A foreigner's journey

Chapter 14 Those disappeared magic weapons

Heather didn't know that she had aroused the fighting spirit of the two protagonists.

The weather was nice on Sunday morning, so he avoided the fans blocking the door and wandered to No. 4 Commercial Street near the Sky Arena.

Heather has a little-known hobby, that is, he likes to go to the market.

It is not a large shopping mall that sells luxury brand clothing and shoes, but a market that sells various gadgets and street food that reflects the local folk customs. Well, it’s also fun to go to the morning market at your doorstep.

Commercial Street No. 4 is located four kilometers south of the Sky Arena. It is close to residential areas and ports and is very lively.

Heather was wearing a gray hooded sportswear and jeans. Her slightly curly black hair was tied behind her head with a black hairpin, and her bangs were parted to expose the black-rimmed glasses underneath. He stopped and walked, squatting down from time to time to look at the small commodities on the stalls.

There are basically no large precious objects or antiques here, let alone swords and guns. Most of them are fakes to fool outsiders, but Heather had a great time shopping. This was a good way for him to get advice. experience.

After all, there is everyone in the market. As long as you don't care about the truth or falsehood, you can get a lot of information by just listening to people chatting around you.

"Oh, brother, can you just take a look? If you like it, tell me. I will pat my chest and guarantee that all the stuff on the stall is real."

Heather stopped in front of a carpet again. The stall owner was a strong man with a big beard. When he saw a fat sheep coming to the door, he hurriedly shouted.

Heather picked up a strange-looking short knife and looked through it: "Bian's knife? Is it real or fake, uncle?"

Bian Niduolong was a murderer more than a hundred years ago, and Bian's knife was his own brand. As a knife maker, Bian Niduolong made a knife and engraved the number on it every time he killed a person. He made a total of 288 Bian's knives in his life.

The numbered sword is displayed in the shop for sale along with his other swords. Later in prison, he once said: "It was the victims' cries and expressions that inspired me. 】Since then, his works have been collected by people who like unique things. Although the Bian's sword was difficult to receive positive reviews because it was in the hands of a suicidal maniac, it is still collected by many enthusiastic collectors and has become a unknown famous item. Even if the price depends on the serial number, it can fetch at least 5 million ring nip.

But Heather has concluded that the dagger is a fake.

Because he did not see any residual mental energy on the blade after using 'Condensation'. Many famous products like this will be entangled with the remaining mental energy of the maker, which will last for hundreds of years. He learned this trick from Killua in the comics.

"Of course it's true. Uncle, how can I deceive you, a young boy?" The bearded stall owner said with a cheerful smile: "Look at you, handsome boy. The serial number of this Bian's knife is low. Three million or so is cheaper." is you!"

Dry! I'm wearing [Superman's Invisibility Lenses] and you can still see how handsome I am? Heather rolled her eyes, put down the knife and picked up an old book. The cover of the book was a little old and faded, and there was a line of words printed in bright red font on a pure gray background - "Those Lost Divine Weapons".

Heather picked up the old book and shook it, causing a large amount of dust to fall off: "If you dare to say that this book is also an antique, I will call the police uncle over!"

Tsk, another annoying picker. The bearded stall owner sat back on the small bench with dead eyes and picked up the newspaper again. He said without raising his head: "Three thousand nuns, no price."

That shabby book had been popular for a period of time more than ten years ago, but now it has stopped publishing, and even the author Oram himself has disappeared without a trace. Most of the copies sold on the market are old copies, but the initial sales volume was so large that almost no one was interested in getting a copy, and the value could not be raised. If you buy it through serious channels, you can get it for about 2,000 garni.

It just so happened that Heather had recently finished reading the novel he had brought. He, who always liked reading strange tales and unofficial histories, was very interested in this book. He was too lazy to bargain early, so he simply bought it and left. It was so neat and tidy that the bearded stall owner regretted why he didn't call him a thousand ring nuns.

The two of them felt so unhappy that when they left, Heather and the bearded stall owner stretched out their left hands to each other in an international gesture of friendship and said goodbye affectionately, causing passersby to turn around frequently.

After that, Heather visited other stalls, but unfortunately there was nothing interesting. It was almost noon, so he simply bought some snacks in the market and packed them back to the Sky Arena.

After returning to the room, she threw the book on the table and spread out the packed snacks. Heather put her hands on her hips and nodded. This is called going to the market!

The Sky Arena is located in the Yosk District, adjacent to the Republic of Bartokia, with a pleasant climate. The style of street food here is very different from that in Shem City.

Five pieces of fried rice balls, a snack that is mixed with rice and meat sauce and then wrapped in batter and fried until golden brown. Some fillings are usually added in the middle. The fried rice balls that Heather bought were filled with ingredients that are famous for their mellow flavor. of Josque cheese, Gottori bacon crumbs and sweet fish skin.

A patokia donut, a specialty of the neighboring republic of patokia, is a donut made of flour and mashed potatoes mixed with cream, and is sprinkled with icing sugar.

A small box of black olives (about 10), soaked in salt water and marinated with cumin and cocoa grass, is a refreshing snack that is particularly refreshing.

A favorite among carnivores, the five-skewer Gutori kebab consists of spicy cuts of meat with sage leaves and cheese sausages wrapped in thin sheets of smoked bacon and seasoned with local chili peppers.

Two dry mountain sausages, each 15 centimeters long, are made with minced pork mixed with chopped onions, seagull herbs, salt and pepper, and baked with charcoal on a grill coated with bacon. The finished product should be sandwiched between the planks. Enjoying it in a long baguette, Heather chose a non-classic way of eating it - drizzle it with yellow mustard and ketchup and eat it directly.

Finally, there was a large box of Momo gummy candies. Heather bought a fruit-flavored mix. Each beautiful, translucent gummy candy was wrapped in shredded coconut. It was sweet but not greasy, making it a good snack.

After eating and drinking, Heather threw a piece of Momo gummy candy into her mouth, sat on the sofa and read the book "Those Disappearing Magical Weapons".

"Hmm... it tastes like lychee? It's just okay."

This book is not very thick, with a total of 122 pages. It introduces in detail by category the magical weapons that have disappeared in the long history and turned into legends. Some of them even have pictures. There are many legends and myths that look very interesting, and Heather reads them with interest, such as——

[Stinging Bee] - a sacred object worshiped by the Clodiva clan about 1,500 years ago. This is an artifact given by the [Venomous Bee Goddess Nela] they believe in. It is taken from the sting of Nela's pet giant bee. .

Legend has it that as long as you are hit by this bee sting. Even if you just scratch the skin, you will be infected by a total of 17 kinds of toxins. The types of toxins are different every time, including the deadly poison that can cause blood and seal the throat, and the super paralyzing toxin that can instantly paralyze an elephant with just a little bit.

But as the Clodiva clan was exterminated in the tribal war, the enshrined dagger disappeared. Nowadays, many folklorists and historians believe that "Stinging Bee" is just a false thing created by the Crodiva clan to frighten hostile tribes. Its entity is bone smeared with strange poison and deliberately carved into the shape of a bee needle. dagger.

[Cold River Gentian] - the supreme artifact of the Gubarot Empire 2,000 years ago, the cross spear held by [Tion, the King of Winter] in the Balot myth. The spear is 3 meters long, and its entire body is made of green gold unique to the Fairy Country. The entire cross spear exudes intense cold air at all times. It is said that just waving it can cause snow disasters and cold winters. It has been enshrined in the royal capital for many years. Winter cold tower top.

Emperors of the Gubarot Empire in the past generations would go to the Winter Tower to worship this divine spear on the day they ascended the throne, and thereby obtain the power of ice gifted by the King of Winter.

The Gubarot Empire lasted for 470 years and eventually fell apart due to civil strife. According to unearthed text records, on the day the empire was destroyed, the Winter Cold Tower was struck by lightning that suddenly appeared on a sunny day. The tower body was damaged, and the [Hanhe Gentian] also disappeared. On that day, Balot XIV was assassinated, the royal family was surrounded and exterminated by rebels, and the largest empire in the world collapsed.

Heather turned another page and felt that the magical weapons recorded in the book were a bit strange.

It's a bit like... [Thinking Device]?

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