A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1318 The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (Part 2)


The Star Painter knew that this was the Great Doll's Stand, a peculiar ability from the "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" series.

Mercury Snake had fought with the Great Doll before, so he naturally knew some of its details, including the Great Doll's Stand named "Anabasis".

Under the banner of sharing resources, Mercury Snake informed everyone in the Heavenly Camp of the information about the Great Doll's Stand before the war.

In the JOJO series, the Stands that everyone can awaken are different, but absolutely unique. Once a Stand is awakened, it cannot be changed or awakened a second Stand, without exception.

The Great Doll itself is extremely powerful, but the awakened Stand is actually a fake one that can only collect intelligence, which makes many outsiders secretly sneer.

Unlike the strong robot appearance, Mercury Snake estimates that the destructive power and speed of the expedition are between D and E, which is quite weak.

That bit of intelligence gathering is not bad, but there are too many ways to deal with the outsiders with many means.

For a long time, the power that the Great Puppet used to intimidate the worlds was his [Star Puppet Line] and [Puppet Army].

As soon as Jack Frost saw Yuanzheng appear, he immediately hurriedly carried the Pure Love God of War and ran behind Yuanzheng to hide.

The Star Painter did not stop him, but reached out to take back the scroll that was staring at him, and the Flame Ink Dragon on his head also turned into countless ink dots and disintegrated into the air.

"You really underestimated me, Great Puppet.

Knowing that the stand will be hurt and the same injury will be reflected on the master, you actually released this useless stand so swaggeringly.

Are you sure that I can't touch it?

I will make you regret your contempt and arrogance."

As the cold words sounded, the Star Painter shook open the sleeves of his wide cloth robe, and a simple and unpretentious brush appeared in his hand.

The wooden pen holder of this brush is vermilion, and the hairs of the brush head are from some unknown beast. The Star Painter holds it between his fingers with great care.

Seeing the pen, Yuanzheng's eyes hidden behind the metal knight's mask turned and uttered the voice of the Great Doll:

"[Magic Pen]... So that's how it is. You have obtained your life tool. No wonder you have the confidence to confront me head-on."

"Your biggest mistake is that you shouldn't let your stand appear in front of me, Great Doll.


The Star Painter raised the magic pen in his hand and drew it in the air.

A huge amount of ink immediately appeared out of thin air, covering Yuanzheng, Jack Frost Elf and Pure Love God of War.

The Star Painter will completely seal the Great Doll's stand with the magic pen, and then draw a new stand for the Great Doll that will only obey his orders.

At that time, the Great Doll must fight against the Mercury Snake as a chess piece of the Star Painter, and both sides will be injured, and then the Star Painter will collect all the benefits.

With this magic pen, I am invincible... huh?

The Star Painter was startled suddenly, and quickly stepped forward and waved the magic pen to disperse the sealed ink spots.

The Jack Frost Spirit and the Pure Love God of War inside disappeared, leaving only the expedition lying on the ground.

At this time, the expedition was gray and motionless, and a huge hole opened above its head, breaking most of the knight's helmet.

The inside of the hole was dark and empty.

The expedition was just a shell, and something hidden in it had escaped!


In the sky, the cloud front of the Heaven Camp had already collapsed, and there were few demon armies on the ground.

The entire Chaos Realm was being dragged into the dream curtain.

The Skeleton Knight was not affected. He used the space gem to fix his space coordinates and was temporarily unaffected by the dream dimension.

He turned his head and looked at Lan: "Do you need help?"

Lan shook her head slowly. She was still familiar with the new concept of flow.

Perhaps the concept of flow fits her too well. Within two minutes of getting it, Lan was able to exert some of the power of the concept of flow.

She was completely unaffected by the concept of dream at this moment, because she had infinitely slowed down the ‘flow rate’ of the world around her to migrate to the dream dimension.

Mercury Snake stood on the cloud, with his arms stretched out and his fingers spread out, and the whole person seemed like a black hole with infinite attraction.

“A bunch of rats, do you think that brainwashing Mara and changing your appearance like this can make me retreat?

Appearance, body, soul, breath, these can be disguised, but only the concept is unique!

You will never be the real leader of the shelter camp, call out that coward, otherwise I will drag the entire universe into the dream curtain, and then let you wish you were dead or alive!”

The skeleton knight and the ‘Storm Bird’ with a strange face in front of him are powerful, but they are only powerful to ordinary outsiders.

Without life tools and without igniting concepts, he can completely crush them without even exerting his true strength.

"I was underestimated."

The Skeleton Knight carried the Water Summoning Sword on his shoulder, took the Iris Shield from the horse's back and held it on his left arm, looking at Lan:

"I'll go first, you'll cover the battle for me."

Lan nodded, and the golden magatama sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing the golden magatama sword, Mercury Snake was slightly startled. He had seen this sword before. It was in the picture sent back by Hades before his death. It was used by that rubbish pretending to be a weapon concept--


The Water Summoning Sword came down on his head, but was blocked by the invisible barrier above Mercury Snake's head.

"Being distracted at this time is disrespectful to your own life." The skeleton knight struck down with his sword condescendingly, his tone solemn.

"Who do you think you are, worthy of letting me concentrate on fighting the enemy?"

The mercury snake curled up its index finger with a grin and then flicked it away. The barrier of the soul immediately turned into a bomb of thoughts that exploded, blasting away the skeleton knight and his sword.

She pointed her finger in the distance with her backhand. Layers of dream barriers immediately trapped her in the center, and then the mercury snake blew in the direction of the Skeleton Knight's flight.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of invisible ropes bound the skeleton knight flying out.

They are spiritual chains. Once entangled, their emotions will be tampered with in a very short time. If they are entangled too much, they can even modify their thinking.

But as soon as the spiritual chain was about to touch the skeleton knight, it flew away, leaving only some dark blue space cracks that were closing rapidly.

"Hey, here's the tail." The mercury snake opened the five fingers of its right hand and clenched them tightly.

The space crack that was about to disappear suddenly froze, and then expanded in the opposite direction.

"Let me find you and your accomplices hiding in the mouse hole."

At this moment, Mercury Snake no longer looked like a slutty IT guy, but now a chaotic humanoid with messy hair and amazing momentum.

His appearance, age and body shape seemed vague and uncertain, but the only thing that remained unchanged was his cold snake eyes.

The gap in the space tunnel is getting bigger and bigger, and the space inside has a faint tendency to be forcibly pulled out.

At this moment, a crisp sound came from the distance, and all the dream barriers surrounding Lan were shattered.

A giant storm sword rising into the sky appeared.

"[Dalan Divine Strike]——"

Lan raised his right hand high, pointed his index finger to the sky, and then slashed towards the mercury snake:

"[Heavenly Sword Congyun]!"

The giant sword wrapped in the storm immediately roared down and crashed down.

"Attack me with Storm Bird's moves? This unpleasant dream should disappear."

Mercury Snake snapped his fingers, and the storm sword that was about to fall immediately turned into a dream and disappeared.

Lan keenly noticed that at this moment, there seemed to be a red gemstone shining slightly between the fingers of the mercury snake.

‘Moonlight Ruby’, one of the three treasures of the Dream God!

Suddenly, a vague figure quietly appeared behind the mercury snake.

Tear! The shadow flashed past, and the mercury snake's arm holding the moonlight ruby ​​was immediately cut off.

The arm spun in the air several times before being caught, and the blurry figure appeared.

A great puppet wearing a black stand-up collared trench coat stood in the air, looking at the 'trophy' in his hand.

"Pushkin, sneak attacks are not your style."

Ignoring the blood like broken silver gushing out from the broken arm, the mercury snake yawned and said.

"Means are the methods necessary to achieve results."

The great puppet casually crushed the broken arm holding the ruby ​​​​into pieces, and the fragments turned into countless fly ash and dissipated in the air.

"Your [Snake Body Dream] is still so fake, Liquid."

"Thank you for the compliment." An intact, clothed arm suddenly grew out of the broken arm of Mercury Snake. He bent down and gave an exaggerated breast-stroking salute to the great puppet.

The fingers of the great puppet wearing black leather gloves shook slightly, and hundreds of blurry shadows immediately surrounded the battlefield:

"Do I need to remind you? Your camp doesn't seem to be monolithic."

"Ah, you mean the Star Painter."

Mercury Snake looked at the Great Doll, Skeleton Knight and Lan one by one, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned up:

"That's a very useful chess piece. It can always be 'smart' in the right way and make things develop in the direction I expect."

"Sure enough... you gave him the [Dream God's Order]."

The great puppet frowned slightly.

"Otherwise, how could he leave the battlefield to cause trouble for you?

Otherwise, how could you use your true skills to protect your potential stocks?

Thanks to the Star Painter, I finally figured out the true identity of your 'substitute'. "

Mercury Snake said with a smile:

“The battle of outsiders is the battle of [concept] and [intelligence].

This round, I won. "

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