A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1345 The Third Perpetual Motion Mechanism

The third perpetual motion machine is a technology created by the father of Izayoi and Homura Saigo, the protagonists of "Problem Children Are From Another World".

Since Homura's parents were assassinated, the production method and principle of the third perpetual motion machine are no longer known.

But it can be confirmed that a sample with a completion rate of 10% is enough to set off an unprecedented medical revolution. It is estimated that the complete third perpetual motion machine will complete the largest and last historical shift (Paradigm Shift) in human history, that is, the final energy revolution promoted by the third type of perpetual motion machine.

The true face of the third perpetual motion machine is [Astral Nano Machine], or the name of the complex when countless astral nanomachines parasitize in a living body.

Astral nanomachines will respond to [the definition of one second (32.768kHz)] and circulate about 330,000 times along the path in the body of the organism that is the parasite at a constant speed.

This amazing property is the new era third type of machine that allows astral nanomachines to generate tertiary energy that is not limited by primary and secondary energy.

The concept of time that goes beyond the law of light propagation, driving the new definition of one second to perform uniform motion - this is the origin of the star particle body being called the "third type perpetual motion machine" that "can make the multi-dimensional momentum required for the manifestation of tachyons and ether be observed in the material world."

During the first energy revolution, humans first learned to use fire.

During the second energy revolution, humans obtained a way to replace heat, iron and force.

During the third energy revolution, humans mastered light, destruction and possibilities.

The "historical transition period" that humans are indispensable to being human is the "energy revolution" that is the convergence point in human history.

The "third perpetual motion machine·original" is the original style (Origin) of the star particle body, and it is also the final completed third type perpetual motion machine.

The nano-scale astral filaments are attached to the body tissues in a clustered form, taking the genome information and synchronizing it with the genes of the person, then unwinding the filaments one by one and assembling them into the cells, slowly performing the function of internal division.

It extracts energy from the information of the surrounding environment. Since everything and all events and even existence itself are part of the information, the so-called information is theoretically endless, so the energy that the third perpetual motion mechanism can provide is also endless.

The third perpetual motion mechanism can be said to be the trump card of mankind's tenacious fight against the gods. It is the ultimate embodiment of human will and ultimate technological power, and it is the final decisive weapon of mankind.

The reason why it is rated as a life tool is also very simple. Because cells make up a living body, why can't the collective composed of countless astral particles become an "active individual"?

The ability of the world-level life tool [the third perpetual motion mechanism·original] is to make the host body an intelligence life body that can survive as long as the environmental information is rearranged. At the same time, as long as the host and the surrounding environment can generate "intelligence", the third perpetual motion mechanism can achieve energy supply through "intelligence exchange", which is regarded as a very rare ability that is recognized by outsiders as unlimited energy.

Mercury Snake's means of obtaining the third perpetual motion mechanism from the "Problem Child World" are not very bright, but after a long time of getting along, Mercury Snake thinks that he has tamed this fierce horse, whether it is absorbing energy or B.D.A (blood particle accelerator) is very smooth.

But now, Mercury Snake feels the riot and impatience when he first subdued the third perpetual motion mechanism.

In a flash, he understood what happened.

Heather actually used Cosmo's destruction concept to destroy the connection between the third perpetual motion mechanism and Mercury Snake. He wants to restore the free will of the third perpetual motion mechanism!

"Asshole! Heather, how dare you!" Mercury Snake roared, struggling to pull his wrist out of Heather's big hand.

But with the dual blessing of weapons and destruction concepts, how can Mercury Snake resist the close-range attack of the two strong attack concepts?

Originally, the link between the life tool and the outsider was not within the attack range of Heather's destruction concept, but the special feature of the weapon concept is that it can strengthen any attribute of any "weapon" belonging to Heather, even the concept is no exception.

Now, the "strike range" of the destruction concept has been greatly strengthened.

The destruction concept blessed by the weapon concept is like an extremely sharp blade, wantonly destroying the link in the mercury snake.

More and more star particles are no longer constrained by the power of the mercury snake and return to their original blank state.

The "activity" of the life tool prompted the collection of countless star particles, the "Third Perpetual Motion Machine·Original", to generate consciousness. It realized that it had left the original world and could be destroyed or its existence force was exhausted at any time.

Then, it "smelled" the smell it liked.

It is a human who maintains a brave and fearless heart and dares to challenge the gods!

As mentioned before, the third perpetual motion machine can be said to be the ultimate technological treasure of mankind in the world of "Problem Child" and the ultimate weapon of mankind against the gods.

Compared to the "dream gods" like Mercury Snake who look down on humans from a high position, Heather is undoubtedly more down-to-earth. He is a brave man who walks on the earth in the posture of a "human", and is also the master of all kinds of weapons in all realms.

The third perpetual motion mechanism likes such humans. If it must choose a master, it prefers Heather.

Instantly, countless star particles surged rapidly, through the connection between the wrist and the palm, and rushed from the mercury snake to Heather's body.

Feeling something strange in the body, the mercury snake roared fiercely: "No! You are mine! The third perpetual motion mechanism, I brought you out of that world! I protected the humans in that world and kept the promise, and you must continue to work for me!"

"You are talking like a tangled super scum ex-boyfriend, can't you bless us?"

Heather said coldly while opening the door to accept the joining of the third perpetual motion mechanism.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the star particles were transferred to Heather's body. They almost immediately felt a completely different environment from the mercury snake's body. The environment here is more comfortable, and the host is far more powerful than imagined. The weapon concept is constantly nourishing the star particles and opening up a channel for them to evolve.

Host identified! Life tool binding!

Heather took a deep breath, and the unimaginable abundant energy immediately circulated in her body at a speed of 330,000 times per second. As a battlefield, the surrounding information is too rich. Heather even has an illusion that the energy in her body is too full.

Then Qishi's caring and comforting voice sounded in her ears——

[Please don't worry, that's because you always keep the energy supply to the weapon man clone and the weapon concept, so that the body adapts to the state of energy shortage.

Now it is equivalent to inhaling sufficient oxygen. This is a good change in the body. With your strength, you only need to adapt a little to fight the enemy in the best state. 】

It is said that wild boars cannot eat fine bran. Am I used to being poor and can't adapt to the life of a rich young master for a while?

Heather smacked her lips and looked at the mercury snake whose face had turned extremely ugly:

"Oh, Master Liquid, look at your expression now.

Have you forgotten that you and Cosmo worked together to snatch Nanami away? I just did the same thing to you, why are you so anxious?

I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet. Since you dare to snatch my darling, you will face my most severe revenge.

Cosmo contributed his life and ideas, and you will only pay more.

Come on, show all your skills, and then...

I will enjoy the pleasure of taking them."

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