A foreigner's journey

Chapter 158 Strange Cats and Strangers ver.1 (Fourth update)

The cat cars and drivers present had very different styles, and it was obvious that they had all made great efforts and improvements in order to be more worthy of the title given by Heather.

"The first one to appear is——[Triangular Arrow]!!"

A combination of a big black-haired Elu cat with a headband and a colorful little Elu cat appeared together. They are Neko Yuryu and Jiro Maru, brothers respectively.

Their cat car is called "Triangle Arrow". The entire cat car is streamlined and its surface is completely covered with polished metal. There are large irregular lines on the wheel surface. The wheel hubs are also made of polished metal. The front end of the cat car is shaped into a sharp triangle. , and cool-looking turbine jets extend to the sides and rear of the car body respectively.

Dudu waved his red scarf and meowed: "Meow! Rules, show the most powerful and cool attack posture of the cat car, and the jury will give a fair score, meow."

Following the direction pointed by her little paw, the so-called [Judge Committee] - Tornado Cat Driver (Heather), Floating Cannon (Ilshan), Yagami (Hachi), and Kagura (Sasaki) sat on the temporary In front of the long table that was set up, score cards were placed on the table in front of him.

"Ready - start meowing!"

"Erlangmaru, we can't let Mr. Cat Che Man underestimate our brother, Meow!" The big cat Yulong looked at his younger brother with a cool look on his face.

"Well, don't worry, brother, Jiromaru will definitely do his best, nya!" The little Jiromaru nodded vigorously.

The two cats pushed the cat cart towards the huge Wild Boar King model in front. As the cat cart continued to accelerate, the jet vents on both sides of the car began to expand.

"Now! Jiromaru!"


There was a sudden loud muffled sound inside the jet device, and a large amount of black smoke and fire suddenly ejected from the jet nozzle. The entire body of the vehicle suddenly accelerated under the powerful propulsion force!

Inside the jet device were lava blocks and burning coal that the brothers had collected from the area where the blaster dragons were active. The two collided with each other under the action of the switch and produced a violent explosion. The shell of the jet device was made of rare blaster dragon heat-resistant materials. The shell is assembled and can completely withstand such strong explosions.

The triangular arrow quickly approached the giant Wild Boar King model with the help of strong propulsion. As the body continued to press down, the triangular head on the front of the body protruded and rotated half a circle, turning into a sharp blade from top to bottom.


At the moment when the triangular arrow came into contact with the huge Wild Boar King model, there was no direct collision. Under the action of strong propulsion and downforce, coupled with the brothers' clever control, the Cat Car actually started to climb directly along the surface of the Wild Boar King model at high speed. climb!

At the same time, the 'blade' at the front of the triangular arrow was constantly cutting the iron shell on the surface of the model with sparks flying, leaving a long, narrow and deep cut mark.

The two brothers stopped when they saw that they were ready. They pushed the triangular arrow around a corner and returned to the ground. The blade at the front also changed back to a triangle. However, the jet devices on both sides could not be extinguished for a while. The two brothers screamed and were carried farther and farther by the cat cart, gradually disappearing into the depths of the jungle with the crackling sound of branches breaking.

"Uh...thank you [Triangle Arrow] for bringing you a wonderful performance, please give the judges points!"

Swish, swish, swish!

[8], [10], [7], [6].

"I gave it 8 points because the jet device is very creative. Go back and ask them if they still have the heat-resistant casing of the Explosive Dragon in stock. I will buy it at a high price." The heat-resistant shell of the Explosive Dragon is a good thing, Heather. Call it greedy.

"10 points! So handsome!" I didn't know whether Yilshan was talking about the cat or the car.

"7 points! The pattern on the wheel surface has played a role in enhancing friction, but the driver's control of the cat car is a bit weak." Xiaoba, wearing a paper mask, sounded professional.

"Didn't they put brakes on the cat car? I can only give it 6 points." Sasaki scored very strictly.

"OK! Player No. 1 [Triangle Arrow]'s score is 31 points. Please invite the next player."

Dudu transformed into an enthusiastic commentator: "You've been waiting for a long time, please—[Special Cannon Envoy] Meow!"

An oversized cat car with a length of three meters appeared, and the driver of the cat car was only a big fat cat wearing a headscarf and goggles, and another Elle cat wearing myopic glasses sat on the cat car. , looking like he just woke up.

The cat car is painted in a dark green camouflage color, with solid metal defensive baffles erected on the front and both sides. There is a rotatable cannon on the body, and the wheels are much larger than ordinary cat cars. , the most important thing is that this cat car is 'four wheels'.

The Catmobile overall looks incredibly solid and solid.

"Fat Tiger and Nobita will show us the powerful combat power of the [Cannon Envoy]! Get ready—start!"

The big fat cat Fat Tiger used his brute force to start pushing the Cannon Envoy towards the Wild Boar King model. The little El Cat Nobita kept adjusting the direction of the fort.

Accompanied by a creaking sound, the barrel of this artillery tentatively expanded and contracted twice, and then continued to extend, turning into a long barrel similar to that of a tank.

The ammunition bin under the cat cart stores Nobita's specially made small artillery shells. As Fat Tiger pushes the cat cart with one hand while constantly turning the crank handle at the rear of the cart, the small shells inside the ammunition bin are pushed and filled into the artillery. middle.

"Fire, meow!" Fat Tiger's rough voice sounded more like the roar of a ferocious beast than an Elu cat.

The muzzle of the artillery flashed with dazzling fire, and the shell hit the top of the Wild Boar King model with a roaring sound, exploding in a fierce fire.

Fat Tiger kept pushing the cannon envoy to move erratically around the Wild Boar King model, while constantly shouting for targets such as 'head', 'shoulder', 'tail', and 'forelimb'. Nobita benefited from his amazing shooting talent , even if it is moving irregularly, it can accurately hit the target position reported by Fat Tiger in advance.

After firing the last 8 rounds, Fat Tiger and Nobita left the stage pushing the cat cart.

"Thank you [Special Cannon Envoy] for the wonderful performance. Now let me ask the jury to give you your score!"

Swish, swish, swish!


"I saw that the storage capacity of the ammunition bin is not high. It should only have 8 rounds at most, right? I don't know how you plan to solve the battery life problem, but the idea is great. 7 points!" Heather observed carefully and pointed out the most critical points accurately. problem lies in.

"10 points! So handsome!" Well, this is Ershan's usual style.

"7 points! My reason is the same as that of Cat Che Man." This is Xiaoba, Heather's loyal follower.

"I noticed that the gunner, Mr. Nobita, is very weak. Just turning the turret is very difficult. This is a taboo for cat car drivers. Sorry, I can only give 6 points." Sasaki is still strict in scoring.

"Oh! Very strict scoring! The score of contestant No. 2 [Cannon Envoy] is 30 points. Please invite the next contestant to come on stage. Let me see... Oh oh oh oh!! Please - [Dancing Angel" 】Meow!"

The audience immediately burst into enthusiastic cheers, and Hachi and Sasaki also became excited.

Heather was speechless. How much do you Ellu cats like the name [Dancing Angel]?

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