A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1300 Cosmo? It's okay, I've killed him

"Water, mercury snake? Is it the mercury snake?"

Spectra hoped that he had misheard, or that the boss had made a mistake.

Rebecca chewed gum with a smile: "Yes~ It's the mercury snake!"

Both Nicholas and Spectrum's eyes turned black at this time, for no other reason than they were scared.

"Are you okay? We are all foreigners, cheer up." Captain Nemo, who was picking at the wine cabinet behind the bar, turned his head and said in an iron-clad tone.

"That's 'Mercury Snake' Liquid! A super strong man alongside 'Invincible' Cosmo, 'Singer of Destiny' Alice, and 'Fool King' Weston!"

Spectrum grabbed the dreadlocks on the top of his head and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"It's over, it's over, it's over! Mercury Snake is famous for being ruthless! This guy and his teammates in the camp can attack and kill for very ridiculous reasons. He is a complete madman."

"What do you mean, there are no normal people in Helix?" Heather raised her eyebrows.

"Boss, you have never met the spiral monsters.

Speaking of Mercury Snake, it is said that he massacred his foreign teammates in the same camp for the ridiculous reason of 'disturbing his sweet dreams'. He killed only two of the six people in the camp.

Even so, he still won the foreign war easily.

With only one person's strength, he easily swept through the other foreign war camps that had joined forces. He fought fourteen foreigners alone and showed a crushing force from beginning to end.

This is the Mercury Snake, the god of dreams.

The guys in Spiral are all crazy, whether they are less crazy, more serious, or incurable. "

While Moxie patiently helped Heather wipe out a clean glass, he asked, "Is the concept of the mercury snake famous?"

"That guy doesn't care if his concept is known to others. In other words, he seems to want others to know that his concept is a dream."

Spectrum's face was filled with gloom and gloom: "Ah, you are still in the mood to drink! Here, give me a drink too."

She sat across from Heather, picked up the wine glass that Moxi had filled for her, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Cough! Cough cough... It tastes terrible! Oooh, ow, ow, but compared to the bleak future that is coming, the bitterness in this wine seems to be nothing."

Spectra grabbed the bottle from Nemo and drank one glass after another.

But Nicholas felt something was wrong: "Wait a minute, Brother Heather, how did you know that Mercury Snake participated in this foreign war?"

In a foreign war that divides camps, it is extremely difficult to know the participants in other camps before it starts. How did Heather find out?

"What a fresh question. Of course it's because I followed the mercury snake into this world. The crystals of the universe don't lie."

Heather smiled and picked up the wine glass that Moxi poured for him, took a sip, and then frowned fiercely. It tasted terrible!

Not only Nicholas, but even Spectrum stopped his self-destruction and crazy drinking behavior.

Boss, what is your identity? The spiral has always been the only one chasing others, how can any outsider dare to chase the spiral in turn?

"Boss, have you met Mercury Snake before? Have you ever made enemies...ah, I'm stupid. It would be weird if Mercury Snake's character doesn't make enemies."

Spectrum came over and looked at Heather eagerly:

"Do you have any secret weapons? Or have you made an appointment with some big boss to teach Mercury Snake a profound lesson?

Listen to me, boss, there is a unique communication method for them within the spiral, and they are extremely united.

Once the mercury snake encounters a crisis, it is likely to summon the bully Cosmo to help.

Let’s not mention Cosmo himself for the moment. He has two generals under his command, namely [Little Prince] and [Pluto], both of whom are extremely ruthless.

It's not a mistake to provoke the mercury snake, because fighting the mercury snake will attract a large group of spiral members regardless of whether you win or not. "

“Cosmo’s strength is really terrifying, and a large part of Helix’s fame is due to him.

Moreover, Cosmo rarely survives, and rarely shows his true strength in foreign wars. Now there are various speculations about his concept.

Many outsiders think that Cosmo's concept may be [Power], one of the four legendary concepts. "

"Don't worry about those spiral members, they can't come."

Su Zhan held the wine bottle and bowed slightly to serve Heather and poured another glass of wine. Looking at his elegant posture, some people thought that the bottle in his hand was not some inferior self-brewed whiskey but the best whiskey.

"Why, why?" Nicholas couldn't understand the meaning of Su Zhan's words.

The Skeleton Knight, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded in front of him, said in a deep voice: "Literally speaking, how can a dead person whose bones have been crushed to ashes appear in front of us again?"

Spectrum's eyes widened, like a goose being strangled by the neck, and he made a hard squealing sound: "Did you...did you...kill Pluto?"

Nicholas murmured: "Pluto, who can easily crush the entire planet's civilization with his overwhelming mechanical army...is it impossible?"

"To be precise, in order, the little prince died first, and then Pluto. How about it, my brother is very powerful!" Rebecca said proudly with her hands on her hips.

ah? Even the little prince...

Spectrum Brain was down for a while, and then his face suddenly turned pale: "No, no, that's not good, boss! The little prince can't be killed!"

Nicholas obviously thought of something, and his ruddy face behind his white beard turned pale: "Cosmo is particularly protective of his shortcomings. Natives and foreigners who dare to attack the little prince in front of him will be ruthlessly crushed by him, and completely destroyed from soul to body. If he knew that you killed the little prince..."

Thinking of the horrible scene of the furious Cosmo crossing countless worlds and launching a revenge war against Heather with unmatched momentum, Spectrum and Santa Claus shuddered.

"It's okay, everyone, relax."

Heather waved her hand, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Cosmo was also killed by me."

The lobby of the Slaughterhouse Hotel suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

Nicholas blinked his dry eyes. Was it a grammatical misunderstanding? Or did he hear the wrong word?

The Cosmo who was feared by countless foreigners and the world and was named [Undefeated], Cosmo who had traveled across countless worlds without a single defeat and overwhelmed all living beings with absolute strength,

was killed by this unknown young foreigner in front of him?

For a moment, Nicholas thought, "This guy is bragging. He just wants to tie us to this chariot that is destined to sink."

But if this kind of talk is spread out, it will inevitably anger Spiral. Any normal person would not say nonsense just for a moment, right?

Speaking of which, it has been a while since anyone has met the Little Prince and Hades.

... Is it true?

Before Nicholas could continue to think about it, Heather on the opposite side suddenly felt a terrifying and huge threat.

Santa Claus seemed to be sitting under a huge stone hammer that could fall at any time, facing a situation where he could be devastated at any time.

Like a frog stared at by a snake, facing absolute suppression, Santa Claus has done his best just to keep breathing.

On the other side, Spectrum was so scared that she trembled violently. She recognized this concept at once!

How could she forget that this was Cosmo's concept!

[Legion] Heather not only killed Cosmo, but also seized the other party's concept!

There was no trace of blood on Spectrum's face. Once this news spread, Heather would immediately become the public enemy of all outsiders.

Seizing concepts, this kind of thing is unheard of.

In a trance, Heather's voice seemed to come from the horizon-

"Don't worry, if I really want to seize your concepts, you won't be alive until now.

I will only fight for revenge. Mercury Snake and Cosmo planned a conspiracy to encircle and suppress me, and it almost succeeded.

Now, I want Mercury Snake to pay the heaviest price for daring to threaten my darling.

So you two need to cooperate with me to put on a good show.

Of course, the reward is absolutely generous. In addition to the massive amount of flames and crystals that the winning camp can get, there is also the most critical reward-"

Heather's voice became clear in the ears of the two,

"You will witness the fall of the God of Dreams with your own eyes."

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