A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1390 Knight and Wolf

Deep in the foggy forest, two figures were walking quickly through.

With a tall and muscular body, a body-covered battle armor, a black fur cloak, and a giant sword as tall as a man, there is no doubt that this is a brave and skilled fighter.

Even if his head has the appearance of a wolf, it cannot conceal the warrior's edge.


The half-man, half-wolf warrior's feet suddenly exerted force, withered leaves mixed with soil flying everywhere. He turned into a swift shadow and leapt forward. He raised his giant sword high and struck it down headfirst!

Clang! ! A dull, heart-wrenching metal collision sounded, and sparks flew everywhere, even lighting up the dark foggy forest for a moment.

The tall knight, whose whole body was wrapped in ferocious dark blue armor, held the sword tightly with both hands, resisting the wolf warrior's fatal jump attack.

Creak... creak... The two swords kept wrestling, and the clusters of sparks bursting out at the contact point were extremely dazzling.

The wolf warrior flew up and kicked the knight hard in the chest and abdomen, kicking the latter violently backwards. Then he turned into a swift shadow and chased after him. He swung his sword and slashed horizontally.

But the inevitable horizontal slash was in vain.

When the knight was kicked out and had yet to hit the ground, he reached his arms down, plowed a three-meter-long drag mark on the ground, and then forcibly fixed his body with his arms, keeping his body parallel to the ground to avoid this. A fatal horizontal cut.

Then the knight's arms used force to bounce his body up, and his sword turned into a rapidly rotating steel turbine. High-speed heavy chops from top to bottom continued to bombard the giant sword that the wolf warrior blocked in front of him.

The sound of dense metal collisions immediately sounded in the foggy forest.


The wolf warrior let out a roar that was no different from that of a mad wolf, and swung his sword violently to shake away the steel vortex in front of him. Only then did he realize that he had been forced to move back nearly three meters by the continuous attacks, and his feet were on the ground. Drag out deep traces.

Snap! The knight landed steadily on the top of the ruins of an ancient building a few meters away. The sword in his hand was pointed at the werewolf in the distance. There was a faint red light and steam on the blade.

"I thought he was just a little kid following me, but I didn't expect him to be quite capable."

The werewolf warrior slammed the giant sword on the ground, and the tip of the sword sank into the ground:

"I am Blaze, tell me your name, knight."

"As expected...you are Blaze with the head of a wolf and the body of a human body."

The knight took off his helmet, revealing a handsome face with a melancholic temperament and long black curly hair.

"I am Lancelot, an unknown person who serves Lord Heather."

"Heather? I've never heard of it. Where did you come from, a great noble or a lord? Your ability is comparable to the corrupt knights of the Broken War era. If you were placed in the king's army, you would be the well-deserved chief knight. I really can't imagine it. To think that a strong person like you would humble yourself as a 'nobody'."

Blaze's wolf face grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp white teeth:

"Your strength has won my respect. Before continuing the war, please explain your intention to follow me, 'Unknown One'."

Lancelot lowered his sword blade and said in a deep voice: "The target of my trip is you, the half-man, half-wolf Blaze. After asking many questions, I finally learned information about you from a wandering merchant. ”

"Oh? It seems that Gale gave the information. Did you kill him? Or tortured him?" Werewolf Blaze's tone became sinister.

Lancelot shook his head slightly: "No, that is against the spirit of chivalry. I just helped him a few times, and he gave me information about you and asked me to come to the fog forest to find you, and help you if possible. ”

"So? You found me, but you still didn't tell me your true intentions. I don't believe you really intend to help me."

Blaze clenched the hilt of the giant sword tightly with his five fingers, lowering his body slightly. Often they would get into a fight if they disagreed.

"Then let me tell you straight. My Lord wants to see you, so he sent me to find you. Can you please come with me, Mr. Blazer?"

Lancelot's great sword has also returned to cooling from its previous red temperature state, but there is a slight chip on the blade.

Blaze obviously noticed this and couldn't help but let out a deep laugh: "You are not planning to fight me with that useless sword, are you?"

"A knight will not die with his bare hands. Even if the sword he holds is damaged, I can still seize the enemy's weapons and use them for my own use." Lancelot also lowered his body, preparing to jump down from the wreckage of the building to attack Blaze.

But Blaze suddenly raised his hand: "Let's take a break from this meaningless fight. The fight between you and me is meaningless. Even if you take ten thousand steps back, even if you really have some trump cards to defeat me here, I won't." I will follow you to see your master, because the figure I show in front of you is just a shadow."

shadow? Lancelot was stunned. The feeling during the battle could not be faked. The opponent was obviously a physical entity. But how could such a proud warrior tell low-level lies?

"Turn your consciousness into a projection and walk on the earth. This is a technique taught to me by 'someone'. And you should be able to feel that if you continue to fight within twenty moves, you will be completely destroyed due to the damage of the weapon." Defeat."

Blaze held on to the hilt of the giant sword that was stuck upside down on the ground, and his tall body was wrapped in a black fur cloak:

"Why don't you listen to my opinion?"

"...Please tell me."

"I am hunting down a man named Dariwell. I heard that he escaped to the foggy forest area of ​​Nimgefu.

If you can find him and kill him, you will also be qualified to fight me fairly.

When the battle is over, if you are still alive, I will listen to your request seriously. "

Lancelot thought for a few seconds, then nodded slightly: "Fair and reasonable request, I agree."

After that, Lancelot was about to turn around and leave. Obviously, he had his own way of finding people.

At this time, Blaze suddenly called him: "Wait a minute, knight."

Lancelot stopped and looked back at Blaze.

Blaze asked seriously: "You said you serve a master named Heather. So, are you the strongest among his warriors?"

Lancelot showed a self-deprecating expression and put on his helmet again:

"Unfortunately, I am just the least popular among the many warriors under the great master."

As the voice fell, Lancelot's figure disappeared in the depths of the fog forest.

"It turned out to be the weakest one... Haha, looking at his eyes, he doesn't look like the type who would lie. "

The werewolf Blaze muttered to himself as he pulled the giant sword out of the ground and put it on his back again:

"Princess Ranee, it seems that another ambitious lord has appeared in this border area.

But please rest assured, no matter what kind of enemy it is, I, Blaze, as your shadow beast, will clear them one by one for you."

As he said this, he wrapped his black fur cloak tightly around his body and soon disappeared into the depths of the misty forest.

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