A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1310: Bull of Heaven, Shelter Camp Enters

"Damn... Such a thing actually..."

Mara looked at the terrifying thundercloud with a stiff face. She tried to use her own flow concept to curb the formation of the tornado, but it was useless.

Because this was a competition between concepts of outsiders.

This round, she lost.

The violent thundercloud rolled, forming a large-scale and extremely thick thunderstorm cloud vortex.

Then, part of the thundercloud with a diameter of more than 500 kilometers began to wriggle, growing a thorn like the tip of a sickle, and two tornadoes drilled out along the tip and rushed straight to the space crystal wall outside the Chaos Realm.

The movement of the tornado obviously ignored the laws of physics and its own operation mode. They stretched out beautifully in a left-right symmetrical form, looking like the horns of a huge creature.

It was a deep and gorgeous blue, like a huge block of glass-colored that echoed the sea and the sky, a creation formed by the gathering of endless lapis lazuli.

Then, the skeleton dotted with gold took shape.

Each bone would be as big as a vast city if placed on Earth.

The giant beast with blue and gold colors intertwined is striding proudly on this eternal battlefield, taking the rotating storm as its own flesh.

The storm is its roar.

The rainstorm is its blood.

The thunder is its violence.

The heavy thunderstorm cloud is both its flesh and the armor that protects it.

The tornado wrapped in lightning strides on the earth, just like the foot of a giant beast that crushes the whole world and breaks through the sky.

In the clouds above the sky, the star painter looked up at the huge lapis lazuli bull horn and couldn't help laughing loudly:

"Ah! How magnificent! This is the prototype of Taurus, the great weapon made by God, the Bull of Heaven, Gugalana!"

He immediately touched his sleeves, wanting to take out a pen and paper to draw this scene.

Not only the star painter, but other foreigners also showed surprise at the trump card of the God of Pure Love.

Emperor Sophora japonica poked his body out from a carnivorous plant, looked up at the huge storm cloud in the sky, and murmured: "If this thing falls down, I and my plants will probably be finished... This guy, the Pure Love God of War, is actually a powerful person?"

The Flame Demon Rodan, who was transformed by Miao Chi, could only flap his wings as much as possible to fly away from the thundercloud storm. This thing was obviously not at the level he could handle.

In the space crack, Spectrum covered his mouth in surprise: "Where did this guy, the Pure Love God of War, get the Bull of Heaven? And this posture... is actually the only Bull of Heaven in the multiverse in the Holy Grail War series!"

"Just the existence itself is enough to destroy all civilizations on the surface of the earth. Even if it is still, the energy surge in his body exceeds the energy scale of a hundred times a magnitude nine earthquake per second."

Qi Shi has a very strong eye. He saw through the level of the Bull of Heaven's strength at just one glance:

"If it is allowed to exert its full strength, it will be a real star-level destructive force."

Above the battlefield, the Bull of Heaven attracted all attention as soon as it appeared.

Countless angels raised their sacred weapons, spread their magnificent wings of light, and rushed towards the Bull of Heaven one after another.

The sky was immediately covered with endless raindrops of light, and each raindrop was a living angel warrior.

The Star Painter also unfolded the scroll, which depicted the scene of the scarlet disaster star falling from the sky to destroy the world.

"【The End of the Gods·Volume 7】——"

He raised the scroll violently, and the sky far above the eternal battlefield of the Chaos Realm immediately shone with violent scarlet spots of light,

"【The Chapter of the Dancing Demon Stars】!"

Boom! Accompanied by a violent gas explosion, a scarlet meteorite with a diameter of more than a kilometer and wrapped in violent flames quickly broke through the sky and slammed towards the Bull of Heaven.

Miao Chi also screamed and changed her form again, this time she became a more weird posture.

This is a giant bird about five meters high. It has golden wings on its back and its body is covered with golden short feathers. Its head is that of a bird of prey, but its upper body is human-like and even has arms, and its feet are sharp claws of birds.

Feeding on dragons, [Golden Winged Peng Bird·Garuda]!

The blazing sunlight immediately spread outward from her golden wings and gathered together to form a solar beam cannon with extremely destructive power!

Facing the endless angel army, the demon star that fell from the sky, and the beam cannon mixed with the sunlight, the Bull of Heaven simply opened its mouth with a golden skeleton as the base and a storm as the flesh on the surface.

The next moment, all these attacks were swallowed into its mouth.

There was a faint explosion flashing from the mouth of the Bull of Heaven, and then it became silent, with only the violent thundercloud storm sweeping and raging.

"The magnitude difference is too big."

The Storm Bird looked ugly. She had faced super giant monsters of this level before. The incarnation of Pluto's Cosmic Emperor was an existence of this level.

Just a simple move is enough to destroy a country, and the most direct punch can crush mountains or overturn the sea. Their existence itself can cause extremely terrifying destructive power.

The fighting ability that ordinary outsiders are proud of is not even a tickle for this level of opponents.

It is necessary to use powerful moves that can damage the planet!

Storm Bird took a deep breath and began to use his concept power with all his strength.

Unlike the typical prop concept of Star Shell, his flow does not have so many fancy equipment props to use, but relatively speaking, there are huge possibilities for the development direction of his ability.

She raised her right arm high above her head, and the raging wind that originally surrounded the Bull of Heaven was immediately driven by her, gathering together to form a storm sword that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Seeing this scene, Heather couldn't help but shout: "This is plagiarism! Did you pay the copyright fee? It's obviously my 'Great Storm God Strike·Sky Sword Congyun', a naked plagiarism!"

"The shelter camp needs to intervene in the battlefield, otherwise our contribution may not be enough." Qishi reminded in time.

The flames and crystals in the prize pool are not all taken away casually. If the contribution is too low, the organizer is likely to only give a small part for sharing the spoils, and the rest of the rewards will be taken back.

Heather nodded: "In this case, we should also appear 'appropriately'. Spectrum, Santa Claus, you two act according to the plan."

"Boss, you have to protect me a little." Spectrum took two deep breaths to make himself not too scared, and then decisively activated the concept power to hide his figure and disappeared from the space tunnel.

Santa Claus took out his big white sack, which was the "Santa Claus special gift bag" he made for himself. It contained a four-dimensional space but could only store the "gifts" made by Santa Claus himself.

He calmed down. Although he had to intervene in the foreign war with monsters with the ordinary combat power of an ordinary outsider, he had already recognized the boss and had to follow the boss's orders. This was the morality of walking in the rivers and lakes.

"Don't worry, I will let my weapons take good care of you."

Heather patted Santa Claus on the shoulder to cheer him up. He was not a demon. He was quite caring for his younger brothers, especially the elder brothers.

"Then I'll get on, big brother."

Santa Claus took a deep breath, took out a golden bell from the big sack and shook it hard. A red luxury sleigh pulled by two strong reindeer immediately appeared in front of him.

He jumped on the sleigh, picked up the reins and pulled hard: "Cruel, ruthless, let's go!"

The two muscular reindeers immediately neighed and pulled the sleigh out of the space tunnel.

Heather turned to look at the Skeleton Knight: "Overlord, the first stage is up to you, be careful not to let them die."

The Skeleton Knight riding on the bone armored warhorse nodded slightly, followed the sled closely and jumped out of the space tunnel.

Nemo took a sip from the flat wine bottle, then waved to Heather and walked out of the tunnel with the same staggering drunkard's steps.

And Lan's figure flashed past the crack in the tunnel.

At the same time, the Great Doll and the Mercury Snake both turned their eyes away from the Bull of Heaven and turned their heads to look in the same direction.

A new outsider has entered!

Is it the Sanctuary camp?

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