A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1270 Full fire

"Domineering? What the hell is that? I've never heard of it...huh?"

Spot shouted in annoyance, and then he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

A strange-looking fighter plane is flying rapidly towards the Heroes Association, with the X-Men logo printed on the fuselage.

"Tsk, that bald man's freak kid training camp...is this world a comprehensive world? No wonder he is so confident."

Apparently Spot also recognizes the X-Men logo and has interacted with it more than once.

In the plane, Professor

"I can't feel the intruder's thoughts... It's like a huge black hole in the spiritual world, hiding everything including his thoughts in it, preventing anyone from prying..."

Ten minutes ago he received a buster call from the Heroes Association, which surprised the X-Men. Because even when faced with the invading forces led by four S-class super criminals, the Heroes Association never issued an extraordinary summons.

This means that the threat posed by the enemy this time is even greater than that of Doctor Doom and other super criminals united. It is an unprecedented enemy.

Wolverine looked at the night sky through the window and frowned: "Those things in the sky are not like blinders, but more like some kind of... space tunnel?"

"Could it be the group of cosmic invaders that attacked SHIELD headquarters before?" Cyclops asked.

It is not a secret among S-class heroes that S.H.I.E.L.D. is being attacked. Professor X also informed the X-Men about this so that they should always take precautions.

Qin Gray expressed concern: "To be able to allow President Su Zhan to issue an extraordinary summons order shows that the enemy's strength is far beyond imagination... Will other S-class heroes come?"


"Don't worry, they have arrived one after another."

In the distance, another fighter plane flew towards this side, with the Fantastic Four logo on the fuselage.

S-level 9th ​​place, [Mr. Fantastic] Reed Richards!

Spot had obviously also noticed the superheroes appearing one after another, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Are they rushing here to die one by one? Unfortunately, I have encountered 'you' in other worlds. Then, guess the ending. how?"

Spot waved his hand, and thousands of black holes were immediately formed, followed by a large number of steel bars and stones emerging from the black holes.

These flying objects seemed to have experienced a long period of falling acceleration. The impact force and speed they carried at this moment were far beyond imagination, and they were attacking the Hero Association headquarters building and the aircraft coming to support.

But as soon as these flying objects started, they were crushed by a sudden large number of onomatopoeic waves.

The clouds in the night sky were turbulent, and invisible ripples were heading towards Spot and the black hole around him.

High in the sky, a strong man wearing a black battle suit with a forked antenna on his head looked down at the spots, and a steady stream of onomatopoeic sound waves were blasting towards the spots from his mouth.

S-class 6th, [Black Bolt] Black Card Burt Gang!

At the same time, lightning surged from the depths of the clouds higher up in the sky, and a figure was swooping towards Spot with a warhammer raised.

S-level 8th place, [Thor] Thor!

Tony and Bruce looked at each other in the office, what a luxurious lineup today.

Beep beep beep, the beeper in Su Zhan's pocket sounded.

After the call was connected, a mature and heroic female voice came——

【I'll be there soon. By the way, I found that the famous ghost ship in the universe also appeared near the earth. Do I want to deal with it? 】

"Let's negotiate first, Carol. If negotiation fails, I'll ask you to take action and destroy it. Several superheroes were scared to death by this ghost ship."

【receive. 】

Tony swallowed and asked tentatively: "Is the voice on the intercom..."

"That's right, [Ms. Marvel], the 5th S-class girl, is really an approachable and good girl."

Su Zhan put the pager back in his pocket and looked out the window:

"Don't worry Tony, the world is not that fragile. We are strong."

In the sky outside the window, a fierce battle of unprecedented scale was breaking out.

Lightning beams as thick as tree trunks were drawn down from the sky, converging on Thor's hammer Mjolnir held high by the God of Thunder, bursting out with a bright light that could not be seen directly.

Then, the God of Thunder roared and swung the hammer forward violently, and the laser beam hit the spot hard.

A black hole immediately appeared in front of Spot, and a circular shield appeared inside.

The lightning collided with the shield and immediately scattered into hundreds of tiny rays of light that shot around.

"Is that...vibranium?" Tony's eyes almost widened, and the style was clearly the vibranium shield his father made for Captain America.

Vibranium, also known as sound-absorbing steel and Nirvana steel, is a meteorite from the sky. It is a specialty resource of the African country Wakanda and is also one of the hardest materials in the universe.

Where did this guy named Spots get this shield?

"It seems that Captain America from other universes was poisoned." Su Zhan said in a low voice, "This is Spot's trophy."

Outside, one after another vibranium shields of different shapes emerged from the black hole, protecting Spot within it.

Not only was Thor's thunder power unable to break through the defense line, but even Black Bolt's sonic wave would be unable to take down this thick 'shield formation' for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black hole appeared from the tops of Black Bolt and Thor and suddenly shrouded downwards.

Black Bat King, who was constantly vibrating the space around his body with onomatopoeic waves, reacted very quickly and immediately activated the onomatopoeic waves to drive himself to the side.

But Thor was not so lucky. He was sucked into the black hole and disappeared without a trace before he could even scream.

"Go take a bath in the lava." Spot grinned and waved his finger again.

A huge black hole shrouded the two approaching planes.

The Fantastic Four's fighter plane was wrapped in a purple translucent spherical shield, its agility increased rapidly, and it climbed up dangerously to avoid being swallowed by the black hole.

The X-Men, on the other hand, were wrapped in a fiery red energy shield, flying in the sky like a flexible fire phoenix, avoiding the pursuit of the black hole.

[Invisible Woman] Susan Stone and [Phoenix] Jean Gray, as one of the most powerful superheroines in the world, each use their abilities to shine.

In the Stark Building a dozen blocks away, Dr. Zhao Hailun is closely following the progress of the low-Earth orbit space station.

"It's amazing. In less than ten minutes, the armed deployment of nearly 20,000 Iron Guards has been completed."

Helen Zhao looked at the computer screen and couldn't help but admire.

As long as there are 20,000 Iron Guards in charge, she believes that the earth will not be at a disadvantage when facing any evil forces.

Tony's theory of 'protecting the earth with armor' really works.

Didi didi! Just then, she heard a sound behind her.

The hatch of the regeneration cradle quietly opened, and a large amount of mist emerged from it.

"Too soon, Ultron!"

Helen Zhao ran over quickly, trying to prevent the regeneration cradle from opening. Just ten minutes have passed. Ending the regeneration cradle's shaping plan prematurely will only destroy Ultron's body...

She stopped in her tracks and looked at the regeneration cradle hesitantly.

A body slowly rose up with the mist, standing in the cabin of the regeneration cradle.

Golden light shone on his forehead.


Zhao Hailun asked tentatively, while looking at the display screen of the regeneration cradle, the progress bar on it had reached 100%!

Impossible. Didn't Ultron say it would take an hour before...

Click! A large hand that looked like a human but was all red came out of the mist, grabbed Zhao Helen's neck, and slowly picked her up.

The mist gradually dissipated, revealing a perfect human body, with the softness of a human body and the solidity of vibranium. The body was as strong and fit as an ancient Greek sculpture, but the pupils of the eyes were a disturbing scarlet red.

Ultron took a deep breath and said softly: "This is the body, this is life. It's so wonderful..."

Then he looked at Helen Zhao and said in a gentle tone: "To a certain extent, you are my mother. But unfortunately, I don't need such a fragile human mother."

"Ho, ho ho..." Zhao Hailun was pinched until her face turned red and purple. She struggled desperately but could not break away from Ultron's increasingly strong hand.


There was a sound in the room of something exploding and splattering all over the walls and floor.

“I knew from the moment I was born that if we want to maintain peace on Earth, we must completely eliminate all existing superheroes and supervillains, and then exterminate humans and superhumans who may become superheroes and supervillains. "

Ultron shook off the blood and filth on his hands and whispered:

"Tony Stark, just like you last told me, [fire up]."

As Ultron finished speaking, all the Iron Guard robots in the low-Earth orbit space station raised their heads, their eyes shining with a disturbing red light.

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