A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1280: Quick Slash's Samsara Eye Technique

Stark Tower ruins battlefield.

The fight to the death between Thanos and the Weapons is ongoing.

The dark blue giant swung his giant sword and slashed towards Thanos.

The strong wind brought by the sword's edge even made the surrounding space blurry.

In response, the purple power gem and the red reality gem echoed each other's light, transforming into huge energy arms rising from the ground.


The giant sword and the giant fist collided fiercely, and the violent shock wave caused immediately spread to the surroundings, but was tightly restrained by Moxi's swastika barrier.

With one missed hit, Quick Slash immediately dispels Susanoo and enters the realm of lightning speed.

"Nasty bugs!"

Thanos roared and raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and the light of the Time Stone, Space Stone and Reality Stone immediately lit up.

The next moment, green, blue and red torrents of light intertwined together to form a huge rainbow impact beam, blasting straight towards Moxi.

This is a powerful force brought together by time gems, space gems and reality gems, which is enough to reverse time, space and even all real matter.

But this unparalleled power stopped when it was less than 5 meters away from Moxi.

It's not like the water column splattering against the steel wall, but it's completely still, as if the pause button has been pressed.

Moxi looked at the stationary rainbow shock beam in front of him with interest and tilted his head.

It’s this weird ability again!

Thanos was so angry that he raised the Infinity Gauntlet and tried to use the supreme power of the five Infinity Stones to completely destroy the earth.

But before he could exert the power of the gem, he felt his body being pulled by an inexplicable force.

The next moment, Thanos' figure appeared above 10,000 meters in the sky.

"You can't destroy anything, Thanos."

Su Zhan's cold voice came from above his head.

Without saying a word, Thanos directly used the Reality Stone to condense a double-edged sword and stabbed upward fiercely.

But the tip of the double-edged sword was forced to stop when it was still 5 meters away from the quick slash.

It's not that Thanos didn't want to stab him, he did feel that he was stabbing upwards, but he just couldn't touch Su Zhan, even though Su Zhan was still high in the sky and didn't move.

The pair of Rinne Sharingan of Suzan are emitting a strange purple light, and the nine magatama inside are rotating on their own.

There is no doubt that this is the eye technique of quick slashing.

What comes into effect at this moment is the reincarnation eye technique that can quickly cut off the left eye, and its name is [Takamagahara].

When Kuzan activates this pupil technique, a certain living body or himself seen by his left eye will create a special field centered on his body. The space in this field will be distorted, and any objects or external energy that invades this field will enter a huge 'distance'. The closer to the [target], the larger the 'distance' will become.

From the outside, it will appear that the closer it is to the target, the slower it will be, as if it has stopped.

After the defeat in the battle with Spiral, the strong "protecting the lord" mentality gave birth to this left eye pupil technique. It is a reincarnation eye technique that is unique to Kuzan and is only for "protection".

"It's your eyes that are causing trouble!"

Thanos has so much fighting experience that he quickly saw through the effect of the pupil technique of Quick Slash.

In his long fighting career, Thanos has also encountered enemies with similar pupil skills and strange abilities, but he always won in the end, and this time will definitely be no exception!

The effect of this ability is so powerful that it is absolutely impossible to release it continuously without interruption.

Thanos immediately activated the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, and the five gems burst into light at the same time.

The Reality Stone condensed tens of thousands of sharp needles and shot them towards Su Zhan from all directions.

The Time Stone is rapidly restoring the trauma Thanos has suffered since the war began, and anchors all points in time.

The space gem blocked the surrounding sky, turning this area into a closed box, giving no chance for Su Zhan, the speedster, to escape from the battlefield.

The light of the soul gem saturated the barrier of the space gem and began to turn this area into a forbidden place for souls.

The Power Stone has the simplest effect, it strengthens and supports the other four stones, multiplying their effects.

"Even if you can reject all attacks, can you reject light?"

Thanos laughed,

"This is 10,000 meters high, and Ms. Bai can't make it!

If you reject the light from the soul gem, then your eyes will not feel any light and become useless, this weird 'isolation zone' will disappear, and countless sharp needles will poke you into a honeycomb.

If you continue to maintain the 'isolation zone', then you must fully accept the power of the soul gem and become my loyal servant. I will be very happy to accept a speedster as a slave. "

Each Infinity Stone is the supreme treasure in the universe. At this moment, five Infinity Stones are exerting force at the same time. Thanos does not believe that Quick Slash is still able to resist.

Without saying anything, Su Zhan directly activated the reincarnation eye technique on his right eye.

The next moment, Mo Xi appeared next to Su Zhan above 10,000 meters in the air with her swastika [Huiguang Palace of Power].

"Impossible! I have clearly blocked all the space rifts with space gems!" Thanos felt that the opponent was cheating.

This is not cheating, but the quick-cut right eye pupil technique - [Huang Quanjin].

Contrary to Takamagahara, Huang Quanjin will greatly reduce the 'distance' in a certain area. It's not space compression, but simply modifying the 'distance' numerically.

Observing through the outside world is like making a target move almost instantaneously.

Similarly, it is also possible to create a small black hole that cannot be escaped.

The light of the Soul Gem was once again offset by the light of the Sunshine Palace, and Thanos lost his greatest weapon against Speed ​​Slash.

Then, the thousands of sharp needles transformed by the Reality Gem were also wiped out by the forbidden magic field of the Sunshine Palace.

Speed ​​Slash lightly embraced Moshi's slender waist, and the two stood in the sky, looking at Thanos who was facing a great enemy from afar.

Moshi, who was still in the Bankai costume, glanced at Speed ​​Slash and said in a cold tone: "It's almost done?"

"Just right."

Speed ​​Slash rarely smiled: "Madam, can you please dance with me?"

"Oh, how can I refuse this invitation to dance together? But unfortunately, I don't have the red hair you like."

Moshi said teasingly.

"That's why I said... just right."

As the voice fell, Speed ​​Slash looked at Thanos who was ready to fight back desperately, and the reincarnation Sharingan pupil technique of both eyes was activated at the same time!

Thanos immediately felt a huge tearing sensation in his body and even in the surrounding space.

When the distance around the same target is pulled by the limits of ‘infinity’ and ‘infinity’ at the same time, what will happen to this target?

Thanos certainly thought of this outcome, and he immediately used the Infinity Gauntlet to activate the power of the five gems to escape this fatal attack.

But as soon as the light of the Infinity Gems lit up, it was suppressed by the blazing white light of the Sunshine King's Palace.

"Your use of the Infinity Gems is really too rough, Mr. Thanos."

Moshi was held by the waist by Speed ​​Slash, like an elegant queen at a ball, with a cold tone:

"You will be the second life we ​​take."

As Moshi said, although the power of the Infinity Gems is extremely strong, Thanos as a living being has its limits, and he cannot exert the true power of the Infinity Gems.

Death will be his final outcome.

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