A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1323 Snake, Bird, Dragon

The eternal battlefield is so huge that it can accommodate countless angels and demons fighting for billions of years.

The foreign war has now entered the second stage. The huge battlefield is divided into three areas, namely the mercury snake, the great puppet and the feathered serpent.

Because the pure love god of war incarnated the 500-kilometer bull of the sky and the storm bird, the battlefields of the foreigners are also far apart.

Boom! !

The huge earthly python Jörmungand, as huge as a mountain, fell heavily below with the force of a mountain.

The huge shock wave caused by the landing alone is enough to cause devastating damage to some small countries or big cities.

The hoopoe (Hoopoe) incarnated by Miao Chi had no time to dodge and was directly crushed by this heavy giant body, turning into blood and flesh on the spot.

And Santa Claus and his reindeer sleigh were even blown backwards by the strong wind.

He put his right arm in front of him, and his white beard was blown wildly.

Very powerful, even if it is not as powerful as the Bull of Heaven, the power displayed by Quetzalcoatl at this moment is still stronger than many outsiders.

Miao Chi is not as good as him, this is an ironclad fact.

But Quetzalcoatl can't get rid of Miao Chi for a while, because——

Ah! A mournful cry sounded in the sky.

The rotating flame exploded in the sky, and a rapidly enlarged fireball appeared from it, and turned into a flying Phoenix.

It was wrapped in flames all over, with long and beautiful tail feathers, and it recovered to its peak level as soon as it revived.

In the previous battle, Miao Chi had been killed three times by Quetzalcoatl using "Quetzalcoatl", "Xiangliu" and "Jörmungandr", but each time she was reborn as a Phoenix.

This guy can't be resurrected infinitely without restraint, there must be a fatal flaw.

Santa Claus took out a telescope from the big sack and held it in front of him for careful observation.


He noticed that the tail feathers of the phoenix had become eight, which seemed to be the number he had seen before... He hurriedly patted the reindeer "Cruel" in front of the sleigh.

Cruel handed the toy camera hanging on his neck to Santa Claus, who quickly flipped through the photos inside. One of the functions of this toy camera is called "Find the Difference", which is a game that many children like to play by comparing two photos of the same target object to find the differences.

Sure enough, it had ten tail feathers when it was resurrected for the first time.

Are you a nine-life cat in the form of a phoenix?

In the sky, the phoenix summoned more and more legendary birds and launched a fierce attack on Jörmungandr.

The three sacred birds from the Pokémon world spewed out flames, freezing rays and lightning. The destructive power brought by the powerful status of the fantasy Pokémon overwhelmed Jörmungandr's snake scales, and soon the snake scale defense was broken and injured.

Afterwards, countless strange birds with their huge wings flapped rushed to Jörmungandr's wounds, and frantically bit the fresh flesh and blood at the wounds with their huge beaks full of sharp teeth.

They are the Stymphalian Birds in ancient Greek mythology.

Jörmungandr roared in pain, rolling his body to drive away these hateful parasites.

As soon as the flock of birds was startled and scattered, countless arrows shot at Jörmungandr's wounds like a rain of arrows. The feathers of the Stymphalian Birds were like arrows from a string, and as hard and sharp as bronze arrows.

Then, Garuda, covered in golden feathers, appeared. It is the mount of Vishnu, the god of protection in Indian mythology, and the natural enemy of snakes.

Garuda was wrapped in golden light and swooped towards Jörmungandr's increasingly bloody wound.

What greeted it was Jörmungandr's huge mouth that was opened to the limit and looked like an abyss.

Grunt! The huge mouth bit, but failed to bite Garuda.

Garuda is known as the fastest in the world of gods, and it is not in vain. The golden light circled around Jörmungandr's mouth lightly, and then pierced into the giant snake's wound and flesh.

The giant snake wailed in pain, its body swelled and then collapsed, revealing the human form of Quetzalcoatl.

He gasped and covered his left shoulder, where a huge hideous blood hole appeared.

Garuda also appeared in the golden light, chewing Jörmungandr's flesh in its long beak, and before continuing to attack, it suddenly spurted out purple-black blood.

"Jörmungandr's flesh is not so delicious."

Quetzalcoatl sneered and released the palm covering his shoulder, and the palm was full of purple venom:

"The poison of the Earthly Python that can destroy even the world, experience it well."

Soon, Garuda twitched and turned into a pool of rotten liquid, turning into countless lights and dissipating. And these lights condensed into the human form of Miao Chi again.

She looked grim: "Are you crazy? Poisoning your own flesh and blood?"

"I promised the Great Doll that I would stop you. I will never break my promise and I will never regret it!"

Quetzalcoatl roared and activated its conceptual power, its body shape changed, and it quickly grew into a huge figure like a mountain.

This is a god of disaster with eight heads and eight tails. Its body is so huge that it can fill eight valleys and eight hills. Its eyes are like red lantern fruits, and its body is covered with moss, cypress and fir. Its belly is always bloody, as if it is rotten.

Yamata no Orochi, also known as Yamata Enrochi!

Miao Chi also screamed wildly and transformed into an extremely huge monster with a lion head and an eagle body.

It is Anzu, the only tree in the world that can support the weight of its nest across the source of the seven rivers named after the sun god Utu. It can stir up violent sandstorms when it soars, and its chirping can shake the whole world. Even God sees it as a threat too difficult to defeat.

This is a transformation that Miaoyi has not yet fully mastered. Once used excessively, his animal nature and divinity will suppress his humanity, and he will become an extremely violent divine beast.

But the situation in front of her didn't allow her to keep any trump cards. She would definitely die if she couldn't complete the mercury snake's order.

Just when Yamata no Orochi and Anzu were facing each other in the distance and were about to start a battle, a thunderous roar of a dragon suddenly sounded in the distance.

A thousand-meter-long blue-scaled giant dragon is flying towards this side on a flaming cloud!



Not to mention Anzu's startled scream, all 16 eyes of the Yamata no Orochi were having pupil earthquakes at this moment.

Why does Kaido of the Beasts appear here? Could it be a fake...

Before they even got close, they saw the giant green-scaled dragon opening its mouth wide toward the battlefield, and the terrifying heat flow quickly gathered and formed.

It's the real thing! Both Anzu and Yamata no Orochi immediately moved aside.

The next moment, the violent flames turned into a blazing red ray cannon that covered the sky and cut through the sky.


The orange-red light cannon passed Anzu and Yamata-no-Orochi before blasting into the ground diagonally.

This eternal battlefield where angels and demons have fought fiercely for hundreds of millions of years immediately roared and trembled, countless rocks were melted into magma and rose into the sky, and terrifying ravines were plowed out of the boundless land.

Just by wiping the edges, Anzu's left arm and left wing lost all feeling and were burnt black.

Before it could use the power of the hoopoe to recover from its injuries, a black shadow quickly enlarged.

"[The Great Wrathful Gossip]!"

The mace with purple-black lightning struck Anzu's lion face firmly.

The flesh and blood rolled back and turned into layers of ripples, followed by the dull sound of broken bones. The eyeballs exploded into blood in an instant. More blood spurted out from the mouth, nose and ears, and the neck moved forward under the influence of huge force. Extreme pulling afterward.

Bang! !

Anzu's head was instantly smashed to pieces, and his huge body quickly spun and fell backwards under the powerful impact.

hold head high! Flames exploded in the sky, followed by the cry of the phoenix.

As soon as the phoenix with seven tail feathers appeared, he saw the extremely muscular dragon man leaping over him with a mace in both hands, and smashing it down with a grin.

"[The best Mahasattva]!"

The mace, entwined with the domineering power of the Overlord and the power of the Power Stone, hit the Phoenix heavily.

Without even uttering a cry, the phoenix was directly scattered into countless sparks.

At the moment of death, the remaining seven tail feathers of the phoenix were all blown to pieces. Obviously, when it suffered unimaginable huge destructive power, even the sum of its seven lives was not enough to withstand it.

The sparks condensed, forming the miserable appearance of Miaoyi with broken bones and broken tendons and blood all over her body, as she fell powerlessly from a high altitude.

Then an extremely strong hand grabbed Miao Yi's upper body.

Kaidou stood above the flame cloud, carrying the mace on his shoulder and holding Miao Wing in his right hand. The dragon-like face was surrounded by heat and steam, and the fierce light of the dragon eyes in his eyes was exposed.


Miao Chi coughed up two mouthfuls of blood clots and said with difficulty.

"Oh, cluck, cluck, thank you for the compliment. As a reward, let me give you a good time!"

Kaidou casually threw Miao Wing up slightly, holding the mace with both hands and swinging it backwards like a baseball, accumulating power to the limit. Even the air around him was crushed by the unparalleled domineering force, making a creaking sound.


Then, at the moment when the wings fell, the mace suddenly swung forward!

"[Amahara Fire]!!"

The power gem and the overlord-colored domineering energy formed further destructive power. Even the space in the chaotic world became distorted at this moment. The huge impact wave that was transformed into a huge dragon head by the infinite force hit Miaoyi firmly.

This once arrogant foreigner could not even leave a last word and turned into dust in an instant.

The huge dragon head covered with purple and black dragon scales continued to blast toward the sky with unabated force.

Immediately afterwards, the huge star that had not completely returned to the dream dimension exploded under the bite of the dragon's head, exploding into countless rock fragments between reality and illusion.

"Oooooooh! Home run!"

Kaidou set up a pergola with his hands and looked at the collapse of the huge star in the distance, laughing wildly. The huge roar of the dragon caused ripples in the air.

Santa Claus in the distance looked at this scene dumbfounded and swallowed hard.

So powerful, so powerful...absolute destructive power against stars! Are all the weapons men under the boss so powerful?

The Yamata no Orochi, which was as huge as a mountain, did not flee immediately, but raised its eight heads in an attacking posture.

"Hoo? You still have the courage to resist. I'm a little attracted to you."

Kaidou carried the mace, stepped on the flame cloud and walked towards Yamata-no-Orochi step by step until he reached Yamata-no-Orochi.

"It's a bit pitiful to bully you like this. Let's give you a preferential treatment and you can make the first move.

Fight here, fight as hard as you can. "

Kaidou's free left hand raised his thumb to his chest and said nonchalantly:

"When you have finished fighting, it will be my turn. How many times you hit me then, I will give you as many sticks as I can give you."

Yamata no Orochi was stunned, and then became furious.

Suddenly, the sound of bells rang, and Santa Claus drove his sleigh to the middle of the two sides and tried his best to persuade them:

"Brother Haidao, please be patient for a moment, can I have a word with Quetzalcoatl?"

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