A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1359 It’s not him, it’s her

"Kurama, have you received the notice as well?"

In the abandoned building at night, a short and cold young man with a scarf on his head looked not far away.

There sat a handsome long-haired boy, who nodded slightly:

"I received the notice this afternoon. The messenger who broke into my house and talked nonsense was really rude. Have you decided to participate, Feiying?"

The short young man named Feiying sneered: "Anyway, we are all designated as members of Yusuke's group and forced to participate in this stupid dark martial arts tournament. That messenger is so stupid that I didn't have the patience to continue listening and killed him directly. Kurama, tell me what this dark martial arts tournament is about?"

Feiying and Kurama are both monsters. They used to be enemies with Yusuke, but in the end, because of Yusuke's personality charm, they chose to stand on Yusuke's side and help him overcome several difficulties. This also became the main reason why they were targeted by the forces of the organizers of the dark martial arts tournament.

"I have only heard of the Dark Martial Arts Conference. It is said that this martial arts conference is sponsored by many top wealthy and powerful people. They use dark power to create huge wealth, and each invites five members with the strongest demonic nature to form a team to fight with other teams. It can be said that it is the most evil and highest-level fighting skills battle in history.

The reason why the spirit world condones the convening of this competition is that the monsters entering the audience seats are required not to eat people, kill people, and other vicious behaviors during the two competitions, otherwise they will be refused entry.

Because the evil behaviors of monsters are indirectly restrained, the spirit world will turn a blind eye and even secretly support it. The competition is held.

This also boosted the arrogance of the organizers. They will force people like us who have close ties with the dark world but are regarded as thorns in the eyes of the dark forces to become the "guests" of the conference. If we refuse, it will be tantamount to sentencing ourselves to death.

The only way to survive is to win. "

Feiying frowned: "In other words, we need 5 people to form a team. You, me, Yusuke, and the disfigured one, there are only four people."

"I guess Yusuke and the others have also received the notice, so they invited us to meet here. After Yusuke and Kuwabara arrive, let's discuss it carefully."

Kurama is calmer. He has always been the military advisor in this small team.

"Why haven't those two idiots come yet?" Feiying leaned against the wall impatiently.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from above their heads--

"Hey, it's not a good habit to say bad things about people behind their backs, Feiying."

Someone is approaching! When? Kurama and Feiying looked up suddenly and found two familiar figures floating on the top of the abandoned factory, Yusuke and Kuwabara.

However, their looks now are very different from their previous school uniforms.

They wore black loose-fitting kimono-like clothes and pants, and carried simple-looking samurai swords with sheaths around their waists, just floating in the air.

"Wait, you... wait, spirits?" Kurama saw something was wrong at a glance. In his eyes, Yusuke and Kuwabara were still alive, but they had entered the state of spirits in their physical bodies.

Yusuke squatted in the air in a Yakuza-style habit, and smiled at the two people below: "Yo! Sorry for the wait... Woohoo!"

He leaned back dangerously, barely avoiding the sharp sword that was slashing towards his face.

Feiying was extremely fast, and his figure turned into a blurry shadow and chased after Yusuke, and the short sword in his hand danced countless phantoms.

Yusuke kept dodging and moving, and actually avoided all of Feiying's super-fast continuous slashes.

Ka! He lightly grasped the blade of the dagger that Hiei was about to strike again, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Are you crazy, Hiei? This way of greeting is too dangerous!"

"You have become stronger, how did you do it in such a short time?"

Hiei swung his sword to break free from Yusuke's fingers, and lightly jumped onto the steel frame of the factory roof, staring at Yusuke: "And this spiritual body, you died again?"

Yusuke recalled what happened in the past two days and shuddered: "It's better to die, or to live is worse than death."

"Urahan and I worshipped under a famous teacher and learned invincible power in the world!" Kuwabara put his hand on the handle of the samurai sword at his waist with a proud face: "Unfortunately, you and Kurama are no longer the opponents of Uraehan and me."

"You are talking nonsense, but your disfigured face still shows no signs of repair." Hiei complained mercilessly.

"Yusuke, Kuwabara, what's going on?" Kurama threw out a thorny vine whip and pulled himself to the roof beam, looking at Yusuke and Kuwabara in surprise.

"Just like Kuwabara said before, we have learned a new and extremely powerful power from a famous teacher. Now I am no longer a detective in the spirit world, but a [Death God]."

Yusuke said shockingly.

Death God? Feiying and Kurama looked at each other, full of confusion.

The only person in this world who can be related to the "Death God" is Yusuke's good friend Mudan. She is one of the spirit world guides under the command of the Little King of Hell, responsible for guiding the souls of the dead to the spirit world. But Yusuke and Kuwabara don't look like spirit world guides, right?

And that knife... Feiying focused on the samurai sword on Yusuke's waist. He is a master of swordsmanship, so he can naturally feel the extraordinaryness of the knife.

"Hey, Urameshi, can you just talk about this? You won't get scolded by the master, right?" Kuwabara's face was filled with fear when he mentioned 'master', no longer looking forward to his mother like before.

"Stupid, it was the master who asked us to find Hiei and Kurama, so naturally he wanted to bring them into the group. What's wrong with revealing it in advance?"

Yusuke drew out the samurai sword from his waist with the scabbard and held it horizontally in front of him:

"The name of this sword is now 'Asauchi', which represents my soul. It's not a decorative word, but a fact."

"The current name?" Kurama always finds the most critical information: "When the name of this sword changes, its power will change? And your soul, Yusuke, will also change?"

Yusuke chuckled: "See, it has to be Kurama again. It's comfortable to talk to smart people, and I don't need to rack my brains to explain it to you."

Kuwabara also drew out the samurai sword from his waist: "Master said that Urameshi and I have the qualifications to extract part of our souls and make Asauchi that belongs only to us.

When we have Asauchi, the spiritual power we possess has also been greatly improved, as if the soul has completed an all-round sublimation. In addition, there is this..."

Kuwabara held the samurai sword upside down in his left hand, and pointed his right hand diagonally towards the empty space below, with his index and middle fingers together.

He took a deep breath and said loudly:

"White and blue roar! The pen of the sky mist draws a dazzling white line, taking the power of heaven!

The fourth broken way, [white thunder]!"

The abandoned factory that was originally shrouded in darkness was suddenly illuminated by white light!

The bluish-white lightning gathered between Kuwahara's fingers and turned into a white line that instantly crossed the internal space of the factory, and cut a deep pit diagonally in the open space!

"Magic?" Kurama couldn't believe his eyes. Kuwahara was obviously a pure human, how could he use magic?

And this power is no less powerful than the heavy sniper rifles in the human world! Wait, the fourth broken way?

He hurriedly asked: "Kuwabara, the power of the 'Hado' you just performed, is it arranged in the forward or reverse order according to the sequence?"

"Forward. Master said that I am a genius in practicing the ghost way. As long as I continue to practice for a period of time, I can give up chanting spells."

Kuwabara rubbed his nose proudly, and Yusuke beside him turned his head away with an unhappy face: "Show-off ghost."

He has amazing talents in the 'fist' and 'walking' of 'cut fist walk ghost', which is exactly the opposite of Kuwabara's 'cut' and 'ghost'.

Although he can also practice the ghost way, it is limited to the first one of the Hado [rush], which is similar to the spirit pill that shoots a small shock wave composed of spiritual power at the fingertips, unlike Kuwabara who has already started to practice the eleventh one of the Hado.

It's better to continue using the spirit pill.

Thinking of this, Yusuke looked at Hiei and Kurama, who were surrounding Kuwabara with burning eyes, patiently listening to him bragging about his amazing talent.

Based on Yusuke's many years of gaming experience, Hiei should be more talented in 'walking' and 'slashing', and Kurama is undoubtedly a super genius who has practiced 'ghost'.

If we can get them both to join the team, plus the team leader, Master, by the time of the competition, we will have a team of five Death Gods, who can stop us?

Just as Yusuke was imagining that he was going to kill a lot of people and show off, Hiei came to Yusuke: "Yusuke, lead the way?"

"Lead...ah? Lead what way?"

"Stop pretending. You and Disfigured Face (Kuwabara: Hey! You keep scolding!) invited us out to show off your power. Isn't it just to get me and Kurama to join the group?

Tell the person behind you that I agree. Take me to see him now. If you want to become his apprentice, I have no problem at all. If you need a gift for becoming an apprentice, I can get him any precious treasure."

As he said that, he pointed his thumb at his forehead wrapped in a cloth strip: "After all, I am the evil-eyed thief. I can find anything I want."

"I am also interested, Yusuke." Kurama also came over with a gentle expression: "Can you introduce me to Hiei?"

"Of course you can, but I want to correct one thing..."

Yusuke said seriously:

"It's not [him], but [her]."

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