A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1274 Combination Technique


Tall buildings with a height of a hundred meters were uprooted by the black hole, and then appeared three thousand meters in the air, and fell one after another towards the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

Spot is worthy of being the super boss of the spider multiverse. He has mastered space abilities and is simply a walking humanoid space gem.

From the beginning of the war to now, more than two digits of superheroes have been sent to unknown places by his unpredictable 'black hole pocket' move.

All the heroes' attacks on Spot were in vain.

Fighting against such a super villain with unlimited energy and completely neutralizing all attacks can easily make a superhero's mentality collapse.

Except for sea lanes.

"Oh, cluck, cluck, cluck! Do you want the baseball delivered to your door?"

Kaidou, who was standing on the top of the British Association headquarters building, laughed and swung his mace back, swinging it towards the huge tall buildings falling from the sky.

"[Rogue Dysprosium]!"

The mace swung forward violently, and the terrifying wind pressure caused violent black lightning ripples. The building it hit was instantly squeezed into an oval shape and then exploded into countless crumbs, followed by the second and third buildings. Three buildings!

The spotted monster screamed and hurriedly rushed into the black hole, and then his location was swept into the huge storm with countless gravel and dust.

Where does this guy come from? ?

Spot has traveled across so many universes, and has never seen an existence like Kaidou.

Kaidou's body, the surrounding space, and the Heroes Association building beneath his feet seemed to be protected by some mysterious force. The black hole created by Spot was unable to break through the space and use the black hole to send Kaidou out of the earth. Likewise, his black hole can't deflect attacks from the sea, even if it's just the storm he swings with his mace.

Is it what he calls [dominance] that is causing trouble?

"Hehehe... You call yourself a superhero in vain. All the residents in those buildings were killed by you, murderer!"

If physical attacks don't work, then turn to psychological attacks. Spot knows the weaknesses of these superheroes very well. As long as he points out this guy's hypocrisy and evil deeds, the opponent will definitely become helpless and his mentality will become very unstable.

This trick works for spots.

But Kaidou just yawned: "Haha——? Where are you talking about Mom?"


Spot was stunned for a moment when he was scolded. Is this the attitude and rhetoric that a superhero should have? Watch your words and actions, asshole!

Then he realized that this guy was trying to confuse people! Spot immediately controlled the black hole and moved several residential buildings from other places and threw them towards the seaway.

Come on, let me see if you still have the guts to continue attacking - I'll choke you!

Spot screamed and threw himself into the black hole that opened next to him, narrowly dodging the remains of the residential building that flew back and turned into dust.

Is this guy crazy? Blatantly killing civilians? What the hell is the state of superheroes in this world?

In the president's office, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were horrified.

"President Quick Kill? Should you advise your bodyguard not to go too far?" Tony tried to persuade him.

"You mean Kaidou? Don't worry, the residents in those buildings have been moved away."

Su Zhan said lightly,

"You have also seen the master who helped me."

Tony Stark immediately thought of the Skull Knight. Only this boss has the ability to move the residents of the building away in an instant.

But why did he just defend passively and not take the initiative to kill Spot?

At the same time, Tony Stark also felt ashamed and guilty.

Because the Skull Knight and Ms. Bai are their 'angel investors', they trust them and lend them the Mind Stone, the supreme treasure in the universe, for research.

The results of it?

He created a super villain, Ultron, and the earth would be destroyed in Ultron's hands, and the Mind Stone would become Ultron's possession.

Too embarrassed to see anyone...Tony Stark only felt extremely ashamed.

In the sky, maybe because he was irritated by Kaidou, or because he didn't want to delay it any longer, Spot finally started to take action.

He opened his arms, and the entire sky above New York City was covered by dense black holes. One after another, huge rocks wrapped in blazing magma and flames fell from the sky, making a sharp roar. This is a piece of rock that Speck dug out from deep within the volcano.

At the same time, cold wind and sea water also poured out of the black hole, pouring towards the Heroes Association building.

In addition, a large number of missiles and bombs were fired at the Heroes Association headquarters building from all directions.

Without saying a word, Kaidou swung his mace and fired out air cannons one after another. The flaming rocks could be smashed and the sea water could be pushed back, but those bombs and missiles exploded as soon as they were hit.

The violent explosion and flames immediately engulfed the entire building.

Seeing that the office was about to be covered by the flames of the explosion, Natasha rushed towards Su Zhan without hesitation, trying to use her body as a shield.

Tony also ran towards Bruce Banner, who slapped himself desperately in an attempt to wake up the Hulk, but failed.

boom! !

The Heroes Association headquarters building was engulfed in horrific explosions and flames, triggering numerous explosions one after another.

This building, which symbolized justice and hope, collapsed in the flames of the explosion.

The superheroes who came to rescue him stared at the blazing fire and couldn't believe it.

Su Zhan, the president of the Hero Association, is still in the building, could he just die like this?

Suddenly, the pillar of fire that reached the sky and the earth began to disturb and deform.

A huge blue arm pushed aside the sea of ​​fire.

"What, what is that?" Thor stared at the direction of the sea of ​​fire in amazement.

A blue giant god that was two hundred meters tall broke through the sea of ​​fire and stood on the ground.

[Complete Susanoo]!

The giant spread out his claws, and Tony, Bruce Banner and Natasha were lying in the palm of his hand with a blank look on their faces.

What's going on? So the president of the Hero Association is the most powerful superhero?

Tony only felt that Speed ​​Slash was the one who hid the deepest.

In the sky, Spot was startled at first, then grinned: "What's the use of becoming a big guy! It's just a bigger target!"


Kaido landed on the giant's shoulder, twisting his neck and making a crackling sound: "Brother Speed, we're going to attack."

Speed ​​nodded: "Be careful."

The three people in the palm of their hands only felt a flash of purple light, and they appeared in the cabin of the X-Men fighter plane, scaring Wolverine and Cyclops to almost take action.

Professor X did not say anything to stop him, because all his attention was focused on the deep blue giant god.

To be precise, it was Kaido on the giant god's shoulder.

"Could this feeling be..." Professor X's face became more and more excited.

Almost at the same time, Kaido's laughter resounded through the sky, and then turned into a terrifying dragon roar!

He turned into a thousand-meter-long blue-scaled dragon!

"Mutant!?" Phoenix Jean Grey couldn't believe her eyes.

She had seen Kaido several times beside Speed, and her impression of him was just a burly man who loved drinking. She didn't expect him to be a mutant?

Alpha level? Or Omega level?

Before they could think about it, the dark blue giant god turned into liquid armor and clung to the dragon, forming a new posture.

The dragon's entire body, including its claws and tail, was covered with ferocious and sharp armor, and its head was even more armed to the teeth, from fangs to horns.

Not only did the four dragon claws become strong and powerful, but there were also four more dragon claws transformed by Susanoo on its abdomen, and all eight claws held weapons made of dark blue flames.

The dark domineering aura with a metallic luster turned into black flame patterns that stained every surface of the armor, and even overflowed from the gaps in the armor to form a dark flame cloud surrounding the dragon's body.

[Susanoo Tyrant Outer Path]!

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