A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1365: Speedy Play

The ending is of course Yusuke's victory.

The special spirit balls fired with the Zanpakutō 'Reidara' are called 'heavy spirit balls' by him. A single heavy spirit ball requires Toguro to use 120% of his muscle state to resist. Both he and Yusuke know what will happen to Toguro, who is exhausted, when facing the next five consecutive heavy spirit balls.

This martial artist who won the Dark Martial Arts Championship as a human fifty years ago and voluntarily abandoned his human body to become a demon was eventually crushed to pieces by the five consecutive heavy spirit balls, leaving no residue, and even his soul was annihilated.

Regarding the final outcome of his former lover, Genkai just sighed and remained silent for a long time.

The only remaining members of Toguro's team are Toguro's brother and his sponsor Sakyo. The former turned around and tried to escape without hesitation, but was nailed to the spot by the sword of light thrown by Kuwabara.

Brother Toguro still wanted to escape by relying on his ability to change his body shape, but the Sword of Light brought him not only pain, but also the pulse of spiritual power that sealed all demonic power.

In the distance, Kuwabara's Zanpakutō had also completed the Shikai, and there were four Swords of Light floating beside him, named [Light Arrow Fist].

The four Swords of Light were remotely controlled by Kuwabara's spiritual energy, just like floating cannons. Once the target hit by the Light Arrow Fist had demonic energy in the body, it would be deprived of mobility by the sealed demonic power. The stronger the demonic power level, the more obvious the effect, but the total demonic power must be lower than Kuwabara's spiritual energy.

If it was Brother Toguro, he would naturally not be affected by the Spirit Arrow Fist, but Brother Toguro was miserable, just stepping on the "passing line" and couldn't move at all.

On the other hand, Sakyo was a ruthless person. He was just an ordinary human and knew that he could not resist the fierce men of the Death God Team at all, so he took out the remote control that had been prepared long ago and pressed the detonation button.

He had already buried a large number of explosive bombs in the venue to deal with this situation. He wanted to let everyone present be buried with his dream.

Sakyo originally wanted to use the 45% bonus from the last and this champion sponsors to carry out the plan of "digging a big hole connecting the human world and the demon world". He wanted to see A-level or even S-level demons break into the human world unscrupulously, and he wanted to see the human world become a doomsday scene.

But with the fall of Toguro, everything became empty talk. Sakyo could never find a demon stronger than Toguro and like-minded with him. In other words, he had nothing to live for.

It's a pity that all his plans became empty talk, and he couldn't even let the audience and the Death Team be buried with him.

Because maggots don't have fingers to press the detonation button.

Not only Sakyo, but also Toguro who was nailed by Kuwabara and a large number of demons in the audience, all turned into various low-level reptiles at this moment. Only the relatives and friends of the Death Team and a few demon audiences who had never done evil and eaten people survived.

Yusuke and the others were sweating profusely and dared not move, their eyes fixed on Moshi.

They saw that their beloved teacher Moshi was holding an extremely gorgeous golden cross sword, and almost all the demons reflected by the orange-gold light on the sword were forcibly demoted.

"【Rule the world, absolute kingship】."

Moshi said the Zanpakutō release words gently, and gently shook the cross sword.

At the same time, all the low-level reptiles that were demoted exploded and died.

"So powerful, that's Moshi teacher's Zanpakutō!" Yusuke was sweating profusely, and the little pride he had from easily defeating Toguro before was instantly wiped out, and he whispered to his friends next to him.

Kurama swallowed his saliva: "It completely matches my impression of Mr. Moshi - absolutely powerful."

Moshi casually dispersed the light spots transformed by the absolute kingship, and looked at Yusuke and others with a smile: "Well, this should be considered as winning the championship of the Dark Martial Arts Tournament, right? Everyone, get ready, it's time to go home."

The Dark Martial Arts Tournament, which requires risking life in the eyes of others, is not even an ordinary vacation for Moshi.

In the spiritual world, Heather looked at the message Moshi left for her and raised her eyebrows.

She was completing the task step by step. Next, she had to wait for Senshui and his group to dig a tunnel, so that she would have a reason to go to the demon world to complete the other two tasks openly.

It will take some time in between, and Heather decided to go and see other weapon people playing... Oh, no, how is the progress of completing the task.


The Shadow Luo Organization is not a small-scale evil organization like ordinary evil organizations. It is a global super criminal organization that integrates biological weapons research and development and smuggling of biological and chemical drugs and arms.

Yingluo not only has a strict organizational structure and division of labor, but also has many strong people inside.

Such a terrorist organization that threatens the whole world is now suffering from an unprecedented crisis.

Da da da da! The dense gunfire continued, and there were also exclamations and screams.

"This, this guy is not human! Monster, monster!"

"Bullets are useless, they can't break his skin at all, quickly get the rocket launcher!"

"Sniper rifles are also completely ineffective, is this guy really human? Wait, wait, ah ah ah!"

The fleeing Yingluo organization members desperately fled along the narrow corridor, and suddenly saw the heavy metal wall bulging with a huge arc, and then the wall was blown to pieces, with a large number of limbs and broken metal blocks scattered all over most of the corridor.

The Yingluo soldiers were so scared that they sat on the ground and trembled all over. Even holding a submachine gun in their hands did not provide any comfort at all.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

The other side of the huge hole in the collapsed wall was filled with smoke, and there were heavy footsteps coming from it. A huge figure was looming in the smoke.

Swish! A heavy object was thrown out of the smoke and hit the wall at the other end of the corridor with a snap, making a sound of a half-full water bag being hit hard against the wall.

There was a conspicuous bloodstain on the metal wall sliding down, and a pile of broken meat that looked like no human was lying on the ground.

"Mr. Baroque?" The Yingluo soldier couldn't speak clearly, and his eyes were full of fear.

The one lying there was Baroque, the leader of the law enforcement team, one of the four kings of the Yingluo organization. This once arrogant world-class master was now all over his body with broken bones and limbs twisted into a terrible appearance, and he had long since stopped breathing.

Dong, Dong, Dong... The heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the teeth of the surviving Yingluo soldiers were chattering.

Finally, the huge figure in the smoke crossed the huge hole and stepped into the corridor.

Kaido held a mace on his shoulder with his right hand, and with his left hand, he grabbed a black man's head like a chicken, and didn't care even if he struggled.

The Yingluo soldiers knew who the black man was. He was Baisen, one of the four kings. His special move, Crazy Bison, could smash a heavy truck with one punch. At this time, Baisen's head was held in Kaido's hand, and there was a creaking sound of his skull cracking between his fingers. Baisen struggled to survive and punched Kaido desperately, hoping to force him to let go.

"Oh, cackle, are you tickling me?"

Kaido yawned, picked up Baisen and raised his head to look at him at eye level:

"Where is your Yingluo boss?"

PS: There is another chapter in the afternoon, and I will make up for it.

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