from the mouth and nose of the Hulk, and it turned into a cannonball that smashed several Kamar-Taj buildings in succession and fell into the ruins in the distance.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Black Dwarf carried the anchor on his shoulder. There were only two inconspicuous fist marks on the metal armor on his chest, and there was no other injury.

"No way? Even Hulk..." Captain America was extremely shocked. It was because he had seen the terrifying power of the Hulk that he had absolute confidence in Hulk. Now Hulk actually lost in a head-on battle?

"You are the last resistance force on this planet? You are so weak."

Black Dwarf laughed in a low voice, carrying the anchor and striding towards Captain America. Every step he took shook the gravel on the ground slightly.

Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the distance, followed by the howling of wolves.

Wolf? Captain America didn't understand why wolves appeared on the battlefield for a while.

Black Dwarf's face changed suddenly. He advocated physical combat and beast instincts. The wolf howl just now made him feel a great sense of crisis.

It was like a beast encountering a higher existence in the food chain.

Ka-la… Captain America heard the sound of rocks being crushed not far behind him, and he could not help but stand up and look back.

Then he was shocked to see a huge beast that existed only in his imagination walking towards him in the lightning.

This was a huge wolf-like beast with a body length of nearly 30 meters. It was covered with white mane like a fire cloud, and its body was covered with green scales and golden shells. Its limbs were extremely strong. There was a huge tail covered with spikes behind it, and its body was entangled by the crackling lightning.

Thunder Wolf. When seeing this beast, both Captain America and Hawkeye immediately thought of this name in their hearts.

Black Dwarf was stunned at first, and then laughed wildly: "Isn't this very decent! Yes, this is the resistance I want to see!"

He bent down slightly, then ran towards the Thunder Wolf Dragon with the anchor upside down, shouting:

"Let me, Black Dwarf, completely destroy you--"

Before he finished speaking, Black Dwarf saw the lightning coming rapidly from far to near.

The huge wolf claws slapped the upper body of the black dwarf firmly, and immediately brought about a dull crackling sound of bones breaking.

[Thunder Gossip]!

Captain America and Hawkeye only felt a flash of lightning, and the huge thunder wolf quickly crossed the battlefield with an agility that was completely inconsistent with its size, and just a slap knocked the arrogant black dwarf far away.

This is not over yet!

There was a thin line connecting the black dwarf who was slapped away and the claws of the thunder wolf dragon. The thin line condensed and turned into a thick chain.

The thunder wolf dragon pulled its claws back violently, and the chain suddenly straightened with a rattle. The black dwarf who had just been slapped away hundreds of meters was pulled back.


The thunder wolf dragon supported the ground with one claw, and its body, especially its tail, rotated into a thunder storm, and collided fiercely with the black dwarf who was pulled back.

The Black Obsidian General, who had once frightened the entire universe and committed countless murders, didn't even have time to scream before he was shredded into charred flesh by the vortex of lightning and then exploded into smoke.

The Black Obsidian General, one man was lost.

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