A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1333 Heather VS Mercury Snake

It only takes one glance to give my dream screen...

Mercury Snake has seen many foreigners and faced countless top masters of the indigenous world. They may be very confident in their own strength, but without exception, they all fell under their own concept of [Dream].

Dreams are the intersection of illusion and reality, the fusion of time and space. My destructive power is indeed not as good as Cosmo, but in terms of the functionality and comprehensiveness of my own abilities, I am definitely at the top of all foreigners.

This guy in front of me not only has a strong attack destructive power that is no less than Cosmo's destructive concept, but also has the diversity and functionality of the prop system and auxiliary system...

A natural monster!

Although it is hard to believe, Heather is indeed a "monster" who is more "monster" than Cosmo and Mercury Snake himself.

In this case, I will use the means to deal with monsters to deal with you!

Mercury Snake opened his five fingers, and ten thumb-sized light balls immediately appeared above his palm and began to rotate rapidly in a circle.

Seeing this, Nanashi immediately informed Heather that each of those light balls had terrifying energy that was like the entire universe.

"Wisdom that humans cannot reach, arm strength that humans cannot reach, starlight that humans cannot reach!

Tour and shine for ten days, [Simulated Star Creation Chart]——"

The ten light balls in the hands of Mercury Snake, which were spinning rapidly and connected into a circle of light, suddenly collapsed in all directions:


At this moment, the star extinction light that seemed to explode in ten universes at the same time shone above the Chaos Realm.

The ultimate energy explosion comparable to the Big Bang soared exponentially, which was supposed to be enough to annihilate and shatter the entire Chaos Realm in an instant, and drag other worlds into the explosion.

But under the control of Mercury Snake, this infinite light gathered into ten wrist-thick lasers, which shot towards Heather from ten unavoidable angles.

This is a super weapon that can reach the upper limit of the single universe level or even move towards the multiverse level by pure destructive power alone, and comes from the [Simulated Star Creation Chart] of the box garden world.

The great puppet in the distance immediately turned the fate spindle at the moment when the extinction starlight appeared. The star puppet line connected to the fate spindle drove the fate loom's "inevitable constant" to start turning, weaving a future belonging to the great puppet.

A future that is not attacked by the simulated star creation map.

In an instant, the figure of the great puppet and the fate loom became illusory.

He knew the destructive power of the "simulated star creation map" of the mercury snake. It was another cosmic view, a cosmic view observed from the two perspectives of the mythological world and the material world, and was called "the blueprint of God's creation of the universe."

It can be understood as a gift that infinitely magnifies one's own cosmic view to interfere with external things.

The ten light balls of the simulated star creation map Avatar each contain ten different universes, which are the power that transcends the existing laws of the universe and are called "the ultimate omniscience and omnipotence." These ten universes are the embodiment of the ten incarnations of the Hindu god [Vishnu] who maintains the operation of the world.

And the mercury snake guy does not only hold this simulated star creation map.

Ten lasers instantly came in front of Heather, about to hit his body, and let the infinite destructive power of ten universes collapsing and destroying at the same time pour into him.

But Heather did not panic at all, but grinned:

"This is interesting."

In the infinitely slow flow of time, Heather suddenly opened his eyes wide, and at the same time, a pair of spiral mechanical eyes shining with endless golden light appeared in front of him.

"Photon force-rays!"

The golden light that was brighter than the big bang when the universe was born exploded at this moment.

The huge light ball collapsed into countless light streams, and shot towards the ten lasers.

The destructive power of the destruction of ten universes was completely unable to compete with the photon force ray containing the concept of destructive power. As soon as the light and the light came into contact, they took on a spiral posture and annihilated each other, and then more golden light streams blasted towards the mercury snake.

It must not be taken head-on! The mercury snake made a judgment instantly.

An extremely complex circular track immediately emerged on his body. The circular track was three meters in diameter, 14 centimeters wide and 2 centimeters thick. There was no gap in the whole track, and it was engraved with complex patterns and designs, as if writing the progress of human civilization.

[Simulated Star Creation Chart·Equator of the Sky]!

This is the simulated star creation chart known as the strongest defense. It is the origin of the birth of countless worlds and countless human principles. The Equator of the Sky witnesses everything and records everything.

If you want to attack the target protected by the Equator of the Sky, you must first defeat the entire process of the birth and prosperity of countless worlds and human principles.

The photon force ray of the demon ZERO, which was enough to illuminate the future, collided with the Equator of the Sky.

In an instant, Heather seemed to see the tragic scene of countless human civilizations being completely destroyed by the tearing of light, countless worlds falling apart, and countless stars collapsing. [Equator of the Sky] trembled and wailed under the bombardment of photon force rays, and the endless human wailing and the collapse of the world seemed to echo through the entire chaotic world.

After the rain of light, the mercury snake protected by the Equator of the Sky was unscathed, but the Equator of the Sky itself had large areas of burn marks and cracks, and it seemed that it could collapse at any time.

Heather raised her eyebrows. She was able to withstand the photon force rays. She was indeed quite capable.

Although ZERO has only opened up to the third stage of magic power.

The [Tian Gai Shuomie Damei] that destroyed hundreds of planets in the previous attack on Heather was exactly what ZERO had "absorbed" after activating the second magic power, swallowing up all the impact force and converting it into Heather's energy, and using it as the energy to activate the third magic power.

A mature life tool will find ways to help its owner save resources, at least the two life tools of Heather's family are like this.

Suddenly, Nanashi's voice sounded in Heather's ears.

[The power called 'Simulated Star Creation Map' is not the original body. ]

"Ah?" Heather blinked, and then understood Nanashi's meaning: "You mean, this guy deliberately misled me and made me think that it was the simulated star creation map itself?"

[I have seen through it. The simulated star creation map is a fake dream simulated by the life tool 'Three Treasures of Dream God' of Mercury Snake.

Because it is a replica in the dream, the shape, power and even function are quite different from the simulated object, and it will tend to change the posture that Mercury Snake hopes for.

Copy and transform the "dream" of a specific thing into your own "dream", so that they can be presented in a material form in a more suitable form for you.

This is the power of the "Three Treasures of Dream God".

But according to my observation, using such power will not only consume the "Cosmic Crystal", but also consume a huge amount of energy.

Mercury Snake also has a life tool to provide it with abundant energy resources. 】

'The third perpetual motion machine', this name immediately appeared in Heather's mind.

Since Mercury Snake can simulate the "Simulated Star Creation Map", he must have been to "Do Problem Children Come from Another World?", and the treasure among the treasures is the "third perpetual motion machine".

The third perpetual motion machine-the last secret of mankind that uses the surrounding environment information to generate energy out of nothing, the third type of star particle body (3S, nano machine unit).

In fact, this is an innovative technology, a miracle belonging to mankind, and the third perpetual motion machine cannot be described as a single individual.

But life tools are not just simple objects. Phenomena or deeds that "far exceed the limits of what the current world can develop" may also become life tools. This is Nanami's inference.

And the third perpetual motion mechanism is likely to be seized by Mercury Snake as a life tool, taking the third perpetual motion mechanism, an innovative technology, permanently from the world of problem children and solidifying it as his own life tool.

If this is true, then Mercury Snake can use the third perpetual motion mechanism to provide unlimited energy, and then use the three treasures of the dream god to simulate the "simulated star creation map" countless times to fight the enemy.

It is indeed an opponent who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Cosmo. Right, ZERO?

A new light spot immediately flashed in Heather's body, echoing the previous three light spots.

The fourth magic power is activated, [high-order prediction]!

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