A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1316 A refreshing revenge drama?

The organizer's prompt will appear in the most bizarre and arbitrary way at the first time in any place that the outsiders can notice.

All the outsiders saw the news of the second stage of the foreign war at the same time.

"Dead? Who?"

The emperor locust poked his head out of the muzzle of a surviving corn cannon, first in doubt, and then gradually an irrepressible smile appeared on his face:

"Doctor! Is it you? Aho~~~ Baby Gudelia, I'm here!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He hurriedly crawled out of the muzzle of the corn cannon and wanted to inherit the doctor's potted plant.

But the voice that sounded not far away quickly shattered his dream.

"I knew it! I knew that you bastard has been coveting my Gudelia!"

The doctor who finally survived the bombardment of the battleship was now covered in dust, but he still insisted on holding his beloved potted plant and cursing at his temporary teammates.

Emperor Huai laughed twice: "I'm just concerned about the safety of you and Miss Gudlia... Who died?"

The doctor raised his index finger, and the tip of his finger turned into a syringe and stabbed himself in the chest twice. His complexion immediately improved visibly: "It's not you and me anyway. Maybe it's those new foreigners from the shelter camp?"

The scale and intensity of this foreign war far exceeded the doctor's imagination.

The Great Doll and the Mercury Snake hadn't even started yet, and the aftermath of the battle between the Storm Bird and the Pure Love God of War almost killed him.

The next battle must retain as much strength as possible to save life as the only goal.

Suddenly, a violent whistling sound came from the top of the head.

A huge shadow as huge as a mountain fell from the sky and fell heavily on the ground.

The soil was immediately lifted up like a wave, forming a circle of rapidly expanding ripples.

The doctor and Emperor Huai were startled, and only when they got closer did they realize that it was a huge bird.

There were many scars on the giant bird, especially the obvious ones were the burns from lightning strikes and the bites from giant snakes.

The doctor felt a little dizzy before he could take a closer look.

He was the incarnation of the ‘disease’ and knew his physical condition very well. Dizziness was caused by external forces, not the disease.

It was a dream!

The doctor looked up at the sky in horror. The concept of mercury snakes could actually spread here. Would the aftermath alone be enough to hypnotize outsiders protected by fire?

He hurriedly threw in the world flame to strengthen his own fire, and the dizziness was immediately alleviated.

Seeing the giant bird incarnated by Miao Chi lying in a huge pit and struggling in pain because of serious injuries, the doctor felt greedy.

If he killed Miao Chi here with his own hands, his contribution would definitely increase a lot.

Thinking of this, he bent the middle finger of his right hand, and the front end of the finger turned into a needle and pierced into the palm of his right hand.

With a sizzle, the doctor's right arm's flesh and bones split and fused rapidly, turning into a sharp bone knife dripping with pus in a very short time.

[Strong Toxic Bone Hyperplasia].

The doctor easily jumped in front of the giant bird and cut a small wound on its chest, which was full of blood and muscle tissue, and the outline of a beating heart could be vaguely seen.

Just as he raised the bone knife to stab Miao Chi's heart, the voice of the great puppet suddenly came from behind him——

[Wake up. ]

Followed by a not-so-light slap on the back of the head.

The doctor staggered, and then he found that the surrounding scenery had changed.

The huge pit created by Miao Chi's fall disappeared, replaced by a large area of ​​barren and rotten black branches, and the emperor locust lying among the rotten poisonous mushrooms with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

There was a very deep cut on the emperor locust's chest, and he couldn't move at this time, looking at the doctor in horror.

The doctor then realized that he could no longer move, and his whole body was stiff like a puppet. His lower abdomen was pierced by a branch twisted into a sharp spear tip, and blood was flowing everywhere, but there was no pain.

Big beads of sweat oozed from the doctor's forehead and flowed down. It was not because of his own injuries, but because of fear.

The dream of the mercury snake is eroding the entire chaotic world!

The relatively weak outsiders are not even qualified to challenge the mercury snake, and will only become prisoners of the dream and be manipulated by others.

Fortunately, there is a great puppet on the Hell Front. It seems that he used the star puppet line to stop his stupid behavior in time and awakened himself and the emperor.

In the distant sky, the feathered serpent, Santa Claus and Miao Chi are still fighting hard, and the sky is dark.

The Bull of the Sky, which is farther away, has disappeared, and the storm bird Mara has also disappeared.

Who is dead?

At this time, the doctor heard the voice of the Great Doll——

[Storm Bird is dead, Mercury Snake is furious, you and Emperor Huai are affected by his dream concept. From now on, for safety reasons, I will temporarily control your bodies, is that okay? 】

"... Then I'll trouble you, Great Doll."

The doctor had to obey the arrangement even though he was unwilling. If he continued to let himself and Emperor Huai act, he would only repeat the same mistakes.

Damn, how could the gap in power be so big!

In the air in the distance, Mercury Snake looked at the Skeleton Knight with a smile:

"Are you so confident that Mara will die? Why didn't your accomplices get killed by Mara?"

Every time he spoke, the surrounding sky and land would sway and shake.

He has unlocked the constraints of the dream concept. Not only angels, demons and outsiders, but even the entire Chaos Realm has fallen into an abnormal dream.

This world is being dragged into the dream curtain created by the mercury snake, becoming an alien space world independent of reality.

The Skeleton Knight slowly looked around: "So that's it. Using the concept of dreams to devour the Chaos Realm is like a curtain wrapping the contents inside."

As he spoke, the Skeleton Knight raised the Water Calling Sword, and the blue light shining from the sword echoed with the bright blue light of the space gem.


As the Water Calling Sword fell, the space around the Skeleton Knight was cut apart by the blue light.

A part of the Chaos Realm, which was originally sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of dreams, returned to reality under the influence of the Water Calling Sword.

The earth and the sky were collapsing and disintegrating, and the part of the Chaos Realm that remained in the real world was separated from the part that fell into the dream.

Even if its original existence would not be affected, in the observer's vision, the Chaos Realm was like a torn piece of paper, becoming fragmented.

Seeing this, Mercury Snake tilted his head slightly. This is a very simple concept application method that few outsiders can do.

The opponent's spatial power appears in the form of a spatial gem and a water-calling sword, and is strengthened to the point where it can affect his dream concept power with the support of some powerful concept power.

The key is not the form of spatial power, but the concept and the strength of the outsider.

In other words, is it not inferior to the level of the great puppet?

It's not two super and one weak, but a three-strong competition. I made a wrong judgment.

If the accomplice who ambushed the Storm Bird in the hidden space also has the same combat power as the Skeleton Knight in front of him, then Mara will be in real danger.

Suddenly, a deep blue space tunnel opened near the Skeleton Knight.

A familiar concept power came from it, which was the Storm Bird's "flow" concept.

Very good, it seems that Mara has successfully counterattacked, and the next step is a refreshing revenge drama...

The corners of Mercury Snake's proudly raised mouth froze completely before it lasted for two seconds.

Because the person who walked out of the space tunnel was not the Storm Bird Mara who chased after him and called him Mr. Liquid, who liked to write diaries and enjoy beautiful scenery, but a completely unfamiliar figure.

Lan, wearing a gray hooded cloak, flew out of the space crack and threw the things in his hand far away to Mercury Snake.

The flying object was fixed by the sticky air before it got close and appeared in front of Mercury Snake.

It was the head of Storm Bird Mara.

Her expression was frozen in fear, disbelief and despair.

Looking at the familiar face, Mercury Snake's expression became gloomy for the first time, and the cynical smile disappeared, replaced by cold snake pupils and a sudden surge of terrifying concept power.

"If your goal is to irritate me. Then congratulations... you succeeded."

Mercury Snake took off his glasses, and his face began to change rapidly, and then became blurred.

At the same time, the High-level Heaven, Burning Hell and Sanctuary worlds began to tremble slightly, and they were forcibly dragged into the dream curtain by the terrifying dream concept.

And right now, it’s the perfect time for the great puppet to take action.

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