A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1292 Foreign War

“The big chunks of lamb are braised so tender that the term melt-in-your-mouth was literally invented for this dish.”

"The chopped chilies are enough to drive away the coldness and fatigue of travelers."

“And the finishing touch is the chopped onions, I love cooked onions!”

"Is your bread baked with the finest wheat flour from Tristram? It's like a work of art."

"Oh! Water! Good water! Like a clean spring flowing from an iceberg!"

In the lobby on the first floor of the Slaughterhouse Hotel, Boss Bron looked blankly at the young man sitting in front of the bar who was loudly praising and criticizing while cooking. For a moment, he doubted whether he really had such a high level of cooking skills.

Next to her, Leah also looked down at the dinner plate she was holding a little suspiciously. It was obviously just a slightly overcooked chili and mutton soup and a cup of well water with some remaining warm water.

Could it be that Boss Bron gave him extra food?

Speaking of which, he is really a weirdo... Lia poured the slightly cold mutton soup into her stomach, and then she had some free time to look at this unexpected guest.

Even when he was eating, he was wearing that weird waterproof cloak. He even refused to take off the hood, leaving half of his chin exposed.

This man is quite proud, and his chin is the most beautiful one that Lia has ever seen.

Is this considered the ‘prominent characterization’ that uncle said?

Bang! Throwing the spoon into the empty porcelain bowl, the young man picked up the water glass, raised his neck, drank the warm well water in one gulp, and then placed the cup on the bar with a thud.

"Delicious! Delicious!"

The young man laughed loudly: "Although I don't hate rain, it is a worthwhile trip to eat such a chili mutton soup in this cold weather!"

The continuous compliments made Boss Bron feel a little elated, and he couldn't help but rub his bald head: "Guest, you are really good at talking..."

He took out a few coins from his pocket and slapped them on the bar. The young man raised his hood and looked around:

"Sure enough, all the Nephalem died young."

What Nephalem... Before Leah could realize what the young man was talking about, the strong visual impact made her a little dizzy.

After traveling with her uncle for so long, the young man in front of her could be said to be the most handsome person Lia had ever seen.

If she hadn't been very clear about her state, she would have even thought that she was being charmed by a demon, or that the light of an angel was shining in front of her.

Thump thump thump! Suddenly there was a rapid creaking sound from the stairs.

Mr. Nicholas's huge and burly figure walked quickly down the stairs and stared blankly at the young man.

Immediately afterwards, the burly man with a white beard laughed and opened his arms: "Finally! Finally a compatriot is here! Welcome to the Cow Slaughter Hotel, welcome to join the mortal battle!"

With that said, Nicholas walked over excitedly and wanted to reach out to shake hands with the young man, but the big hand covered with tattoos retracted as soon as he stretched out.

Nicholas smiled and touched the back of his head: "Sorry, sorry, I forgot the etiquette between compatriots. We cannot shake hands or have any physical contact when we meet for the first time... Sorry, I haven't seen compatriots from the same camp for a long time, and I was a little excited for a while."

He patted his chest and made a dull sound, and said loudly: "My name is Nicholas, and everyone calls me 'Santa Claus'. Don't worry, although there will be a tough battle ahead, I will not hold you back."

After the words fell, the scene fell into awkward silence.

Leah blinked, so Mr. Nicholas is so... talkative? I thought he was a serious old man who likes to be the Riddler just like his uncle.

And when he talks about compatriots, is he talking about this good-looking young man? Are they fellow countrymen from a foreign country?

The young man finally seemed to wake up from sleep and smiled slowly: "Aha! Compatriots, compatriots standing on the same front, this is really a rare thing."

He took the initiative to reach out his hand: "My name is Heather, please give me some advice."

When Nicholas saw this, he felt a little relieved. It seemed that he was not a difficult character with a perverse and violent personality, so he was lucky.

The two shook hands.

Boss Bron next to him saw that the two seemed to be from a foreign country, and he was too sensible not to disturb them. He just collected the few coins left by Heather and went back to wipe the glasses behind the bar.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of hiding to talk or chasing people away, Leah was happy to stay by the stove to keep warm.

If in those previous worlds Heather had to avoid revealing things about outsiders in front of the local aborigines, now she no longer had to care so much.

As Nicholas said, it will be a tough battle ahead.

In the air where Leah and Boss Bron could not see, the smoke from the stove condensed and formed into lines of text.

[Dear foreigners, welcome to the battlefield of foreign wars. 】

[This foreign war will adopt a random entry time and random camp mode. 】

[The current camps are divided into heaven, hell, and earth. 】

[After entering this world, you will be randomly assigned to the territory of one camp. 】

[Please find your teammates from the same camp, gather together and prepare, and lead the camp you represent to launch an exciting victory competition. 】

[The winning camp will receive extremely generous rewards. 】

[This reward is accumulated through a prize pool, and the amount of the reward will be gradually increased based on the number of foreigners participating in this foreign war. 】

[Current rewards - 2140 world flames and 6 cosmic crystals. 】

[The final prize pool will be distributed to all surviving foreigners on the winning side according to their contribution, in accordance with the principle of absolute fairness and justice. ]

[After entering the second stage of the foreign war, you can spend 400 points of world flame to forcibly leave this world. ]

[After entering the second stage of the foreign war, you can spend 400 points of world flame to forcibly change camps. ]

[The current stage of the foreign war - preparation stage. ]

[Please pay attention to the official start of the game. ]

[Good luck, foreigner. 】

Heather put her hands on her hips and read all the content word by word, raising her eyebrows: "Mr. Duo? Two thousand flames? Six crystals? The organizer is not living well?"


Nicholas touched his neatly combed white hair and was a little scared:

"This is the first time I have seen such a high reward. Is there a [monster] entering this time?"


Heather participated in this formal large-scale foreign war for the first time, and seemed excited: "This is my first time to fight a foreign war, tell me about it?"

It's over, wait for the big guy to wait for a newbie. Nicholas sighed secretly, thinking that if it really doesn't work, he can only take this little brother to the second stage and then change camps. I hope he has enough flames to pay.

"[Monster] refers to those who are stronger than the standard even among foreigners."

Nicholas sat on the chair in front of the bar and took out a pipe from his pocket:

"Looking at your lively appearance, you must not have encountered the 'spiral' yet, right?"

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