A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1336 Personality Mirror

That was... Heather narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the 'future' filtered out by ZERO's sixth demonic power [Weapon of the Law of Cause and Effect].

Then, the surrounding time came to a standstill, and Heather seemed to have fallen into a completely virtual situation, watching the future as an absolute spectator.

Let’s call this future [Future A]. A Heather in A's future chose to show weakness to the enemy by pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, deliberately suppressing her own combat power level to a level that was slightly weaker than that of A Mercury Snake, and hiding the fact that she had seized the concept of destruction.

Ever since he came into contact with the world of One Punch Man, Heather A noticed that Mercury Snake liked to give winner's speeches very much, to the point of being a 'passive skill'.

In view of this, A Heather felt that she needed to provide a little guidance.

Sure enough, Mercury Snake A got the upper hand and started talking condescendingly.

"Heather, you have indeed become stronger, so strong that it is almost beyond my imagination. Unfortunately, you are just a hair away from breaking through my imagination and reaching a higher level."

A The mercury snake sits at the top of the sky, laughing with open arms. Behind him sits the extremely huge Ouroboros, which can cover the entire sky.

In the palms of his hands, there is a 'Simulated Star Creation Chart' ready to go.

"...The 'personality mirror' you mentioned before, could it be the so-called higher level?"

Heather A spat blood-stained spit to the side. He had just endured a heavy blow from a simulated star chart that could crush the solar system, and finally made Mercury Snake A temporarily let down his guard and enter the commentator mode.

"Hoo? Don't you know the 'Personality Mirror'? This is a very important thing for the concept shaping of outsiders... But forget it, considering that you didn't even know how to use flames and crystals before, it seems that you There are very few means of obtaining information.”

A Mercury Snake felt that he had a winning chance at this moment, so he actually canceled the simulated star creation chart with both hands, used the concept of dreams to create a large cloud bed behind him, and sat down comfortably.

“Have you ever thought about where this [concept] originated?”

"...Isn't this thing innate?" A Heather frowned slightly.

A Mercury Snake was like a patient teacher, shaking his finger: "NONONO, how could it happen that there would be a foreigner in each country on the earth, and the concept of this foreigner is absolutely unique, even if it is a foreigner There is never a new person with the same concept after death.

In our view, the concept is more like a projection of higher-dimensional power. It is like a unique sign and a mirror.

The tendency of your soul, the direction of your growth, determines the path your conceptual evolution will take. "

"You mean... what is the concept of a stranger, determined by his soul?"

"Foolish understanding, concept is a power that foreigners are born with, a secret rooted in the deepest part of your soul.

We are born to be kings and step up to the level of gods. We are completely different types from mortals.

There have been many outsiders who have reproduced and bred with the natives of other worlds, but whether the natives or the foreigners gave birth to children, they were only children with the characteristics of the other side of the blood.

The characteristic of foreigners is concepts, and concepts will never be inherited or enriched by blood.

The union of two foreigners can't even give birth to an heir, as if they are two strange species with reproductive isolation.

Concept is a unique, supreme, and absolutely unforgeable ‘identity card’.

Under this premise, do you think that if two people get the same concept at the same time, their power performance will be the same? "


Facing Mercury Snake A's rhetorical question, Heather A pondered for a few seconds before speaking: "No. Is it because of the 'personality mirror' you mentioned?"

"That's right."

A Mercury Snake clapped his hands perfunctorily and then applauded:

“The personality mirror is not an object, but a ‘rhetorical metaphor’.

No matter how powerful the outsider is, his growth environment determines that he will eventually imitate human behavior and habits.

And this growth process will cause the outsider's personality to shift in different directions, just like a mirror with different materials and different concave and convex surfaces.

Maybe you have seen the nine-square grid of DND's camp. Although it is not so absolute, the personality mirror of the stranger is indeed somewhat similar to that thing.

The personality mirror determines the direction and type in which the outsider develops his concepts.

For example, Pluto, his concept is 'mechanical'. Machinery can be understood as tool devices such as machine tools and robots. It can also be understood as the combination of objects and the arrangement of fixed program operations.

Different ways of understanding determine the application methods of mechanical concepts. The personality mirror of Pluto determines that his mechanical concept is the former. "

To put it bluntly, are they just different talent trees? Heather, who was an absolute bystander, blinked.

He did feel that the concept of destruction he used was somewhat different from Cosmo.

Cosmo's emphasis is on absolute violence. He will punch everything and destroy it with one punch. He is a complete numerical monster and won't tell you anything else. The god-level life tool Fantasy Killer has greatly increased his strike surface, allowing him to crush most outsiders in all directions.

When Heather uses the concept of destruction, her absolute destructive power is not as great as Cosmer's. She must rely on the concept of weapon to achieve Cosmer's maximum bare-handed destructive power. But his attack range is wider and he has more tricks. He is more like a mechanism monster than a numerical monster.

Speaking of which, since I learned the ability of mind in the hunter world, I have been on the road of "playing with mechanisms and tricks", and rarely rely on my own weapon concept to crush it all the way.

There is a similar situation like spectrum. Her concept is "color", which should be to control the light in nature.

But her personality is too timid and cowardly, which leads to her concept developing into "controlling the color in other people's eyes" and even "controlling other people's cognition of their own posture", so as to achieve the "non-steady state of Schrödinger equation" of the spectrum concept body, which is really too far off.

At this time, A Heather asked, "Can the personality mirror be changed?"

"It can't be changed, it's innate!"

A Mercury Snake waved his hand,

"Only by facing your own personality mirror and fully understanding it can you let your own concept grow smoothly.

But unfortunately, I won't give you this opportunity to let you continue to grow.

Your weapon concept is indeed very dangerous, I will completely defeat you here!"

As he said, A Mercury Snake raised his palm and condensed two spiral guns that rotated clockwise and counterclockwise.

A Heather smiled grimly, and the huge Demon God ZERO began to appear.

The picture stopped at this scene, and Heather outside the picture waved his hand, ending the observation of this possible "future".

He could feel that his weapon concept, which had become slow after the leap-forward growth of the world of mecha wars and the world of Marvel, was "soaring" again.

Not only the weapon concept, but also the destruction concept and flow concept that he had seized became more and more handy, just like when he was at a loss when facing a box of loose PG Unicorn Gundam, he finally found the assembly instructions.

... So that's how it is. Only by finding the right direction can the concept grow smoothly. Next, all you need to do is find out your own personality mirror and develop the concept according to its characteristics?

This is really incredible information. No wonder Mercury Snake didn't dare to tell me.

The flow of time in front of her began to return to normal. Heather looked at Mercury Snake in the distance through the cockpit and smiled.

Thank you for the precious information you provided, Mercury Snake.

In return, I promise that you will die very painfully.

"ZERO! Use [Southern Cross]!"

With Heather's order, a crack opened on the surface of the huge causal ring suspended behind Demon God ZERO, and countless cross-shaped spots flew out and rotated in a rotating arrangement. Behind Demon God ZERO, they formed endless and uniformly rotating light flywheels, rapidly spreading towards the entire Chaos World plane.

Heather wanted to force out Mercury Snake's last life tool!

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