A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1373 The True Use of the Black Coffin

Mushishi City.

This is a medium-sized city, originally quiet and peaceful, but now it is filled with a large number of [insects] that humans cannot see.

They are insects from the demon world, and their mere existence will have a huge impact on humans.

The reason why so many demon world insects suddenly appeared is that a huge tunnel connecting the human world and the demon world was opened in Mushishi City.

Sakyo's unfinished business was unexpectedly achieved so smoothly.

"Originally, this kind of thing is impossible. Japan reached the peak of the Dark Age hundreds of years ago. It is impossible for a cave of this size to be naturally formed at this stage. This is a phenomenon caused by human forces."

As the group walked in the forest behind Mushi City, Genkai explained slowly:

"The boundary tunnel is expanding at an extremely abnormal speed, which is obviously affected by human forces. Because the range of change is too narrow, the spirit world has only discovered it now.

Now the human world has begun to be affected, and Mushi City is the first to bear the brunt. In the past month, about thirty people have come to me. They have awakened their abilities, and they are all from Mushi City."

"It's just awakening abilities, isn't it good... Ouch!" Yusuke said carelessly, and then Genkai hit him hard on the back of his head.

"Idiot! If the boundary tunnel is fully opened, mankind will be finished!" Genkai said angrily.

Kurama asked, "So, how many stages does it take for the boundary tunnel to open?"


Genkai raised four fingers:

"First, in the first stage, the miasma in the human world gradually becomes thicker, and the lower creatures in the demon world begin to breed.

In the second stage, as the demon world gradually approaches, humans will be influenced by it and many people with special abilities will appear. This is a spontaneous defense method of the human world.

In the third stage, high-level monsters below level D begin to be born in the human world one after another.

Then, when the radius of the tunnel exceeds one kilometer, it will reach the final stage."

As he spoke, Genkai's forehead was slightly covered with cold sweat:

"B-level and C-level monsters can enter and exit the human world freely, and Toguro is only at the level of B-level. Above him are A-level and S-level.

Especially S-level, that is a big monster that even the spirit world can't deal with!"

"What on earth does the spirit world do? Why can't it control this or that?" Kuwabara was puzzled.

"The Demon Realm is equivalent to a huge, deep, wide, and layered underground building. The Spirit Realm can only reach half of the first floor. The more powerful the demons are, the deeper they live in the Demon Realm.

A long time ago, the Spirit Realm spent a lot of power to set up a powerful space barrier between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm. It was a means to prevent A-level and S-level demons from passing through the barrier and reaching the human world.

I am worried that the goal of the mastermind is not only to open the boundary tunnel to let B-level demons in, but the other party's real purpose should actually be to destroy the barrier and let A-level and S-level demons wreak havoc on the human world.

Ah, we are here."

Everyone came to a cave.

"Inside is the base where the mastermind [Xianshui] is located, and it is also the entrance to the boundary tunnel."

Huanhai looked at the others: "It's too late now, there is no turning back?"

"What a joke, old woman! I'm going to rush in and beat my senior so hard that he begs for mercy!" Yusuke laughed and clenched his fists, with a Zanpakuto on his waist.

The mastermind behind this incident has been identified. It is the previous spirit world detective, named Senshui, who is also known as the most powerful human.

When Senshui was a spirit world detective, no demon could escape alive from his hands. His spiritual power was so strong that it was amazing.

It was a pity that the overly righteous heart brought by the strong spiritual power was destroyed by the extremely ugly dark side of human beings discovered during a mission.

During that mission, Senshui killed all the humans and demons present, and went to the spirit world database to steal the confidential [Black Chapter] videotape, which is said to record all the evil deeds of mankind.

"It seems that Senshui has gone from one extreme to another and wants to destroy all mankind." Kurama looked at the entrance of the cave and sighed.

Yusuke was eager to try: "Are we just going to rush through the main gate like this?"

Hiei sneered, and a little black flame entangled on his raised right hand: "Just what I want."

Kuwabara held the hilt of the knife at his waist: "The great mission of saving mankind, leave it to me, Kuwabara Kazuma!"

Since the end of the Dark Martial Arts Tournament, the four of them have been receiving guidance from Moshi, and they believe that their strength is much stronger than that during the Dark Martial Arts Tournament, especially Kurama and Hiei, whose normal demon power has reached B level, and their full power period is even more likely to recover to the peak level of A level. Even the 'Senshui', which is known as the strongest human, is not taken seriously by them.

Kurama looked back and asked respectfully, "Teacher Moshi, what do you think?"

Moshi was wearing a white women's suit, with her long silver hair tied into a ponytail at the back of her head. She said with a smile, "Ah, little Kurama is more considerate and knows to ask the teacher's opinion. Unlike others, they are too independent~"

"Uh..." Yusuke and the other two did not dare to speak. They knew that their teacher was bored and was about to start making trouble. The best strategy was to shut up and not talk.

Seeing that the others did not talk, Moshi stopped teasing them, but raised her slender hand and pointed in the direction of the cave: "Since you are here, why not say hello in the way of the god of death?"

As she spoke, the black spirit particle vortex gathered between her fingers——

"The turbid emblems faintly reveal the unruly and arrogant talents, the tide! Denial! Paralysis! Instant! Hindering the long sleep! The crawling iron princess, the clay doll that constantly hurts itself, combine! Rebound! Extend to the ground, and know your own powerlessness!

Hado No. 90, [Black Coffin]!"

Yusuke and others were shocked. The 90th Hado was used by Mr. Moshi himself, and it was in a complete chanting state! They immediately released their spiritual pressure and demonic power to protect themselves. Yusuke, who had stronger spiritual power, even held up a shield to protect the illusion sea.

The next moment, the huge black spiritual pressure turned into a dark sea, covering the entire valley.

"The black coffin is not just used to imprison the enemy and poke around with a few black knives. [Gravity rushing like time and space distortion], this is its true face."

Moshi waved his fingers gently like a band conductor:

"Show it, the heavy city of black ink, the throne of dark iron."

A complex of high-rise buildings made entirely of darkness rose from the black sea, and on it there were countless black cross swords interlaced and intertwined, forming an intricate dark steel jungle.

Then, the dark city suddenly fell and reversed, and the valley area of ​​Mushishi City where the cave was located was instantly crushed.

Yusuke and others only felt the ground rumbling and shaking under their feet, and all the scenery between heaven and earth was swaying. This was not an illusion, but a phenomenon of time and space turbulence caused by abnormal gravity.

The chaos lasted for about five seconds, and the roar gradually stopped.

Yusuke and others opened their eyes and found themselves enveloped by a golden ball of light, perfectly protected.

"It's the power of Mr. Moshi." Kurama breathed a sigh of relief. He was not sure that he could protect himself from the complete chanting of the 90th broken path just now.

At this time, Kuwabara pointed to the front and shouted: "Look!"

Everyone looked and found that the cave had disappeared, replaced by an extremely huge deep pit!

Strong demonic energy was drifting out from the depths of the huge hole.

"Look, isn't it easy to find the target?"

Moshi clapped his hands and said cheerfully:

"Let's finish this quickly. There are still two episodes of TV series to watch in the evening."

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