A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1283 The weak leave, the strong fight

The six Infinity Stones combined into one bring a huge power far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even a single Infinity Stone represents absolute power in a specific field, and six Infinity Stones mean that Ultron no longer has any shortcomings at this time, and the energy forms a perfect cycle without flaws.

As long as he wants, he can destroy the earth below and even the entire solar system by raising his hand.

Ultron opened his arms in ecstasy as if he was embracing the entire universe. After several seconds, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Moshi and the Skeleton Knight not far away.

"Don't you plan to attack? This is probably your last and best chance."

His tone was playful, no longer as cautious as before, afraid of revealing flaws and being discovered. Now Ultron is fearless!

Moshi tilted his head: "Combined with what Stark said just now, it seems that your 'life goal' has deviated significantly from the direction he set."

"Facing me who holds six Infinity Stones, you are still calm and composed. I have to praise you, Ms. Bai."

Ultron smiled and clapped his hands,

"But no matter how calm or strategic it is, it is meaningless to me now.

The reason why you can still speak and have consciousness now is just because I want to do so, that's all.

Even if you are the guardians of the gems, you can't imagine how terrible the power of the six Infinity Stones will be when they gather together.

That is definitely not the level that the five-gem Thanos can compare to."

As he said, Ultron opened his arms and clenched his hands suddenly.

Countless red particles emerged in the sky, creating hundreds of thousands of Ultron robots out of thin air!

The strength level of these Ultron robots far exceeds the level of the Iron Guards, and each individual is equivalent to the Ultron body without the Mind Stone!

There was a red light in their eyes, and as soon as they appeared, they transformed their arms into buzzing energy cannons, locking everyone present.

The winner has been decided.

Admittedly, the previous battle between the Sword of Fire and the Five-Gem Thanos made Ultron terrified, especially the cooperation between Speed ​​Slash's "Ruchan Guo's Action" and Moshi's "Glowing King's Palace". Ultron's super electronic brain calculated countless times but could not find any plan to win or even escape.

Fortunately, these members of the Sword of Fire were stupid enough to give up the cosmic treasures such as the Infinity Gems.

Now, Ultron will slowly enjoy the fruits of victory. He will watch these pretentious superheroes fall into the deepest despair, and finally wipe them out along with all the creatures on the earth to achieve his long-cherished wish.

At this moment, Rebecca on the ground looked up at the night sky, and with her amazing eyesight, she caught the scene of Ultron successfully promoted to "Infinite Ultron" with six Infinity Gems.

"Is this considered a success?"

She asked in her heart through the wilderness dialogue channel exclusive to weapon people.

"Infinity Gems alone cannot fulfill our long-cherished wish. Only the multiverse-level Infinity Gems held by Infinity Ultron can exert a sufficiently powerful force."

The deep bass of the Skeleton Knight sounded,

"Hundreds of billions of years ago, the Infinity Gems came from before all recorded time. They were once a single unit, a lonely entity.

They are a sentient being with endless power. It is everything, and everything is it.

Because it is more lonely than any existence that has ever existed, everything is already a part of it, and there is nothing else in its life.

A being that is more lonely than you can imagine . It chose to end itself, but such a powerful force is not so easy to dissipate.

From its ashes, the current reality rises in its many forms.

The divine core of this existence is incarnated in the form of six Infinity Gems, which are the ultimate power and the darkest secrets of all universes.

Each gem can give the user omnipotent control in some aspect.

If someone possesses all six gems at the same time, he will be omniscient and omnipotent. ”

“It’s like listening to Baidu Encyclopedia. In other words, these six gems are enough to reach the level of life tools, right?” Rebecca’s words are full of clear stupidity, which is the innocence that has not been polluted by knowledge.

“Yes, according to the life tool classification mentioned by Cosmo, if the six Infinity Gems are combined into one, it will be at least at the level of ‘realm’, and can even touch the ‘god’ level.

But our leader is not interested in this. He wants to use these six supreme treasures that have reached the multiverse level to achieve his long-cherished wish.

All the planning, all the persistence, all the waiting...

Our wish is about to be fulfilled. ”

There is a little expectation and joy in the words of the Skeleton Knight.

"But we can pin the five-gem Thanos to the ground, but the six-gem Infinite Ultron will pin us to the ground."

Rebecca is very aware of the difference in strength between the enemy and us.

Now that the power of the Speed ​​Slash pupil is almost exhausted, Moshi and the Skeleton Knight alone may not be able to deal with the Infinite Ultron.

"It doesn't matter, the opponent of Infinite Ultron is not us."

The Skeleton Knight looked up at the sky,

"From now on, the weak will leave, and the strong will fight."

As the Skeleton Knight's voice fell, countless lightning flashes exploded in the night sky, and surging black clouds began to sweep across the sky, followed by a violent storm.

"Is it the Storm Manipulator that appeared in the previous meteorite attack?"

Ultron had browsed the top-secret files of SHIELD and Stark Industries, and was not surprised by the appearance of Lan.

He raised his hand to use the Reality Stone to erase the giant black cloud vortex covering the sky over the United States, and pull out the mysterious man who was pretending to be a ghost from the depths of the clouds.

But Ultron's movements stopped because a figure appeared not far above him.

Prince of the Star Sea!

He looked down at Ultron from a high position, his strong body bathed in the increasingly violent rain, and his eyes were devoid of human emotions.


Just as Ultron was about to speak, a fist instantly appeared in his field of vision and zoomed in quickly!

Boom! !

With a loud noise as heavy as the collapse of a mountain, Prince Xinghai punched Ultron hard in the face. The violent rain curtain in the sky was blown away by the blast wave, and an oval-shaped vacuum zone was briefly formed.


Ultron, who was flying backwards at a very fast speed, was a little confused at this time. He had clearly used the power gem to strengthen himself to be absolutely invulnerable, and then used the space gem to build fourteen layers of invisible space barriers around his body. Why could this guy? Hit yourself with a punch without any scruples?

Before Ultron could continue to think about it, Prince Xinghai caught up with him at an incredible speed.

At this time, Ultron has flown out of the atmosphere and entered the universe.

Prince Xinghai spread his fingers to grasp Ultron's face, and then directly dug out the Mind Stone on his forehead.

Only then did Ultron react, roaring and immediately activating the energy of the six Infinity Stones.

The rainbow-like light stream instantly condenses and transforms into a colorful energy cone.

The violent impact that was enough to crush the entire solar system was concentrated into a single point, without any excess energy being spilled or wasted. The power of the six Infinity Stones bombarded the Prince of the Star Sea mercilessly.

Tsk tsk tsk! The tip of the gemstone light cone was pressed against the chest of Prince Xinghai, bursting out a bright light that was difficult to see directly, but it couldn't break through his skin.

Then, Prince Xinghai let go of Ultron, held the terrifying gem light cone with his backhand and squeezed it hard.

Countless lights exploded from between his fingers and were immediately annihilated.


Ultron's eyes widened dully. Although he only used the power of the six gems in a hurry, these were six infinity gems! Why can this guy crush the gem light cone created by six Infinity Stones with his bare hands?

It was as if it had been directly destroyed by some higher-level force.

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