A foreigner's journey

Chapter 142 Collection, meeting again

After waiting for about ten minutes, a large four-wheeled cart came rattling over under the pull of two Maru Birds, accompanied by four hunters with weapons.

The leader of the guard was a bald man wearing a green bear suit and carrying a metal spear and shield behind him. He waved enthusiastically when he saw Heather and Irshan from a distance.

"Ah, it's Mr. Gungrudo who is stationed at the camp."

Ershan also waved to the bald man.

Hunters' guilds generally look for one or several locations in legal hunting areas near human gathering places (cities or villages) that are not within the territory of large monsters, and transform the locations into campsites suitable for human hunters.

Generally speaking, one or two hunters will be stationed in each camp to prevent small monsters from attacking the camp. Recently, due to the appearance of thunder and lightning monsters, Jieyun Village dispatched four hunters from the village to temporarily station themselves in the camp. It can be said that it is a big battle.

The bald man Gangludo was an outstanding hunter in the village. Heather and Irshan had already greeted him when they entered the hunting area, so the camp was waiting for a signal from Irshan. Unexpectedly, after just over an hour, the two young men had already finished hunting.

The transport truck drove to the stream, and people were surprised to find the huge body of the green bear.

Gunrudo subconsciously stroked his bare head and praised: "This is the first time I have seen such a big green bear beast. You two are too awesome... Little Tok, how long is it? Do you have a [Golden Crown]? "


The bow hunter who was responsible for measuring the length of the Blue Bear beast shouted loudly: "847cm, far exceeding the previous record of 592cm for the Blue Bear Beast [Golden Crown], the new [Golden Crown] must be it!"

The Hunters Guild will record the length of the hunted monster every time. If it is the largest individual in history, then the prey will be given the title of [Golden Crown], and the hunter will also be awarded certificates and bonuses.

This is not only to record monster ecology and data, but also to prove the monster hunter’s medal. Think about it, the largest recorded individual of this kind of monster in history was defeated by your weapon. From now on, this monster group will never be able to compete with you.

Hearing the answer from the bow hunter Little Tok, the bald man Gangludo gave a thumbs up to Heather and Irshan.

"Are you two coming back to Jie Yun Village with us, or are you waiting a little longer?"

"We will take this opportunity to collect some materials nearby. You should go back first and be careful along the way."

Gangludo nodded and said nothing more. This is also the habit of many hunters in Yuyun Village. After the mission is completed, they do not rush to leave but walk around. Sometimes they can collect a lot of rare medicinal materials and weapons and equipment. material. Anyway, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so the Hunter Guild turns a blind eye to this.

Watching the trailer carrying the Green Bear body gradually go away, Hachi and Sasaki, who were hiding in the grass, pushed out the hidden cat cart.

Heather originally planned to collect more materials after the hunt and take the cat cart around to see if she could get some private work.

There are many huge ancient trees with deep entangled roots in the dense jungle. The two people and the two cats were pushing the cat cart among the forest floor paved with thick rotten leaves. Mottled light and shadow shone on them through the layers of branches and leaves.

Along the way, they found a lot of herbs and blue mushrooms, which are the basic materials for making recovery medicine. Perhaps they can learn from Xiaohachi and Sasaki how to prepare the 'Elu recovery medicine granules'.

Elshan discovered a huge beehive on the top of a large tree branch, and the stream's specialty honey [bear honey]. This is a necessity for preparing Recovery Potion G (an advanced version of Recovery Potion). It is also a precious ingredient. Many restaurants and big families in big cities purchase this specialty honey at a high price.

The two men and the two cats groaned and squatted under the tree to collect all the dripping honey into the jars prepared in advance. After returning, they could use some special methods to preserve the honey for a long time.

I don't know if it was the effect of the recovery medicine, but Ershan could move freely, and Heather didn't feel that much pain all over her body. She even felt that the mental energy in her body was gradually recovering, and the upper limit was actually increased a lot.

The playful battles in the past could only be said to be a warm-up for Heather and did not play a role in training her mind energy at all. It wasn't until she came to the world of Monster Hunter, in the life-and-death battles, that Heather could feel threatened, gain valuable combat experience, and grow from there.

Gala, galala, gala...

There was a sound of wheels colliding with the ground.

Two Ellu cats were pushing a cat cart through the forest. Lying on the cat cart was a wounded hunter, groaning in unbearable pain.

Heather and Xiaoba looked at each other. This guy's voice... sounded familiar?

Without saying a word, one person and one cat immediately took out the sheets and paper sheets from the bag and put them on their heads respectively, transforming into a cyclone charging cat car man. Irshan and Sasaki also hurriedly put fox masks and large wooden barrels on their heads.

The two Ellu cats were working hard at pushing the cart. When they noticed the oncoming cat cart and the driver, they got excited and meowed loudly:

"Meow! Meow! It's Tornado Charge Cat Driver Meow!"

"Meow! Sign, sign! Do you have an autograph book with you, meow?"

"I didn't bring it, meow! Damn it, you met your idol but didn't bring your autograph book. It's a heinous crime, meow!"

The hunter who was sitting on the cat car whined a little less. He looked up and saw two El cats dancing with excitement. He reluctantly moved his neck and looked behind him, and then he was shocked: "Why are you two!? "

Heather and Xiaoba also pointed at the hunter and shouted, "Oh! It's the Lightning Luther who dares to race against the Wild Boar King!!"

The half-dead hunter on the cat car was Luther, the hunter who was nearly trampled to pulp by a herd of wild boars in Heather and Xiaoba's first sale.

"Luther, why did you get into the cat carriage again, meow?" Xiaoba, who had a paper bag on his head, jumped to the cat carriage carrying Luther and asked curiously: "Meow, did you meet the Wild Boar King again?"

"No, it's a colorful bird! An evil, obscene, dirty, shameless, despicable, vicious monster, my lifelong enemy, Lord Luther!"

It's okay not to mention it. When he mentioned the colorful bird, Luther jumped up from the cat carriage and shouted: "I'm going to skin it alive! I'm going to pluck out its feathers one by one and glue them on." On the broom and take it to clean the stinky stall!!”

After the impassioned declaration of revenge, Luther clutched his buttocks and lay back on the cat car, letting out a weak wailing sound.

"Isn't the difficulty of your mission increasing too quickly?" Heather was a little surprised: "Is it because the little wild boar can't satisfy you?"

"Yes, your HR level is not high enough for the mission of hunting colorful birds, right?" Ilshan couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I was... invited to join a hunting team. The original goal was to hunt twelve little dragons."

Luther said weakly: "I didn't expect that when we were fighting with the little dragon, that devil-like colorful bird broke into the hunting ground. It was so scary. That guy could actually summon other large monsters! We couldn't escape. We can only fight hastily... By the way! Captain and the others are still fighting hard!"

Ignoring the pain in his butt, he sat up and looked at Heather and Xiaoba: "You two can use the Cat Car to repel the Wild Boar King. You must be extremely powerful. Please go save the captain and the others!"

"Uh..." Heather and Ershan looked at each other. They had just finished their bitter battle with Hongdou and didn't really want to confront another large monster head-on.

"10000Z! I will pay you 10000Z as long as you rescue three of my teammates! No need to defeat Cainiao!"

"Say the location!" The voices of the two men and the two cats were extremely firm.

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